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How to Get Medical Fitness Certificate for NYSC Orientation Camp 2023

NYSC medical fitness certificate report certifies that a prospective corp member is physically fit health-wise to get into the youth service orientation camp.

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) orientation camp has many military and drilling activities.

All corp members must participate in all of these rigorous exercises. Therefore, every youth corper must be healthy to participate in camp activities.

You must meet the minimum health requirements before attending the NYSC orientation camp. The authorities must avoid casualties and accidents during training.

It is why a medical certificate is required for NYSC clearance at the orientation camp.

Private hospitals in Nigeria do not conduct or issue NYSC medical fitness certificate reports. You can only get the health fitness certification at an approved government hospital.

In this post, I will walk you through how to get your medical fitness certificate for the NYSC orientation camp.

Let me know if you have any questions or further inquiries about the NYSC programme. I would love to hear from you.

NYSC Medical Certificate Report

The NYSC medical fitness certificate report is compulsory for all NYSC Youth Corps.

The medical fitness certificate must come with the test result.

It will take you two (2) to five (5) hours to get your NYSC medical fitness certificate report.

The NYSC medical certificate fitness test costs between five (5) to ten thousand naira (₦5,000 – 10,000), depending on your State of residence.

Going for your medical fitness exercise not more than a month before resumption at the orientation camp is advisable.

You can do medical fitness at the NYSC camp but an expensive option.

Hospitals for NYSC Medical Certificate

The following are the types of hospitals in Nigeria you can get the NYSC medical certificate report;

  • Federal Medical Centre
  • Nigerian Army Military Hospital
  • National Orthopedic Hospital
  • Federal and State University Teaching Hosptial
  • Nigerian Navy Hospital
  • National Government Specialist Hospital
  • Nigerian Custom Hospital
  • Nigerian Police Hospital
  • General Government Hospital

Requirements for NYSC Medical Certificate

The following are the requirements for NYSC medical certificate report;

  • Completion of NYSC Registration
  • Approved Government Hospital
  • Hospital Registration
  • Laboratory Test
  • Medical Officer Signature

List of NYSC Medical Tests

Here is the list of medical, laboratory and radiological tests for the NYSC health certification report;

  • Blood Group
  • Genotype
  • Haemoglobin
  • Packed Cell Volume (PCV)
  • Urinalysis
  • Hepatitis B (HBsAg)
  • Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
  • Hepatitis C (HBC)
  • Blood Pressure
  • Chest X-ray
  • Stool Analysis
  • HIV I and 2 Screening
  • Eye/Visual Acuity Test
  • Serum Tuberculosis
  • Arthritis
  • Hearing
  • Cerospinal Meningitis

NYSC Laboratory Test Sample

NYSC Laboratory Test Sample
Blood Group Blood
Genotype Blood
Haemoglobin Blood
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) Blood
Urinalysis Urine
HBC Blood
HBsAg Blood
Stool Analysis Stool
VDRL Blood
Retroviral Screening Test Blood

How to Get NYSC Medical Fitness Certificate

Radiologist examining a x-ray film

Here is the procedure of how to get the NYSC medical fitness certificate report;

  1. Visit a Government Hospital
  2. Go to the Health Information Record Department
  3. Inform the Health Record Officer you want to get NYSC medical certificate
  4. Pay for the creation of your health folder
  5. Provide your correct details to the Health Officer
  6. Go to the Medical Officer’s office
  7. Tell the Doctor you want to get an NYSC fitness certificate
  8. Go to the Hospital Laboratory for your medical test
  9. Return to the Medical Officer’s office with your test results
  10. Get the NYSC fitness certificate

NYSC Medical Certificate Sample

Here is a sample of the NYSC medical certificate result;

This is to certify that I have clinically examined the above-named person and was found to be physically and mentally healthy. They are not known to be carriers of contagious diseases dangerous to public health.

