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Differences between a pointer and reference

Differences Between Pointer and Reference in C++ are as follows, 1.) Reference is a kind of const pointer that de-reference itself automatically. Yes, its similar to const pointer therefore once you have attached a reference to a variable or object then you cannot make it to point to someone else. Advertisements Now if you try to …

Differences between a pointer and referenceRead More

Iterating over a range of User Defined objects and calling member function using std::for_each

In this article we will discuss how to iterate over a container of user defined objects and call a member function on each of the iterating element.Suppose you have a vector of Employee class objects and you want to call a member function on each of the element in vector. [showads ad=inside_post] Let’s see how …

Iterating over a range of User Defined objects and calling member function using std::for_eachRead More

Set vs Map : How to choose a right associative container ?

In this article we will discuss how set and map are different and what factors we need to keep in mind while choosing right associative container. Let’s start from set, Set : Advertisements Set is an associative container which we need to store unique elements. It always keeps the elements in sorted order. Internally it …

Set vs Map : How to choose a right associative container ?Read More

Designing a Thread Pool Framework Part 1: What’s the need of a Thread Pool


In this we will discuss what is a Thread pool and why do we need Thread Pools. Many times you encounter a situation where where you need to perform several tasks in parallel to improve the performance of application. These Tasks can be anything like, Advertisements Encrypting a file. Calculating hash of a file. Performing …

Designing a Thread Pool Framework Part 1: What’s the need of a Thread PoolRead More

Different Ways to Initialize a vector in C++

In this article we will discuss different ways to initialize a std::vector in C++. Initializing std::vector elements with same value std::vector<int> vec_1(5, 10); It will create a vector of 5 element and initialize  each element is initialized to 10. Advertisements Initializing std::vector elements with passed argument list std::vector<int> vec_2 = {10,20,30,40,50}; It will create a vector of 5 …

Different Ways to Initialize a vector in C++Read More

Designing a Board Game (Mastermind) in C++ using MVC, State and Observer Design Patterns

High Level Design - MVC - Board Game

Let’s Design a Console Based Board Game in C++. With this Design you can learn MVC, Observer and State Design Pattern. Moreover, with the same design you can also implement any other Game Like Battleship etc. Advertisements In this we will build Console Based Version of MasterMind Game. Complete Code for this is available at, Frequently …

Designing a Board Game (Mastermind) in C++ using MVC, State and Observer Design PatternsRead More

How to pass variable arguments in a function

In this article we will discuss how to pass variable number of arguments in a function. Requirement: Advertisements Suppose I want to create a function that take variable number of arguments and use them to perform some task. For example, Create a function that will return the sum of all the passed arguments i.e. Frequently …

How to pass variable arguments in a functionRead More



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