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Unary Operator Overloading in C++ using both member & Friend function

In this article we will discuss how to overload unary operators in c++ using both member and Friend function.

What is an unary operator?

An Unary operator is an operator that operates on a single operand and returns a new value.


Some of the unary operators are,

  • ++ (Increment Operator)
  • —   (Decrement operator)
  • –    (Unary Minus operator)
  • !    (NOT Operator)


For primitive types like int and string etc, these unary operators are already overloaded. Let’s see how to overload a unary operator for a User Defined class.  

Overloading Unary Operators for User Defined classes

Suppose we have class that represents a Complex Number i.e it has 2 ints as member variables i.e.

 * A class representing complex number
 * It has both real and imaginary part
class ComplexNumber
	int real;
	int imaginary;
	ComplexNumber() :
			real(0), imaginary(0)
	ComplexNumber(int r, int i) :
			real(r), imaginary(i)

Now let’s overload Unary Minus operator ( – ) for this class. For that we need to create an – operator function in class ComplexNumber.

Operator overloading can be done in 2 ways i.e.

  • By Creating Operator function as member function of class
  • By Creating Operator function as global friend function.

Overload Unary Minus (-) Operator using class Member function

Unary operator acts on one operand only. In case overloaded operator function is a class member function, then it will act on the object with which it is called and use it as operand. Hence we need not to pass any extra argument in unary operator function if its class member function.

Let’s see how to overload Unary Minus ( – ) operator for above class i.e.

* Overloaded unary minus operator as member function.
* It returns a new Object.
ComplexNumber ComplexNumber::operator-() const
	return ComplexNumber(-(this->real), -(this->imaginary) );

It returns a new object with modified values.

Checkout complete example as follows,

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>

 * A class representing complex number
 * It has both real and imaginary part
class ComplexNumber
	int real;
	int imaginary;
	ComplexNumber() :
			real(0), imaginary(0)
	ComplexNumber(int r, int i) :
			real(r), imaginary(i)
	void print()
		int img = imaginary < 0 ? -imaginary : imaginary;
		std::cout << real << (imaginary < 0 ? " - ": " + ")  << "i" << img  << std::endl;

	// Overloaded unary minus operator
	ComplexNumber operator-() const;

* Overloaded unary minus operator as member function.
* It returns a new Object.
ComplexNumber ComplexNumber::operator-() const
	return ComplexNumber(-(this->real), -(this->imaginary) );

int main()
	// Create a Complex Number Object
	ComplexNumber c1(2, -3);

	std::cout<<"c1 = ";

	// Call the unary operator minus on c1 and
	// store the returned in a new object
	ComplexNumber c2 = -c1;

	std::cout<<"c2 = ";

	return 0;


c1 = 2 - i3
c2 = -2 + i3

Overload Unary Minus (-) Operator using Global Friend Function

As unary operator acts on one operand only and in case if we are making operator function global, then we need to pass the operand as argument i.e.

 * Overloaded unary minus operator as global function.
 * It returns a new Object.
ComplexNumber operator-(const ComplexNumber & obj)
	return ComplexNumber(-(obj.real), -(obj.imaginary) );

And as above global function is accessing private data members of class ComplexNumber, so we need to make it friend of class ComplexNumber i.e.

// Make the global overloaded unary minus operator as friend
friend ComplexNumber operator-(const ComplexNumber & obj);

It returns a new object with modified values.

Complete example is as follows,

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
 * A class representing complex number
 * It has both real and imaginary part
class ComplexNumber
	int real;
	int imaginary;
	ComplexNumber() :
			real(0), imaginary(0)
	ComplexNumber(int r, int i) :
			real(r), imaginary(i)
	void print()
		int img = imaginary < 0 ? -imaginary : imaginary;
		std::cout << real << (imaginary < 0 ? " - ": " + ")  << "i" << img  << std::endl;
	// Make the global overloaded unary minus operator as friend
	friend ComplexNumber operator-(const ComplexNumber & obj);


 * Overloaded unary minus operator as global function.
 * It returns a new Object.
ComplexNumber operator-(const ComplexNumber & obj)
	return ComplexNumber(-(obj.real), -(obj.imaginary) );

int main()
	// Create a Complex Number Object
	ComplexNumber c1(9, 12);

	std::cout<<"c1 = ";

	// Call the unary operator minus on c1 and
	// store the returned in a new object
	ComplexNumber c2 = -c1;

	std::cout<<"c2 = ";

	return 0;



c1 = 9 + i12
c2 = -9 - i12



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