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Learn how to – How To Run ERPNext ERP System in Docker Containers

Learn how to – How To Run ERPNext ERP System in Docker Containers.

ERPNext is a free and open-source generic ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) tool, developed by Frappé Technologies Pvt. Ltd. It is built on the MariaDB database with a Python-based server-side framework. ERPNext provides an alternative to QAD and NetSuite. It offers similar functionality to Odoo, (formerly known as OpenERP), Openbravo and Tryton.

ERPNext is used by companies, manufacturers, and distributors around the world. It supports several modules such as accounting, purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, point of sale, trading, and inventory retailing, as well as domain-specific modules such as agriculture, non-profits, schools, and healthcare.

The amazing features offered by the ERPNext ERP System are:

  • Light on the system resources
  • 24/7/365 technical support
  • Automatic hosting upgrades
  • Error repair guarantee
  • Backup and redundancy
  • Kubernetes cloud platform
  • Transaction email
  • Free SSL Installation for each domain using Let’s Encrypt.
  • One-Click Installation
  • phpMyAdmin GUI tool for database management
  • Free Migration onto the cloud platform of ERPNext hosting.
  • Monitoring Console to access the metrics dashboard to monitor the resource usage on your cloud ERPNext hosting plan
  • Highly modular to allow easy customization

In this guide, we will walk through how to run ERPNext ERP System in Docker Containers.

#1. Install Docker and Docker Compose

This guide requires you to have the Docker Engine installed on your system. This can be done using the guide below:

Add your system user to the Docker group,

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

Start and enable the service:

sudo systemctl start docker && sudo systemctl enable docker

Also, install Docker Compose:

Now clone the frappe_docker repo for the needed YAML files.

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/frappe/frappe_docker
cd frappe_docker

Once in the directory, create a directory for resources and configs.

mkdir ~/gitops

Ensure OpenSSL is installed:

##On Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt install openssl

##On CentOS/Rocky/Alma Linux
sudo yum install openssl

#2. Install Traefik Ingress

Traefik ingress acts as an internal load balancer for multiple benches and sites hosted on the server. It will be used to expose port 80 or 443 and also take care of Letsencrypt automation for all sites installed on the server.

In this guide, we will expose port 80 but it is also possible to provide an FQDN for SSL encryption.

First, export the variables for the domain name and Letsencrypt notification email:

echo 'TRAEFIK_DOMAIN=traefik.example.com' > ~/gitops/traefik.env
echo 'EMAIL=admin@example.com' >> ~/gitops/traefik.env
echo 'HASHED_PASSWORD='$(openssl passwd -apr1 Passw0rd | sed 's/$/\$/g') >> ~/gitops/traefik.env

This will create a file at ~/gitops/traefik.env with the above variables. You need to ensure that your DNS entry needs points to the Server IP.

$ sudo vim /etc/hosts traefik.example.com

Once created, you can use the file to run a Traefik container as shown.

docker compose --project-name traefik 
  --env-file ~/gitops/traefik.env 
  -f docs/compose/compose.traefik.yaml up -d

If you have an FQDN, and you want to run the container with SSL automation, (expose port 443)you need to include the compose.traefik-ssl.yaml as shown:

docker compose --project-name traefik 
  --env-file ~/gitops/traefik.env 
  -f docs/compose/compose.traefik.yaml 
  -f docs/compose/compose.traefik-ssl.yaml up -d

Verify if the container is running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                               NAMES
f4c7000a029c   traefik:v2.6   "/entrypoint.sh --pr…"   24 seconds ago   Up 22 seconds>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp   traefik-traefik-1

#3. Install MariaDB Database

In this setup, we will deploy a single MariaDB database instance that will serve as a database service for all the benches and projects installed on the server.

Create an environment file in ~/gitops

echo "DB_PASSWORD=StrongPassw0rd" > ~/gitops/mariadb.env

Change StrongPassw0rd to a preferred password for the database.