The investigation results are as follows;

NYSC Medical Test Result
Blood Group O Rh ‘D’ Positive
Genotype AA
Haemoglobin 12.8mg/dl
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) 39%
Urinalysis No abnormality detected
HBC Negative
HBsAg Negative
Stool Analysis No Ova, Cyst or Parasite found
VDRL Negative
Retroviral Screening Test Negative
ECG Normal
Arthritis Normal
Blood Pressure 120/80mmHg
Sputum Test Normal
Asthma Non-Asthmatic
Eye Clear
Acuity Test R: 6/6 L: 6/6
Cerebrospinal Meningitis Vaccination Taken
Chest X-ray Normal Study
Hearing Clear
Serum Tuberculosis Negative
Malaria Parasite Negative
This table contains the sample for the NYsc medical certificate report

I hereby certify the above-named person is physically and mentally fit.


How long does it take to get NYSC Call Up letter?

You will get your Call Up letter a month after your registration on the NYSC online registration portal. The Call-Up letter is released a few weeks before the resumption of the orientation camp.

What is the age limit for NYSC service?

The age limit for NYSC service mobilization is thirty (30) years as of when your school senate approves your result.

Can I change the date of birth on my NYSC certificate?

No, you cannot change the date of birth on your NYSC discharge certificate

How do you know where NYSC will post you?

You will know where NYSC posts you on your Call Up letter. The place for your primary assignment will be out after you pass out at the orientation camp.

How long does it take to change DOB on the NYSC portal?

It will take twenty-four (24) hours for your change of date of birth (DOB) to reflect on the NYSC online portal dashboard.

Is NYSC call up letter ready?

Yes, the NYSC call up letter is ready on the NYSC login portal dashboard.

Can I reduce my age for NYSC?

Yes, you can reduce your age for NYSC by changing your date of birth on the JAMB portal through JAMB regularization.

Is NYSC green card the same as call up letter?

NYSC call up letter is different from a green card. An NYSC green card is an online printout form that contains the personal details of prospective corpers. Call up letter is a document containing details of your invitation and admission into the NYSC program.

Can I change my date of birth after NYSC?

No, you cannot change your date of birth after NYSC.

Why is my NYSC Green Card not showing?

You are yet to make the necessary payments.

How do I change my NYSC registration?

Login to your NYSC portal to make changes to your registration.

Ask me any questions in the comment box below.

You can watch my videos on the Studentship YouTube Channel by clicking here.

Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification. I would love to assist you.

Pls how much is medical fittest certificate if I want to


The NYSC medical certificate fitness test costs between five (5) to ten thousand naira (₦5,000 – 10,000), depending on your location.


Please.. the person is 29 when she graduated…2021…
But she just want to register for nysc… now.. you know she will also get medical report this year 2023.. and she’s 31
.. what can u say about that


Hello Philip,

NYSC will use the age when her school senate approved her results.


If one of the medical is positive? What happens after that ?



It depends on the result you have.

The medical officer conducting the fitness test will determine if you are suitable for the NYSC service year.


What if someone failed one of the medical… maybe like hepatitis is positive… is that the end for the person… would the person be send back home


No, Ola

You will not be sent back for Hepatitis.

Take care of yourself.


Is medical fitness required for married corpers?


Yes, Oge

NYSC medical certificate is required from married corpers.


Am I to upload the medical fitness online. If yes, how?


No, Samuel

You will submit your medical fitness certificate during your clearance.


My date of birth on jamb is correct but the one my waec is not corrrect. What should I do?



Visit the WAEC office to correct your date of birth.

Let me know if you have any further questions.


Good morning admin…
If someone date of birth is Feb 1991 and the yr of graduation is June 2021, is the person eligible to serve?



It is the date your result was approved by your school senate that is used for your age calculation.


Sir please l score 173 in my jamb and I want to study medical laboratory in fulafia it’s possible to gain admission, if no what course can I change to?



Your JAMB score is low for Medical Laboratory Sciences.

You should consider changing to courses in the Biological Sciences and Agriculture.


Please can I use a medical fitness that is having two names while result is bearing three names for camp registration


Yes, Rita

You can use the Medical fitness certificate that contains your First and Last name.

Let me know if you have further questions.


Please can I use a medical fitness test that is bearing two names while result is bearing three names


Yes, Rita

You can use the Medical fitness certificate that contains your First and Last name.

Let me know if you have further questions.



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