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Zinc and Pregnancy: How it Affects Baby’s Development and Immunity

zinc and Pregnancy

General Health Blog

Zinc and Pregnancy: How it Affects Baby’s Development and Immunity

Female health

A lot of people don’t know that zinc is important to a healthy pregnancy. It’s essential for the development and immunity of your baby. It can also help prevent preterm birth or low birth weight. There are many ways you can get more zinc in your diet – from food sources like oysters, beef liver, red meat, seafoods, beans and peas; to supplements such as Zinc Gluconate or Zinc Citrate.

zinc and Pregnancy

Here are questions some pregnant moms asked me about zinc.

What does zinc do to a pregnant woman?

Zinc’s purpose in pregnancy is to help with brain development, growth and immunity. Some studies have shown zinc can prevent preterm labor by improving cell health of mothers’ cervixes. Zinc also prevents preeclampsia during pregnancy, which causes high blood pressure dangerous for both mother and baby if not treated early enough. Preeclampsia usually starts around 20 weeks into a healthy pregnancy, so it’s important to have an intake of at least 15mg per day before then or after becoming pregnant via prenatal vitamins . Mothers who are deficient in zinc may be more likely to deliver smaller babies compared to women who do get enough zinc through their diet or supplements. I’ve been taking.

Is it safe to take during pregnancy?

The answer is yes. Zinc supplements are actually recommended for pregnant women who have low levels of this important nutrient in their bodies. Here’s more on why taking zinc during pregnancy can be extremely beneficial to both the baby and mom!

Can you take zinc and vitamin C together?

Yes, you can take both zinc and vitamin C at the same time. In fact, it’s a good idea to do this because then they work together to prevent certain health conditions from developing.

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Will taking too much zinc hurt me?

No! There is no such thing as ‘too much’ when it comes to getting enough of important minerals like zinc during pregnancy. Let your doctor know if you are having trouble getting enough in through diet alone so he or she can recommend supplements for you. Just be sure that there’s no chance of overdosing by sticking with the dosage on the label! It should also go without saying that if you experience any negative side effects after taking supplements containing zinc, stop immediately and contact a doctor.

Does zinc have side effects during pregnancy?

Again, no! In fact, zinc supplements are thought to be completely safe for pregnant women. The only exception is if you have a pre-existing condition that causes the absorption of nutrients in your intestines to be impaired. In this case taking too much can lead to toxicity.

Does zinc have any benefits for my baby?

Absolutely! Zinc gives baby’s developing immune system an extra boost. This is so they will be better prepared when exposed to germs after birth (which has been proven by research). It also plays a role in keeping mom healthy. It helps her body properly regulate hormone levels as well as lowering the risk of preeclampsia or low blood.

When should I take it, morning or night?

I normally take mine at night with dinner to help me fall asleep faster and get a better nights rest. However if you find that taking zinc before bed makes your mind race too much then maybe try having one during breakfast instead.

Which foods contains more zinc?

Some foods that are rich in zinc include oysters, beef steak, lobster tails and pork chops. So if you’re looking to incorporate more zinc into your diet, try making one of these delicious recipes!

zinc and Pregnancy

When should I start taking prenatal vitamins?

If you want the best results for baby’s development then it is recommended to take them at least three months before conception because this will give enough time for the body to get used to all the new healthy nutrients. However some moms may find themselves pregnant earlier than they expected so don’t worry about starting too early just yet! Just make sure not too wait longer than six weeks after giving birth either or else there could be complications with breastfeeding or even getting pregnant again which no mom wants happening anytime soon.

How much is safe per day during pregnancy?

It is recommended to take at least 30mg of zinc a day during pregnancy. This amount will help with the baby’s immunity and keep mom from catching any unnecessary diseases or illnesses. However it is also safe for babies, so if you’re planning on breastfeeding then there won’t be a problem giving your newborn some extra supplements as well! Just make sure not to overdo it though since too much could cause stomach problems in both mother and child.

What are other options besides prenatal vitamins?

Zinc can also come in powder form. It tastes better and they still contain the same nutrients that traditional prenatal vitamins do. Make sure to talk with your doctor before taking anything new while pregnant. You know, to avoid complications later on down the road when nursing.

How long does it take for zinc to work?

Zinc works within a few hours of taking it, so if you take your prenatal vitamin at night for example then by morning you should already feel better and have more energy to get through the day. Just make sure not too overdue it though since this could lead to nausea or stomach upset which no one wants happening either!

How do I know if I am low on zinc during pregnancy?

These are some of the signs of zinc deficiency.

  • You are always cold, tired and depressed.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Wounds that won’t heal.
  • Lack of alertness.
  • Decreased sense of smell and taste.
  • Diarrhea.loss of appetite.
  • Open sores on the skin.


Zinc is absolutely necessary to pregnant women. A lack of zinc can lead to low birth weight, poor immune function and delayed brain development in infants. It’s important for pregnant mothers to get enough zinc throughout their pregnancy so they are able to provide the best possible start for their baby’s healthy development. Fortunately, there are many foods that contain sufficient amounts of this nutrient including beef liver, oysters, pumpkin seeds, cod fish fillets and cashews. You may also want to consider taking a supplement containing at least 60% elemental zinc since it will cover your daily needs without having any negative effects on digestion or absorption rates like other supplements might have.

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