Now start the container using Docker Compose as shown:

docker compose --project-name mariadb --env-file ~/gitops/mariadb.env -f docs/compose/compose.mariadb-shared.yaml up -d

Once created, check if the container is running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS                            PORTS                               NAMES
0a618ed98a1c   mariadb:10.6   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 seconds ago        Up 3 seconds (health: starting)   3306/tcp                            mariadb-database
f4c7000a029c   traefik:v2.6   "/entrypoint.sh --pr…"   About a minute ago   Up About a minute       >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp   traefik-traefik-1

You will all have the data persist in the directory ${HOME}/data/mariadb

#4. Create Persistent Volumes

For ERPNext to persist its data, we need to create and map the volumes correctly. For this guide, I will create a data directory at /mnt/data

Create persistent volumes:

sudo mkdir -p /mnt/data/sites  /mnt/data/assets /mnt/data/redis

Set the required permissions:

sudo chmod 775 -R /mnt/data
sudo chown -R $USER:docker /mnt/data

On RHEL-based systems, set SELinux in permissive mode:

sudo setenforce 0
sudo sed -i 's/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config

Now create the docker volumes:

  • For sites
docker volume create --driver local 
     --opt type=none 
     --opt device=/mnt/data/sites 
     --opt o=bind erpnext-one_sites
  • For assets
docker volume create --driver local 
     --opt type=none 
     --opt device=/mnt/data/assets 
     --opt o=bind erpnext-one_assets
  • For redis-data
docker volume create --driver local 
     --opt type=none 
     --opt device=/mnt/data/redis 
     --opt o=bind  erpnext-one_redis-data

Once created, verify with the command:

$ docker volume list
local     erpnext-one_assets
local     erpnext-one_redis-data
local     erpnext-one_sites

#5. Run ERPNext ERP System on Docker

The ERPNext instance creates its Redis, socketio, Gunicorn, Nginx, workers, and scheduler. It will use the internal MariaDB network to connect to the running instance and expose the service using Traefik.

We will begin by creating a bench with the name erpnext-one with two sites named one.example.com and two.example.com.

cp example.env ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
sed -i 's/DB_PASSWORD=123/DB_PASSWORD=StrongPassw0rd/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
sed -i 's/DB_HOST=/DB_HOST=mariadb-database/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
sed -i 's/DB_PORT=/DB_PORT=3306/g' ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
echo 'ROUTER=erpnext-one' >> ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
echo "SITES=`one.example.com`,`two.example.com`" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env
echo "BENCH_NETWORK=erpnext-one" >> ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env

After these commands, you will have an environment file created as ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env.

Also, create a YAML file in the ~/gitops directory.

  • For HTTP:
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one 
  --env-file ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env 
  -f compose.yaml 
  -f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml 
  -f overrides/compose.redis.yaml 
  -f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench.yaml config > ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml
  • For HTTPS
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one 
  --env-file ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env 
  -f compose.yaml 
  -f overrides/compose.erpnext.yaml 
  -f overrides/compose.redis.yaml 
  -f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench.yaml 
  -f docs/compose/compose.multi-bench-ssl.yaml config > ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml

Modify your compose YAML file to accommodate the volumes created:

vim compose.yaml

At the end of the file, make the below modifications on the volumes:

# ERPNext requires local assets access (Frappe does not)
    external: true
    external: true

You can now spin the container using the configs:

docker compose --project-name erpnext-one -f ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml up -d

