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Overview of how to boost puppy size

         Dogs are considered puppies from birth to 8 months of age hence the need to boost the size of a puppy before the vital growth phase is passed.

Every newborn puppy goes through very vital phase of puppy development during the first twelve weeks. However, each puppy develops differently, with smaller dogs tending to mature earlier and some large breeds not physically mature before they are two years old. While balanced nutrition is important for the whole of a puppy’s life, of particular interest is the growth phase, which is the most complex and delicate stage of a dog’s life, during which a multitude of macro and micro-nutrients are required at specific levels to ensure ideal growth and development of skeleton, joints and other body systems.

      By six months of age, your puppy’s growth will slow down. Most small dog breeds will be nearly finished growing at this time, though they may continue to fill out over the next three to six months. Medium dogs often keep growing for a few more months, but at a slower rate. Large and giant dog breeds tend to keep growing until they are 12 to 24 months old. Between six and eight months, many puppies have a “lanky” and awkward look that is quite adorable

     Puppies that are not growing at a normal rate or who are too small for their age are stunted; that is, something has prevented them from growing naturally or at a normal rate. There are several things that can cause stunted growth in puppies, ranging from intestinal worm infections to genetics. Most common ones are;

Worm Infection

   The most common reason why a puppy’s growth becomes stunted is because they are infected with hookworms or roundworms. Intestinal worms are extremely common in puppies.

They either contract worms from their mother or from the environment around them. If a puppy has an extremely heavy worm infestation, the worms can steal enough calories from the puppy to slow down her growth. Puppies that have a heavy worm burden typically look unthrifty: they have a poor hair coat, diarrhea, a big pot belly, and are small and thin despite a voracious appetite.


      Puppy food is formulated to support normal growth and development, and, it is not ideal to switching to adult food too soon or by mildly under-feeding. On the contrary, you can do much more damage to your puppy’s long term joint health by over-feeding or giving supplements while the pup is still growing. Puppies that suffer under extreme situations like starvation are at risk for stunted growth.

Spaying and Neutering

Delaying your dog’s spaying or neutering closure can cause dogs to grow taller than they should have. This can predispose the dog to later joint problems. For small or medium sized dogs, the standard recommendation is still to spay/neuter the dogs between 6-8 months of age. For large breed dogs, however, the recommendation is to hold off until the dog is older to lower the risk of joint disease. For females, spaying should wait until after the first heat cycle, and for males, neutering can be scheduled when the dog is around two years old.

Excessive Strenuous Exercise

   Engaging in strenuous exercise with your puppy will not stunt his growth, but the excessive impact associated with running may damage the growth plates of the long bones and cause them to develop abnormally, predisposing your puppy to joint issues later in life. Again, this is more a problem for large breed dogs because they simply weigh more. In view of this fact, we are advised to consult a veterinary doctor as to the best routine to follow in exercising a puppy.

Boosting Your Puppy’s Size                                     

At vetplanet we are all about your pet’s general health and wellness. Here are helpful tips on how to boost the size of your puppy and help him grow healthier.

  Talk to Your Veterinarian before embarking on a plan to boost the size of your puppy

Your dog’s veterinarian is your partner in your dog’s health care so talk to your vet before you make any changes regarding your dog’s weight. Ask your vet to perform a complete physical assessment as there are a number of diseases or health issues that can affect weight loss (or gain) as well as appetite. You’ll want to eliminate these prior to beginning a weight gain program. In addition, ask your veterinarian for a goal weight for your dog.

Choosing a Quality Dog Food Is rudimentary when we plan to boost the size of a puppy

Helping a healthy dog gain weight and size requires creating an eating program that focuses on increasing your dog’s nutrition rather than simply adding calories. Too many calories too quickly could cause digestive upsets that might include vomiting and/or diarrhea. Adding too much fat could cause digestive issues, too, including inflammation of the pancreas. The best food for your dog is one made with meats, eggs, vegetables, and fruits while avoiding cereal grains, by-products, and meat meals.

We, would recommend Burgess supadog puppy food, Activpet puppy dog food, Daimond Puppy Dry dog food, these are nutritious food your dog will enjoy. Also, keep in mind that the feeding guidelines for these foods are just suggestions. If your dog seems to still be hungry you can always increase their serving size.

Feeding with Proper Balanced Diet

Your puppy needs a balanced diet, which is found in many store-bought dog foods or can be prepared at home with the advice of your vet. A balanced diet gives your buddy energy, keeps their brain and body humming, and helps them grow. Most pups will wean from mother’s milk approximately a month after birth. That said, even when you take them off a diet that solely consists of milk, their bones and body will still be fragile and growing rapidly, which is why most vets will recommend providing your pup with a daily nutritional supplement.

Your puppy should get all the nutrients they need from puppy food with those labels. The key nutrients are: Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals, and water.

Exercise is Beneficial if you canmust boost the size of a puppy

It may seem counterproductive to recommend exercise for a dog who needs to gain weight. After all, exercise burns calories, right? Exercise is beneficial as it will help your thin dog build muscle which adds bulk to his body. Plus, activity will also increase your dog’s appetite. However, just as you increase what your dog eats gradually, increase his exercise gradually as well. Sore muscles are no fun for anyone. If your dog hasn’t been exercising regularly, ask your veterinarian how much your dog can do, then gradually increase it.

Vaccinations aimed at boosting the size of a puppy

A puppy will need to have vaccinations once it has been weaned. Naturally, what you do and don’t need will depend greatly upon several elements. Some pups are considered to be “high risk” and will require a more comprehensive vaccination program. Vaccines are the safest and most cost-effective ways to prevent infectious disease that than hamper your pup’s growth process.


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