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Quantity 2.750,00
Quantity 146.999,00

Lavender Oil: Perfect Oil To Get Rid Of Spotty Skin


Lavender Oil Is A Perfect Oil To Get Rid Of Spotty Skin

  • Perfect for acne-prone skin.

  • It soothes eczema and dry skin.

  • Good for wrinkles and fine lines.

  • It has wound healing properties.

For Maximum Result, 3 Bottles Is Recommended

Lavender oil

Lavender oil can be used to work wonders on the skin. For example, it can moisturize, reduce acne and wrinkles, and even help with hair! People use the oil in a number of different ways. Some people take it orally, while others choose to apply it to their skin or breathe it in through aromatherapy.

Acne is a skin condition that affects many people, especially teenagers. It causes redness, pain, and sometimes scarring on the face. Out of all the products on the market, this oil offers one of the best solutions to acne breakouts. The one ingredient that can really help you keep your skin clearer is lavender oil. This natural ingredient can do a variety of things, from killing harmful bacteria and soothing inflammation to unclogging pores. To use it for acne, simply dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier substance and apply it to your skin!

You can use lavender oil as a facial toner by mixing 2 drops of lavender oil with 1 teaspoon of witch hazel. Soak a cotton ball in the blend and then gently rub it over your face. Mix 1 drop of lavender oil with 1 drop of argan oil and put it directly onto a pimple twice a day.

Avila Naturalle Skincare – Onigbinde Stores

Benefits Of Avila Lavender Oil

  1. Perfect for acne-prone skin.

  2. It soothes eczema and dry skin.

  3. Good for wrinkles and fine lines.

  4. It has wound-healing properties.

  5. Insect repellent

  6. Anti-inflammatory properties

How To Use 

  • To use for acne, dilute it in coconut oil or another carrier oil and apply it to your skin after washing your face.
  • You can also use lavender oil as a facial toner by mixing 2 drops of the oil with 1 teaspoon of witch hazel.


  • 50ml

Suitable For

  • All skin types

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Quantity 2.750,00
Quantity 146.999,00