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Learn how to – Ubuntu 20.04 vs Linux Mint 20 – Comparison Table

Learn how to – Ubuntu 20.04 vs Linux Mint 20 – Comparison Table.

Hailing from Debian’s rich roots, Ubuntu has powered and continues to power many servers around the world hosting precious applications and services every single day. Looking at Canonical’s present shining armour, it is purely evident that so much passion, and hard work has been done by the team behind the wonderful products most of which are OpenSource. Canonical released Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on 23rd April 2020 with brilliant new features and exceptional improvements.

While at it, Linux Mint has been cooking its new Linux Mint 20 LTS Edition behind the scenes. For the sake of clarity and laying the foundation, let us briefly visit the roots of Linux Mint and the motivation behind the project. It should be known that Linux Mint has always been based on Debian and Ubuntu. This trend has not changed because the new Linux Mint 20 is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, the latest long-term support releases of Ubuntu.

The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. Even though Ubuntu Desktop is also easy to use, most people transitioning from Windows to Linux can quickly find that Linux Mint is close to what they are used to.

Ubuntu and Linux Mint are wonderful distributions that we are going to place side by side on the table below as we compare the features that each present to its amazing audiences.

Features compared

Feature Ubuntu 20.04 Linux Mint 20
Release dates April 23rd 2020 June 25th 2020
Based on Ubuntu 20.04 is based on Debian Mint 20 is based on Ubuntu 20.04
Code names Focal Fossa Ulyana
Linux Kernel Linux 5.4 kernel Linux 5.4 kernel
Support Period Ubuntu 20.04 is supported until 2025 Linux Mint 20 will receive security updates until 2025
32-bit| 64-bit There is no 32-bit system for Ubuntu 20.04 There is no 32-bit system for Mint 20
Default display server Xorg is the default display server Xorg is the default display server
Window Manager Comes with GNOME 3.36 visual and performance improvements Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce variants
Snap Vigorous campaign for Snap usage Snapd is disabled by default and forbids APT from using Snapd
WireGuard Support WireGuard has been backported to Kernel 5.4 WireGuard not available by default
Fractional scaling Fractional scaling is supported but needs to be turned on Fractional scaling arrives with multi-monitor support
Dock You now have the chance to remove the Dock using Extensions application Linux Mint uses different desktop managers, hence no dock issues
Visuals Ubuntu 20.04 enhances the default Yaru theme with three flavors: Light, Dark, and Standard Apart from green|mint, there are more color accents available such as Aqua, pink, blue and green among others
NVIDIA Good Nvidia Optimus support Better Nvidia Optimus support
Cool packages There is the ability to format drives with ZFS during Ubuntu 20.04 installation process No native support for installing Mint atop the ZFS file system


To the ones who love and Ubuntu and Linux Mint, another half a decade of fun and working with their favorite distros has kicked off. We appreciate Canonical, Linux Mint and the community as their minds go back to the hum, the shuffle, the ups, the downs and the glimmers of delight to come up with other blessings to grace the world with. We wish them peaceful and fruitful time as they continue to do the magic that they do every few years.

For you our readers, thank you for passing by to receive and quaff your daily juices. If you are inspired, you can check on Mint 20 and Ubuntu 20.04 and have their feel on a personal level. Otherwise, we appreciate your continued support, and thank you for reading through.



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