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STL Algorithm – std::sort Tutorial and Example

In this article we will discuss STL Algorithm std::sort algorithm.

std::sort is a STL Algorithm which provides the functionality of sorting a given range of elements. To use std::sort we need to pass start and end of range in it as an argument i.e.


std::sort (<START OF RANGE> , <END OF RANGE>);

For example, we have an array of integers and we want to sort them using std::sort . Let’s see how to do this,

int arr[] = { 1, 3, 2, 8, 6, 7, 5 };
int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);

std::sort(arr, arr + len);

We can use std::sort with array and containers too. But only with containers that provides random access functionality like std::vector etc.
It can not be used with std::list and associative containers because they don’t have random access iterators.

This sorting function compares the elements in given range using operator <.

How to sort a vector of Strings using std::sort

	std::vector<std::string> vecOfStrings;


	std::sort(vecOfStrings.begin(), vecOfStrings.end());

	std::for_each(vecOfStrings.begin(), vecOfStrings.end(),
			[](std::string str) {
				std::cout<<str<< " , ";

std::sort will use the < operator for sorting provided range of strings, therefore given string elements will be sorted in lexicographical order i.e

aaa , abc , bbb , ccc , fff

Till now we have seen how to sort primitive data types with std::sort. Now lets see,

Sorting User Defined Objects with std::sort

Suppose we have a class Person with name and id as member variables. Now we want to sort a vector of class Person objects on the basis of id.

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To that wee need to to overload < operator in class Person because std::sort algorithm uses this < operator for comparision while sorting.
Lets see the code of class Person,

class Person {
  std::string m_name;
  int m_id;
  Person(std::string name, int id) :
         m_name(name), m_id(id) {
   bool operator <(const Person & obj) {
       if (m_id < obj.m_id)
         return true;
         return false;

Now lets sort a vector of class Person objects based on its id using its internal < operator i.e.

std::vector<Person> vecOfPersons = { Person("aaa", 7), Person("kkk", 3),
Person("ddd", 5), Person("abc", 2) };

std::sort(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end());

std::cout << "Sorted Persons List based on IDn";
std::for_each(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](Person & obj) {
std::cout<<obj.m_id<< " :: "<<obj.m_name<<std::endl;

Output will be like this,

2 :: abc
3 :: kkk
5 :: ddd
7 :: aaa

Now suppose a new requirement comes and we want to sort sort a vector of class Person objects based on its name instead of id.
Also we don’t can not change the current implementation of < operator in class.
In such scenario we will use overloaded version of std::sort that accepts a comparator (Function Pointer/ Object) as an argument and uses that for comparisons instead of < operator.

Lets see how to define a Function Object for this scenario

struct PersonCompartor 

 bool operator()(const Person & first, const Person & sec) 
    if (first.m_name < sec.m_name)
       return true;
       return false;

Now lets use this comparator in std::sort for sorting Person Objects based on name i.e.

std::sort(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), PersonCompartor());

std::cout << "Sorted Persons List based on Name using Func Objectn";
std::for_each(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](Person & obj) {
std::cout<<obj.m_id<< " :: "<<obj.m_name<<std::endl;

7 :: aaa
2 :: abc
5 :: ddd
3 :: kkk

Same can be achieved using lambda function instead of comparators in std::sort i.e.

std::sort(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](const Person & first, const Person & sec) {
if (first.m_name < sec.m_name)
return true;
return false;

Complete Code is as follows,

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class Person {
std::string m_name;
int m_id;
Person(std::string name, int id) :
m_name(name), m_id(id) {
bool operator <(const Person & obj) {
if (m_id < obj.m_id)
return true;
return false;

struct PersonCompartor {
bool operator()(const Person & first, const Person & sec) {
if (first.m_name < sec.m_name)
return true;
return false;


int main() {
int arr[] = { 1, 3, 2, 8, 6, 7, 5 };
int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);

std::sort(arr, arr + len);

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
std::cout << arr[i] << " , ";
std::cout << std::endl;

std::vector<std::string> vecOfStrings;


std::sort(vecOfStrings.begin(), vecOfStrings.end());

std::for_each(vecOfStrings.begin(), vecOfStrings.end(),
[](std::string str) {
std::cout<<str<< " , ";

std::cout << std::endl;

std::vector<Person> vecOfPersons = { Person("aaa", 7), Person("kkk", 3),
Person("ddd", 5), Person("abc", 2) };

std::sort(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end());

std::cout << "Sorted Persons List based on IDn";
std::for_each(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](Person & obj) {
std::cout<<obj.m_id<< " :: "<<obj.m_name<<std::endl;

std::sort(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), PersonCompartor());

std::cout << "Sorted Persons List based on Name using Func Objectn";
std::for_each(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](Person & obj) {
std::cout<<obj.m_id<< " :: "<<obj.m_name<<std::endl;

std::cout << "Sorted Persons List based on Name using Lamban";
std::sort(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](const Person & first, const Person & sec) {
if (first.m_name < sec.m_name)
return true;
return false;

std::cout << "Sorted Persons List based on Namen";
std::for_each(vecOfPersons.begin(), vecOfPersons.end(), [](Person & obj) {
std::cout<<obj.m_id<< " :: "<<obj.m_name<<std::endl;

return 0;



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