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Pandas Tutorial #12 – Handling Missing Data

This tutorial will discuss different ways to handle missing data or NaN values in a Pandas DataFrame, like deleting rows/columns with any NaN value or replacing NaN values with other elements.

Table of Contents

When we load data to the DataFrame, it might contain some missing values. Pandas will automatically replace these missing values with the NaN values. Let’s see how to drop those missing values or replace those missing values with default values.


Let’s create a DataFrame with some NaN / Missing values i.e.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# List of Tuples
empoyees = [('jack',    np.NaN, 'Sydney',  5) ,
            ('Riti',    31,     'Delhi',   7) ,
            ('Aadi',    16,     'Karnal',  11) ,
            ('Mark',    np.NaN, 'Delhi',   np.NaN),
            ('Veena',   33,     'Delhi',   4) ,
            ('Shaunak', 35,     'Noid',    np.NaN),
            ('Sam',     35,     'Colombo', np.NaN)]

# Create a DataFrame object from list of tuples
df = pd.DataFrame(  empoyees,
                    columns=['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Experience'],
                    index = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'])

# Display the DataFrame


      Name   Age     City  Experience
a     jack   NaN   Sydney         5.0
b     Riti  31.0    Delhi         7.0
c     Aadi  16.0   Karnal        11.0
d     Mark   NaN    Delhi         NaN
e    Veena  33.0    Delhi         4.0
f  Shaunak  35.0     Noid         NaN
g      Sam  35.0  Colombo         NaN

This DataFrame has seven rows and four columns, and it contains few NaN values. Let’s see how to handle NaN values in this DataFrame i.e. either delete rows or columns with NaN values or replace NaN values with some other values.

Drop Missing Values from the DataFrame

In Pandas, the DataFrame provides a function dropna(). We can use this to delete rows or columns based on the NaN or missing values. Let’s understand this with some practical examples.

Drop rows with one or more NaN / Missing values

If we call the dropna() function on the DataFrame object without any argument, it will delete all the rows with one or more NaN / Missing values. For example,

# Delete all rows with one or more NaN values
newDf = df.dropna()

# Display the new DataFrame


    Name   Age    City  Experience
b   Riti  31.0   Delhi         7.0
c   Aadi  16.0  Karnal        11.0
e  Veena  33.0   Delhi         4.0

It deleted all the rows with any NaN value. It returned a copy of the modified DataFrame, and if we assign it to the same DataFrame object, it will change the existing DataFrame.

Drop columns with one or more NaN / Missing values

The dropna() function has a parameter axis. If the axis value is 0 (default value is 0), then rows with one or more NaN values get deleted. Whereas, if axis=1, the columns with one or more NaN values get deleted. For example,

# Delete all columns with one or more NaN values
newDf = df.dropna(axis=1)

# Display the new DataFrame


      Name     City
a     jack   Sydney
b     Riti    Delhi
c     Aadi   Karnal
d     Mark    Delhi
e    Veena    Delhi
f  Shaunak     Noid
g      Sam  Colombo

It deleted all the columns with any NaN value. It returned a copy of the modified DataFrame, and if we assign it to the same DataFrame object, it will change the existing DataFrame.

Drop Rows / Columns with NaN but with threshold limits

We can also supply the threshold while deleting rows or columns with NaN values. The thesh parameter in the dropna() function means that that row or column will require at least that many non-NaN values to avoid deletion. For example, let’s delete only those columns from the DataFrame which do not have at least 5 non-NaN values. For this, we will pass the thresh value 5,

# Delete columns who dont have at least 5 non NaN values
newDf = df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=5)

# Display the new DataFrame


      Name   Age     City
a     jack   NaN   Sydney
b     Riti  31.0    Delhi
c     Aadi  16.0   Karnal
d     Mark   NaN    Delhi
e    Veena  33.0    Delhi
f  Shaunak  35.0     Noid
g      Sam  35.0  Colombo

It deleted the column ‘Experience’ because it had only four non-NaN values, whereas the threshold was 5. The column ‘Age’ had NaN values, but it got protected from deletion because it had five non-NaN values under the threshold of 5.

Replacing NaN / Missing values in DataFrame

Instead of deleting, we can also replace NaN or missing values in a DataFrame with some other values. Let’s see how to do that,

Replace NaN values with default values

In Pandas, the DataFrame provides a function fillna() to replace the NaN with default values. The fillna() has a parameter value, which will be used to fill the NaN or missing values. Let’s understand this with some examples,

Contents of out DataFrame object df is,

      Name   Age     City  Experience
a     jack   NaN   Sydney         5.0
b     Riti  31.0    Delhi         7.0
c     Aadi  16.0   Karnal        11.0
d     Mark   NaN    Delhi         NaN
e    Veena  33.0    Delhi         4.0
f  Shaunak  35.0     Noid         NaN
g      Sam  35.0  Colombo         NaN

Replace all NaN values with 0 in this DataFrame,

# Replace all NaN values with zero
newDf = df.fillna(value=0)

# Display the new DataFrame


      Name   Age     City  Experience
a     jack   0.0   Sydney         5.0
b     Riti  31.0    Delhi         7.0
c     Aadi  16.0   Karnal        11.0
d     Mark   0.0    Delhi         0.0
e    Veena  33.0    Delhi         4.0
f  Shaunak  35.0     Noid         0.0
g      Sam  35.0  Colombo         0.0

It replaced all the NaN values 0s in the DataFrame. It returned a copy of the modified DataFrame, and if we assign it to the same DataFrame object, it will modify the existing DataFrame.

Here, we replaced all the NaN values with a specific value, but what if we want to replace the NaN values with some other values like the mean of values in that column. Let’s see how to do that.

Replace NaN values in a column with the mean

Select the column by its name using the subscript operator i.e. df[column_name] and call the fillna() function and pass the mean of column values. It will replace all the NaN values in that column with the mean. For example,

# Replace NaN values in column with the mean of column values
df['Experience'] = df['Experience'].fillna(df['Experience'].mean())

# Display the new DataFrame


      Name   Age     City  Experience
a     jack   NaN   Sydney        5.00
b     Riti  31.0    Delhi        7.00
c     Aadi  16.0   Karnal       11.00
d     Mark   NaN    Delhi        6.75
e    Veena  33.0    Delhi        4.00
f  Shaunak  35.0     Noid        6.75
g      Sam  35.0  Colombo        6.75

Here, we replaced all the NaN values in the column ‘Experience’ with the mean of values in that column.


We learned how to handle NaN values in the DataFrame i.e., delete rows or columns with NaN values. Then we also looked at the ways to replace NaN values with some specific values.



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