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Remove first and last double quotes from a string in javascript

While working in javascript, sometimes we need to remove double quotes (“) from the start and end. This article will discuss removing double quotes from a javascript string at the first and last position using simple methods and example illustrations.

Table of Contents:-

Javascript remove double quotes from start and end of a string using replace()

Javascript’s replace() method searches for a particular pattern (passed as the first argument) in the original string and replaces it with a replacement (passed as the second argument).



Remove the double quotes(“) from the start and end of the string “Hello Javascript- “This language” is very popular.”


let dummyString = '"Hello Javascript- "This language" is very popular."'
dummyString = dummyString.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, '')


The regular expression /(^”|”$)/g is passed as the first argument in the replace() method where,

  • / and / mark the beginning and end of the pattern.
  • ^” specifies to match double quotes at the beginning of the string.
  • “$ specifies to match double quotes at the end of the string.
  • g specifies to replace all occurrences.

The replacement passed as the second argument is (”) nothing.


Hello Javascript- "This language" is very popular.

Javascript remove double quotes from start and end of a string using substring()

Javascript’s substring() method returns a subset of the string between the start and end indexes or towards the end of the string. The index is zero-based.


Remove the double quotes(“) from the start and end of the string “Hello Javascript- “This language” is very popular.”


let dummyString = '"Hello Javascript- "This language" is very popular."'
if (dummyString.length >= 2 && dummyString.charAt(0) == '"' && dummyString.charAt(dummyString.length - 1) == '"')
    dummyString = dummyString.substring(1, dummyString.length - 1)


Here, the above code checks if the length of the dummyString is greater than 2 and if the character at 0th position and the last character of the string is a double-quote (“). If yes, then extract a substring from dummyString starting after the first double quote and ending one character before double quote. Finally, assign this value back to dummyString.

Note that if any of the double quotes are missing, this solution will not work and should be used when one is sure that double quotes are present at both places -> at the start and end of the string.


Hello Javascript- "This language" is very popular.

Javascript remove double quotes from start and end of a string using slice()

The slice(beginIndex, endIndex) method of javascript returns a copy as a new string. The beginIndex and endIndex describe from where the extraction needs to be started and ended. 

If any of the indexes are negative, it is considered -> string.length – index.


Remove the double quotes(“) from the start and end of the string “Hello Javascript- “This language” is very popular.”


let dummyString = '"Hello Javascript- "This language" is very popular."'
if (dummyString.length >= 2 && dummyString.charAt(0) == '"' && dummyString.charAt(dummyString.length - 1) == '"')
    dummyString = dummyString.slice(1, dummyString.length - 1)


The working of the above code uses the slice() method and is similar to the one written with the substring() method.

Note that if any of the double quotes are missing, this solution will not work and should be used when one is sure that double quotes are present at both places -> at the start and end of the string.


Hello Javascript- "This language" is very popular.

Read More:

I hope this article helped you delete double quotes from the first and last place of the string in javascript. Good Luck!!!


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