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Overview of the best foods to fatten puppies

All pet owners want their pets to be at a healthy weight, While obesity is the primary concern for most dog owners, there are many instances in which a dog would need to gain weight. Thin dogs in particular tend to have a negative notation. Even though some are genetically programmed that way, the rest get a bad rap for being malnourished. With that in mind, many pet owners are looking into ways of adding some meat to the boney legs of their furry friends.

      Some dog owners lack education about proper canine nutrition. Malnourishment is usually the result of a serious lack of food being provided to the dog, but can also occur when food is provided but is of a poor quality and does not meet the nutritional requirements of the dog, or when a medical condition exists preventing the dog from making use of nourishment provided. When a dog is deprived of required nutrients, either through lack of food, or food deficient to meet their requirements, the dog’s metabolism will slow down and organs will adjust their functioning.

Here are the telltale symptoms of malnutrition ;

 * Ribs, spine and bones are visible from a distance, indicating little to no body fat and no muscle mass.

 * The dog’s coat may be scruffy or lack soft fur. He has dry skin or dandruff.

* Gas and fecal matter may be odoriferous; fecal matter may be extremely runny or hard.

* The dog may vomit bile.  

* Low energy level.

* Susceptible to illness

Dogs generally love eating, so sometimes, a decrease in appetite is the first sign of a larger problem. If you’ve noticed a change in your dog’s eating habits lately, the good news is that it doesn’t always have to be cause for major concern. There are several reasons your furry family member might be neglecting their food bowl, and not all of them signify a decline in health.

      Sure, there are times when finding an untouched or semi-eaten meal in your dog’s bowl can be caused by medical issues. On the other hand, a lack of appetite could also signify a behavioral issue or a change in preference. In most cases, these factors can be easily corrected.

Most often dog’s become slim to none or are not developing bodily as expected because you are buying and feeding them the wrong food.

Common Causes of weight loss in Dogs

Loss of appetite

     If your dog suddenly seems less interested in feeding time, he or she might begin to lose weight. There are different reasons as to why your four-legged friend is not as enthusiastic about food as before. They might be suffering from an illness, too depressed to eat or simply Does not like a change of diet.

Psychological trauma

Just like humans, psychological trauma causes lost weight in dogs. They might be too depressed or anxiety to eat. Such situations can be triggered by change of environment or routine and loss of a family member. Nevertheless, your dog won’t feed when in an uncomfortable environment, further contributing to a sudden decline in weight.


      Diseases can affect your dog’s metabolism and lead to losing weight. Illnesses such as diabetes (common in senior dogs) affect the body’s insulin intake, which in turn affects the dog’s ability to store body fat. Furthermore, illnesses affecting vital organs that provides crucial nutrients to your dog’s body, such as the liver, can have major effect on your dog’s ability to gain weight.

Poor feeding habits

      If your dog has a change in his feed habits, he might experience a drop in weight. If a dog takes less calories than what the body requires, he might not gain healthy weight or may begin to shade some.

Parasitical infections

A dog severely infested with parasites can experience sudden weight loss. For instance, intestinal worms such as tapeworms can deprive your dog Of some vital nutrients making him become malnourished. For this reason, it is wise to deworm your dog every two months.

Helpful tips on fattening your puppy

Regular deworming and ectoparasitic bath

      Worms are common among dogs. However, they tend to cause havoc on your dog’s ability to add weight. As a pet owner, it is wise to regularly deworm your dog and not necessarily when his feeding habits change. Remember worms, deprive your dog nutrients that nourish his or her body.

Exercising more often

Exercising your dog is beneficial if you are looking to fattening him up. It may seem counterproductive to recommend it for your fattening dog. After all, exercise is meant to burn calories, right? Exercise helps build muscle if you have an underweight dog, which adds bulk to his general body weight. Plus, the engaging activity increases your dog’s appetite.

