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Easy Steps on How to Create UNN Blog in 2023

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to create a UNN blog. Every session, first year student in UNN create at least three blogs. Google Blogspot, WordPress and EduBlog blog.

I decided to create a step by step tutorial on UNN blogging because some students do not know how to create a blog.

The process of creating a functional blog can be stressful. More hectic for students who are not tech-savvy.

For easy understanding, I have also made a video tutorial on how you can create the blogs yourself. If you encounter any challenge, do let me know in the comment box below.

Requirements to Create a UNN Blog

  1. UNN official email address
  2. A mobile phone or Laptop
  3. Chrome Browser
  4. Internet connection

If you don’t have a UNN mailing address, click here to get your UNN email login address.

Also Read: How to get UNN Wi-Fi Password

Note: Click on the video below to see how to create your blog. I recommend you view the video on landscape mode.

How to Create Blogger Blog

  1. The first step to creating a blog on Google is to enter www.blogger.com on your browser.
  2. Click on create your blog.
  3. Now you will have to enter your UNN official email address.
  4. Enter your password to log in to blogger.
  5. Click on Create blog.
  6. Type in your preferred Blog title. The blog title is a unique phrase to describe your blog like a business name, e.g. Diary of a Lion.
  7. Enter your preferred URL address. The address must be unique and not used by another person. Example; www.lionobo.blogspot.com.
  8. Click on Create Blog.

Hurray! Your blog is now live. You deserve two wraps of Okpa. Meet Mama Chinaza at Container to collect your prize.

The next thing you’d need to do is to post information from UNN website on your blog.

How to Publish a Post on Blogger

  1. Click on a new post on your Blogger dashboard.
  2. Now go to UNN website. Click on any news on the homepage.
  3. Copy the title and text to your Blogspot text editor.
  4. At the bottom of the text, include a backlink to UNN website.
  5. Highlight and copy the URL of the post on UNN website. Paste it in your blog post.
  6. Click on publish a blog post.

Okwu agwu. That’s all for creating your UNN Blogger Blog.

How to Create a WordPress Blog

  1. To create a UNN WordPress blog, go to www.wordpress.com
  2. Click on start your website.
  3. Enter your UNN email address, username and password.
  4. Choose a blog address and click continue.
  5. Click on start with a free website.
  6. Select write on the top of your screen to write a blog post.
  7. Copy a piece of news from the school website to the text editor.
  8. Click on publish.

How to Create EduBlogs Blog

  1. Enter www.edublogs.org on your chrome browser.
  2. You will see a box with the title – Create your blog.
  3. Enter your username and password.
  4. Click on sign up to go to the next stage.
  5. In this step, select student. Enter your Blog title, email address and preferred blog address.
  6. Click on the box – I agree to terms and service.
  7. Verify that you are a human and create a blog.
  8. You then see a message congratulating you on successful blog creation. Click go to the dashboard.
  9. On your dashboard, click on new post.
  10. Following the steps above, copy a post from the University of Nigeria website with a link.
  11. Click on publish the post.

To view the post, you need to enter your email address, school name and purpose of the blog.

That is all about creating your blog.

  • Drop a comment below if you need assistance with how to create your UNN blogs.

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Blessing I will need your assistance in this. Please drop your phone number. I am a UNN aspirant



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