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Aloe Under Eye Cream


  • It greatly relieves redness or irritation.
  • Massaging the area where you are experiencing swelling or puffiness may relieve some of the pressure under the eye.

Aloe Under Eye Cream

 Avila Aloe Under Eye Cream may be able to reduce inflammation when applied to the skin.  Aloe is a merciful plant that has been used for centuries to prevent sunburns and other types of minor burns. The clear gel inside its long, thick leaves holds a jelly-like substance that’s rich in enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.

There are a number of reasons for dark circles – some may be hereditary, others caused by lack of sleep, poor diet, or another health problem.

Its effects are usually due to dilated blood vessels that are visible beneath the thin skin around the eyes. Dark under-eye circles can signal an iron deficiency. Similarly, an iron deficiency could be causing the rings to appear. This Cream greatly relieves redness or irritation.


Best Beauty and Skin Care Products to Fight Genetic, Dark Under-Eye Circles


How to use

  • Wash your face with cool water and a gentle cleanser

  • Pat your skin dry and then apply a small amount of  cream with a thin layer

  • Apply the cream to areas of your skin that don’t have any clothing on for at least 10 minutes, do not rub it in too close to your eyes.

  • Massage the cream up for 10–15 minutes.


  • 100 In stock
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