Issuing of Supplementary Pills

      Just like in humans, supplementary pills are packed with vitamins that strengthen your dog’s immunity bettering his chances of gaining weight. The active ingredients present in each pill vary. Many dog weight gain supplements are full of vitamins and minerals essential to the growth of your dog’s body

Healthy balanced diet

       Dogs require a balanced diet packet with natures treats – vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins. Such a moderately sized meal will fuel your dog’s activities unlike an overindulgent diet that expands his or her waistline while putting your dog at risk of lifestyle diseases like diabetes. It is important to calculate the number of calories your dog takes in order to know when to increase or decrease in case he or she isn’t gaining weight. At times that might mean changing his whole diet and increasing feeding time hours.

If your dog is already used to eating a sizable portion of food each day, you may want to consider switching to a formula that’s packed with calories. High-quality foods contain more nutritional content per piece of kibble than cheaper options.

Go with foods that have more protein. Not only that, but opt for wholesome protein sources like beef, chicken, lamb, or fish. Real meat sources have more amino acids than byproducts or meals.

      Aim for a dog food that has 20% or more protein content. You can also supply foods with slightly higher fat contents than the roughly 10% average, but do so sparingly. It’s always best to go with more protein that will lead to muscle mass. When you’re choosing a calorie-rich formula, take a peek at the ingredients list and choose something that has a higher kilocalorie amount

Recommended best foods to fatten up your puppies

If you have a new puppy, you should plan to feed them food tailored to puppies. Same goes for more senior dogs. Here is a list of some quality foods that can help your puppy gain weight;


      Formulated with K9 Strain Probiotics, beneficial bacteria that support digestive and immune systems and help your dog maintain an active lifestyle. 80 million colony-forming units (CFU) per pound are guaranteed.

Daimond puppy is arguably one of the best foods to fatten puppies.

* Suitable for puppies as well as pregnant or nursing adult dogs

* DHA for proper brain and vision development

* Proper balance of fat, protein and other essential nutrients for proper growth

Burgess Supadog Finest Puppy Chicken

Supadog Finest Puppy Chicken food is a complete puppy food suitable for nursing mothers and puppies from 6 weeks up to 12 months.

Supadog Finest Puppy Chicken puppy food can be fed from weaning to 12 months.

 * 28% protein for young growing muscles

 * Highly digestible ingredients to support developing digestive systems

*  Smaller nuggets specially created for smaller mouths and teeth

 * Fortified with calcium for your puppy’s growing bones and teeth

 * Natural antioxidants to help developing immune systems

 * Free from artificial colours and flavours with no added preservatives

Booster Dry Dog Food For Puppies

     Booster Puppies contains advanced Formula For Active Puppies and should not be overlooked when searching for the best foods to fatten puppies.

Chicken Meal is First Ingredient

• Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate to support joint health

• No Corn, Wheat, or Soy

• High plant base protein rich in vitamins & minerals

• Improving digestion

• Nutrients & Antioxidant protection

• Blend of Omega 3 + 6 – for a Healthy Skin & Coat

• Probiotics & Vitamin supplements

Royal Canin puppy Foods

     Royal Canin has developed a range of dog food formulas to support your puppy’s growth and development. Royal can in being developed under strict supervision of veterinary surgeons should be considered as a serious contender for one of the very best dog foods to fatten puppies.

Royal canin puppy food formulas bridge a critical nutritional gap, providing the most comprehensive solution for the well-being of the mother from gestation through birth and lactation, and the puppy for life. Royal Canin foods recognize the need to address the nutritional requirements of pregnant and lactating mother dogs and their weaning puppies, which is why we introduced the first line of Birth and Growth formulations that offer precise nutrition to mothers and puppies from gestation to growth.

Bingo Puppy Dog Food

   Binggo Puppy Dog Food is a complete  balace dog food, fortified with multivitamin as well as omega-3 with no content of soy. it gives pet much needed vitality and strength.Binggo dog food is a Nigerian based dog food brand.  It is the first of its kind in Nigeria

Binggo Puppy Dog Food  aims at giving your dog(s) the best nutrients for optimum, well-balanced growth, development, and energetic performance.It is;

-Rich in protein

-Contains no chemical preservatives

-No Soy

-No coloring agents or die.


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