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R: Create vector of zeros

Vector of zeros is sometimes required to initialize a vector with values or neutralize it after performing a few operations.

In this article, we will be creating a vector of zeros using different ways.

  1. using integer() function
  2. using numeric() function
  3. using rep() function

R : Create a vector of zeros using integer () function

The integer() function in R creates objects of vectors (integer) of specified length in the argument where each element of the vector is equal to zero.


Syntax :  integer (length)
Arguments:  length – represents the length of the vector created.

Let us understand with an example.

Example: –
In the below code example, we are creating a vector of zeros; length 5.

vector_of_zero = integer(5)
cat(" vector created with integer()function : " , vector_of_zero , "n")

Output :- 

vector created with integer()function : 0 0 0 0 0

R : Create a vector of zeros using the numeric() function

In R, the numeric() function creates objects of numeric type. The numeric() function will create a double-precision vector of the specified length in the argument with all elements value equal to zero.

Syntax :  numeric (length)
Arguments:  length – represents the length of the vector created.It should be non-negative.

Let us understand with an example.


In the below code example, we are creating a vector of zeros; length 5.

vector_of_zero = numeric(5)
cat(" vector created with numeric()function : " , vector_of_zero , "n")

Output :- 

vector created with numeric()function :  0 0 0 0 0

R : Create a vector of zeros using the rep() function

In R, the rep() function replicates the value of the vector and lists.

Syntax : rep(x, times).
Arguments : x – represents a vector or a factor ; times – represents the number of times each element of the vector to be repeated or repeat full vector if it is of length 1.

Let us understand with an example.


In the below code example, we are creating a vector of zeros; length 5.

vector_of_zero = rep(0, 5)
cat(" Vector created with rep()function : " , vector_of_zero , "n")

Output :- 

Vector created with rep()function :  0 0 0 0 0 
