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Javascript: Remove everything after a certain character

At times we need to do certain operations on strings while working in javascript, and one such requirement is to remove everything after a specific character in a string.

Table of Contents:-

Javascript remove everything after a certain character using split()

The split() method in javascript returns an array of substrings formed by splitting a given string.



Remove everything after ‘:’ from the string “Hello Javascript: This is dummy string”


let dummyString ="Hello Javascript: This is dummy string"
dummyString = dummyString.split(':')[0]


Here, we use the split() method in javascript that looks for ‘:’ and divides the string based on ‘:’ into an array. In our case, the array elements will be [ ‘Hello Javascript’, ‘ This is dummy string’ ]. Now, since we need only the part of the string before the colon (‘:’), we need to get the first element of the array that is dummyString.split(‘:’)[0]


Hello Javascript

Javascript remove everything after a certain character using substring()

Javascript’s substring(startIndex, endIndex) method returns a string subset between the start and end indexes or to the end of the string if the endIndex is not present. 

  • The startIndex specifies from where the substring will begin, including the character at startIndex.
  • The endIndex is optional and specifies before which character substring will end. The character at endIndex is excluded.

The lastIndexOf(searchValue, indexPosition) method will get the index for the last occurrence of a specified character/string within a string. Here,

  • The searchValue specifies the character/string to be searched within the string.
  • The indexPosition is optional and specifies the index to begin searching.


Remove everything after ‘:’ from the string “Hello Javascript: This is dummy string”


let dummyString ="Hello Javascript: This is dummy string"
dummyString = dummyString.substring(0, dummyString.lastIndexOf(':'))


The above code is using the substring(0, dummyString.lastIndexOf(‘:’)) method to extract another string from the original string. In our case, the substring gets created from the beginning of the original string until the last colon (:) found. The colon (:) will be excluded from the string.


Hello Javascript

Javascript remove everything after a certain character using slice()

The slice(startIndex, endIndex) method will return a new string which is a portion of the original string. The startIndex and endIndex describe from where the extraction needs to begin and end. 

If any of these indexes are negative, it is considered -> string.length – index.


Remove everything after ‘:’ from the string “Hello Javascript: This is dummy string”


let dummyString ="Hello Javascript: This is dummy string"
dummyString = dummyString.slice(0, dummyString.lastIndexOf(':'))


The above code is using the slice(0, dummyString.lastIndexOf(‘:’)) method to extract another string from the original string. In our case, the substring is formed from the beginning of the original string until the last colon (:) found. The colon (:) is excluded.


Hello Javascript

Javascript remove everything after a certain character using replace()

Javascript’s replace() method looks for a particular pattern in the original string and replaces it with a replacement. Here, the pattern to look for is passed as the first argument, and it can be a regular expression or a function. The replacement gets passed as the second parameter.


Remove everything after ‘:’ from the string “Hello Javascript: This is dummy string”


let dummyString ="Hello Javascript: This is dummy string"
dummyString = dummyString.replace(/:.*/, '');


The above code is using the replace() method to remove a part of the original string. Regular expression /:.*/ is passed as the first parameter where:

  • / marks the beginning and the end of the pattern
  • :.* specifies to match one or more characters after a single character colon (:)

And, replacement is (”), which means nothing.


Hello Javascript

Read More:

I hope this article helped you delete the entire string after a particular character in javascript strings. Good Luck!!!


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