Check if the containers created are running:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                            COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                   PORTS                               NAMES
e00be2553840   frappe/erpnext-nginx:v14.0.3     "/docker-entrypoint.…"   32 seconds ago   Up 18 seconds            8080/tcp                            erpnext-one-frontend-1
9160c092044d   frappe/erpnext-worker:v14.0.3    "bench worker --queu…"   33 seconds ago   Up 22 seconds                                                erpnext-one-queue-default-1
7bbaec7ed169   frappe/erpnext-worker:v14.0.3    "bench worker --queu…"   33 seconds ago   Up 20 seconds                                                erpnext-one-queue-long-1
76ba775acf3b   frappe/frappe-socketio:v14.5.0   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   33 seconds ago   Up 22 seconds                                                erpnext-one-websocket-1
e8521e3f4b99   frappe/erpnext-worker:v14.0.3    "/home/frappe/frappe…"   33 seconds ago   Up 20 seconds                                                erpnext-one-backend-1
8e38bc144d17   frappe/erpnext-worker:v14.0.3    "bench worker --queu…"   33 seconds ago   Up 21 seconds                                                erpnext-one-queue-short-1
680f6d098125   frappe/erpnext-worker:v14.0.3    "bench schedule"         33 seconds ago   Up 20 seconds                                                erpnext-one-scheduler-1
8e36ae90dec5   redis:6.2-alpine                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   35 seconds ago   Up 26 seconds            6379/tcp                            erpnext-one-redis-1
0a618ed98a1c   mariadb:10.6                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago    Up 2 minutes (healthy)   3306/tcp                            mariadb-database
f4c7000a029c   traefik:v2.6                     "/entrypoint.sh --pr…"   4 minutes ago    Up 4 minutes   >80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp   traefik-traefik-1

Now create the sites.

  • For one.example.com
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one exec backend 
  bench new-site one.example.com --mariadb-root-password StrongPassw0rd --install-app erpnext --admin-password StrongPassw0rd
  • For two.example.com

You can only proceed with this option if you need a single bench multi-site setup.

docker compose --project-name erpnext-one exec backend 
  bench new-site two.example.com --mariadb-root-password StrongPassw0rd --install-app erpnext --admin-password StrongPassw0rd

#6. Access the ERPNext ERP System WebUI

At this point, you can access any of your sites created on the beach with the URL. For example http://one.example.com or https://one.example.com

I assume that you have and DNS entry pointing to the Server IP. For example:

$ sudo vim /etc/hosts one.example.com

You need to log in using the created admin password for the site as shown:

Once logged in, start by making basic configurations. Se the preferred language, country, and timezone.

Next, create your first user.

Create the company/organization

Define the organization type.

Once provided, the system will initialize

And there you go! This is the ERPNext ERP System dashboard.

From this dashboard, you can perform the desired activities.

#7. Getting Started with ERPNext ERP System

I will demonstrate how to get started with ERPNext ERP System and make transactions. Begin by clicking on company.

We already have a company created, you can also create other companies if you need to.

Once the desired company with currency has been created, go back to the accounting tab and select Chart of accounts

This shows the accounting ledgers for each transaction in your company. Once you have an account with the chart of accounts, you can now go back to the Home page and create the desired item.

This can be a product or a service offered by the company.

Create the desired item by clicking on Create a new Item

Once saved, refresh to view the items.

Now create a customer you want to do business with under accounting->Customer

Provide the customer details

Once added, the customer will appear as shown.

Next, create a supplier for the items created under accounting->Supplier

Once the item, customer, and supplier details have been added, you are set to do transactions using ERPNext.

Let’s create a sales order by searching as shown.

A sales order has the customer, delivery date, item code, and quantity.

Clicking save, saves the transaction in draft mode and can be edited. Once submitted, you cannot make any changes to it.

You can now print the sales order and you can also send the transaction using SMS, email e.t.c.

#8. Manage the ERPNext ERP System Docker Containers

The ERPNext ERP System Docker Containers can be managed with the following commands:

cd ~/frappe_docker
  • For Traefik

docker-compose --project-name traefik -f docs/compose/compose.traefik.yaml stop

docker-compose --project-name traefik -f docs/compose/compose.traefik.yaml start
  • For MariaDB
docker compose --project-name mariadb -f docs/compose/compose.mariadb-shared.yaml stop

docker compose --project-name mariadb -f docs/compose/compose.mariadb-shared.yaml start
  • For ERPNext
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one -f ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml stop

docker compose --project-name erpnext-one -f ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml start


That marks the end of this guide on how to run ERPNext ERP System in Docker Containers. You can now perform transactions with accounting, purchasing, manufacturing, warehouse, point of sale, trading, and inventory retailing options. I hope this was significant to you.

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