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Quantity 500,00
Quantity 2.750,00
Quantity 146.999,00

Addyzoa Capsule: Perfect Remedy For Male Infertility


Addyzoa Capsule Male Infertility Remedy

Addyzoa Capsule: Modern lifestyle and environmental factors have caused a progressive decline in sperm quality as well as quantity. This Capsule is a combination of potent herbs that have well-known antioxidant properties. Additionally, these herbs help to support spermatogenesis, which is the production process that makes new sperm cells.

  • It Helps supports spermatogenesis (the process of sperm formation).
  • It is useful in fighting free radical damage effects.
  • Proactively supports the healthy formation of sperm,
  • Help enhances semen density.

Quantity: 1 Pack contains 20 Addyzoa capsules.
Recommendations:  It is recommended you continue taking this supplement for a duration of 90 days to get desired, permanent lasting results.

Addyzoa Capsule Male Infertility Remedy

Addyzoa Capsule: Modern lifestyle and environmental factors have caused a progressive decline in sperm quality as well as quantity. This Capsule is a combination of potent herbs that have well-known antioxidant properties. Additionally, these herbs help to support spermatogenesis, which is the production process that makes new sperm cells.

Generally, males are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with infertility than females. As a matter of fact, Addyzoa Capsules help in improving the quantity as well as the quality of semen. Similarly, these capsules contain Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) which boosts the reproductive health of males by improving testosterone levels, sperm count, as well as energy levels.

On a serious note, male infertility is a condition that requires the help of a specialist. However, the problem with most specialists is that they are not affordable for most people. On the contrary, this is where Addyzoa capsules come in. They are an Ayurvedic medicine that has shown its best results as a perfect remedy for male infertility. Similarly, it helps increases sperm count rapidly and makes semen more fertile as well as thick.

Addyzoa Capsule

Health Benefits of Addyzoa Capsule

  1. It Helps supports spermatogenesis (the process of sperm formation).
  2. It is useful in fighting free radical damage effects.
  3. Proactively supports the healthy formation of sperm,
  4. Help enhances semen density.
  5. Helps minimize damage to sperm cells by free radicals.
  6. Improving the hormonal levels of testosterone.
  7. Helps in maintaining the functions of male reproductive organs in men.

Dosage: How To Use  Addyzoa Capsule

  • Take 2 capsules twice daily for 90 days.
  • Most Preferably Morning And Evening After the Meal.

Precaution/Side Effect

  • Don’t exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Store in a cool place at room temperature.
  •  Keep out of reach of children.
  •  No side effects.

Key Ingredients:

Ras Sindur, Abhrak Bhasma, Makardhwaj Ras, Suvarna Vang, Mukta Shukti Bhasma, Suvarna Makshik Bhasma, Ashwagandha, Shilajit Shuddha, Purna Chandrodaya Ras, Salampanja, Varahikand, Chopchini, Vidarikand.



  • 1 Pack contains 20 Addyzoa capsules.

Recommendations For Addyzoa Capsule

  •  It is recommended you continue taking this supplement for a duration of 90 days to get desired, permanent lasting results.


Suitable for

  •  Adult(Men Exclusively)



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Quantity 500,00
Quantity 2.750,00
Quantity 146.999,00