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When to wrap quotes around a shell variable in Linux?

Most of the programmers who are new to shell scripting and dealing with string variables, have a doubt regarding when they have to wrap
quotes around a shell variable. In this article, we are going to perform some tests and try to understand when and where quotes around a
shell variable are required.

Table of Contents

List of scenarios when “quotes” are required

Sometimes when we are forgot to wrap a quotes around a shell variable it gives error or undesired output. most crucial condition is when
we are working with string having a space in it like “Good morning!”.


When we working with a string variable it’s a good habit to wrap it around quotes.

Scenario 1: Using length of string in an expression

Here we will perform a practical that find length of sting usind expr.

#declare a sting with space
strValue="Hello world!"

# expr command with two argument first is LENGTH 
# and second is string variable wrapped in quotes.
length=`expr length "$strValue"`

#print the length of string
echo "Length of the string is : $length "

Output :

Length of the string is : 12

Now we qill try this above program without wrapping quotes around “$string” variable.

#declare a sting with space
string="Hello world!"

# expr command with two argument first is LENGTH 
# and second is string variable wraped in quotes.
length=`expr length $string`

#print the length of string
echo "Length of the string is : $length "

Output :

expr: syntax error: unexpected argument ‘world!’
Length of the string is :  

When we provided the second argument to the expr without quotes, then it is considered as multiple arguments. Like,

length=`expr length Hello world!`

And when we provide second argument to the expr with quotes, the it considers the argument as one whole argument like,

length=`expr length "Hello world!"`

Scenario 2: Comparing string in bash script

Here, we will perform a practical example to compare two string, which have a space.

#read the first string from user
echo "Enter first string:"
read string1

#read the second string from user
echo "Enter second string:"
read string2

#compare two string
if [ "$string1" = "$string2" ]
    echo "Strings are equal."   
    echo "Strings are not equal."

Output :

Enter first string:
red hat
Enter second string:
red hat
Strings are equal.

If we compare two string varible without quote then it give undesired output. like,

#read the first string from user
echo "Enter first string:"
read string1

#read the second string from user
echo "Enter second string:"
read string2

#compare two string
if [ $string1 = $string2 ]
    echo "Strings are equal."   
    echo "Strings are not equal."

Output :

Enter first string:
red hat
Enter second string:
red hat
file1.sh: line 51: [: too many arguments
Strings are not equal.

Here we got same type of error or warning as exapmple:1.

Scenario 3: Printing string array

In this practical, we will declare a string array and print it using for loop.

# declare the array
arr=("tata nexon" "Toyota Fortuner" "swift" "Toyota Fortuner" "celerio")

# print the array using for loop
for list in "${arr[@]}"; do
    echo $list

Output :

tata nexon
Toyota Fortuner
Toyota Fortuner

Now we perform same above program with quote variable

# declare the array
arr=("tata nexon" "Toyota Fortuner" "swift" "Toyota Fortuner" "celerio")

# print the array using for loop
for list in ${arr[@]}; do
    echo $list

Output :


You can see the difference between these two programs. It doesn’t give any error but gives the undesired output. As it takes “Toyota Fortuner” as a two seperate arguments.


In this article, we learned that when we are working with string with spaces, then we always wrap quotes around a shell variable because without quotes it takes the argument as multiple arguments and gives error or sometimes gives undesired output. Thanks.



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