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Learn how to – How to Create the Perfect Working from Home Setup

Learn how to – How to Create the Perfect Working from Home Setup.

These days, working from home is more common than ever before. Even before the start of the current global pandemic, working from home had been becoming increasingly popular for a number of years. There are many benefits of working from home, such as lack of time and expense spent commuting, an increase in convenience, and a more flexible work-life balance. 

However, despite the numerous benefits of working from home compared to working from the office, it can often be tricky to work out how to work in the most effective, comfortable, and enjoyable way. After all, our homes are not typically designed with carrying out office work in mind. Unlike office space that is set up in the first place with productivity in mind, you may have to put some effort into making your home working space ideal for purpose. 

Image source: freepik

Creating the perfect home working setup can have a huge effect on the efficiency and quality of your work and your mental well-being and enjoyment of your job. In this guide, we will look at some of how you can design and plan the ideal setup for your home working needs.

Audit Your Utility Providers

Although working from home is generally cheaper than commuting to work, some costs can increase due to the lack of need for transport. As you will be at home much more often during the day, costs such as heating, and water will be coming from your pocket rather than your employer’s—not to mention the electricity needed to power your computer so that you can work!

Carrying out an audit of your utility costs and comparing different providers’ prices can end up saving you money. There are many sites where you can compare electricity, heating, gas, and water rates for business purposes.

Set Up a Home Office

If you have a room in your house that can be designated as a home office, this is ideal. Working in a separate room from rooms where you carry out other household tasks helps you work without distractions and can make it easier to mentally separate “work” and “home” life, which is the main challenge of working from home. 

If you are unable to set aside a room just for this purpose, you may be able to have another room to yourself during working hours. Avoid working from a laptop in bed—this may be tempting, but it can reduce efficiency and lead to sleeping problems.

Choose the Right Furniture

When working from home, you may not have a chair that is as designed for long hours of working as the ones in an office are. A comfortable office chair is a great investment, and your posture and comfort will thank you! A spacious and tidy desk and your preferred lighting (whether a dim lamp or a bright ceiling light) will enable you to work peacefully and comfortably. When it comes to computers, consider opting for a desktop PC over a laptop if you can afford the expense. Desktop PCs are usually more comfortable to use for many hours at a time than laptops or tablets are.



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