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Heart Disease: Symptom, Prevention & Treatment

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Heart Disease: Symptom, Prevention & Treatment

heart disease

What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the world. It can sneak up on you, and sometimes there are no symptoms that give it away. Sometimes it’s hard to detect because the first indication may be a heart attack or stroke.

If you know your family history, have high blood pressure or diabetes, are overweight, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol excessively, exercise very little or not at all-you’re more likely to get heart disease than someone who isn’t exposed to these risk factors.

What Are The Different Type of Heart Disease?

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. When you think of heart disease, it’s easy to imagine a heart attack or an issue with blood flow.

But there are many other types of heart disease that can be just as dangerous for your health and life expectancy. The four main types of cardiovascular diseases are:

  1. Coronary Artery Disease

    Coronary artery disease, also called coronary heart disease, is a disease of the blood vessels that supply the heart with oxygen. Arteries can become clogged up with fatty deposits or cholesterol and other substances over time which can lead to chest pain and even death.

  2. Heart failure

    Heart failure is a condition in which the heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. It occurs when left ventricle of the heart cannot contract and relax properly.
    The most common cause of heart failure is high blood pressure.
    There are two types: Left-sided and Right-sided (also called pulmonary). In both cases, fluid backs up into other parts of your body because your circulatory system doesn’t function as well as it should.

  3. Angina pectoris

    Angina pectoris is a type of chest pain that happens when the heart does not get enough oxygen-rich blood. The most common symptoms are discomfort in the center of your chest, shortness of breath, lightheadedness or dizziness, and nausea or sweating.Angina should be treated as an emergency because it can lead to a heart attack if left untreated.

  4. Myocardial infarction (MI)

    A heart attack is also called a myocardial infarction. It occurs when the blood supply to the heart muscle is blocked, which can lead to tissue damage and possibly death.A person will experience chest pain, shortness of breath, and nausea or vomiting during an MI; in some cases there may not be any symptoms at all before it happens.

  5. Cardiomyopathy

    Cardiomyopathy is an uncommon disease that causes the heart to enlarge and become weakened. This can make it difficult for the heart to pump blood as effectively. There are three broad types of cardiomyopathies: hypertrophic, dilated, and restrictive.
    The symptoms depend on which type a person has, but some general signs include shortness of breath, dizziness or fainting spells (syncope), chest pain when breathing in deeply (dyspnea) or coughing up blood from time to time (hemoptysis).

  6. Aortic stenosis

    Aortic stenosis is a rare heart condition that affects the blood flow to your body. The aorta, which carries oxygenated blood from your heart to other parts of your body, can become narrowed and restrict this vital flow.This narrowing can be caused by atherosclerosis (built-up plaque) or an infection in the artery wall called endocarditis.

How To Prevent and managing Risk Factors for heart Disease

  1. Control Your High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure is a major risk factor that increases your chances of developing high cholesterol, angina, and other cardiovascular diseases. Make sure you get checked regularly to see if it has reached dangerous levels; this will also help control the problem before too much damage occurs!

  2. Maintain A Healthy Weight

    It is a widely known fact that being overweight can increase your risk of heart disease. The link between the two lies in other common risks, such as high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, hypertension-induced diabetes and more. Controlling weight will lower these chances tremendously!

  3. Get Regular exercise.

    Exercise has many benefits, including strengthening your heart and improving circulation while also helping you stay healthy by maintaining a healthier weight or lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. All of these can lower your risk for developing cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, coronary artery disease (CAD), congestive heart failure (CHF) or arrhythmias- irregular heartbeat.

  4. Lower your cholesterol and triglycerides?

    In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important that high levels of cholesterol or triglycerides do not get out of control. When this occurs, the health consequences will be damaging for our cardiovascular system. Fortunately there are simple things we can do in our daily lives like maintaining an active lifestyle with little stress or eating healthier foods to keep these numbers low!

  5. Take Healthy and Balance Diet

    Eating healthy is the key to reducing your risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease. Having a diet that has plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as foods high in fiber will help you reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure levels while also providing more energy for everyday living. The DASH Diet – which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension- can be an easy way to create this type of meal plan.

  6. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake

    Limiting your alcohol intake is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A drink or two per day won’t hurt, but those who are drinking more that average should consider lowering their consumption levels for better heart health in time.

  7. Manage Diabetes Properly

    Diabetes is a chronic disease that can lead to other illnesses. It’s important for people with diabetes or at risk of getting it from family history, such as high blood sugar levels and weight issues, to be tested on an annual basis so they are aware if anything has changed in their health status.

  8. Manage Stress

    It is important to manage your stress. Studies have shown that people who are stressed out can be at risk for heart disease and other health problems because of the immense strain it puts on their body, but there are many ways you can try to reduce this burden by doing things like exercising or listening to music.

  9. Quit smoking.

    Don’t waste time on a bad habit like cigarette smoking which can raise your blood pressure and put you at high risks for heart disease and stroke if you are currently a smoker who is trying to find ways to stop or try talking with your healthcare provider about what might do.

  10. Have Enough Sleep

    Make sure that you get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you raise your risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Those three things can raise your risk for heart disease. Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Make sure that you have good sleep habits. If you have frequent sleep problems, contact your health care provider

What is The Best Treatment for Heart Disease

Proper Health care is essential once heart disease is diagnosed. The goals of treatment are stabilizing the condition, controlling symptoms over the long term, and providing a cure when possible.

Stress reduction, diet, and lifestyle changes are key in managing heart disease, but the mainstays of conventional care are drugs and surgery.

Natural Herbs and Supplements for Heart Disease

Taking supplement and Natural herbs can help you in the treatment and cure of heart disease. Here are some nutritional supplements that may help decrease your risk of developing heart disease:

Here are some nutritional supplements that may help decrease your risk of developing heart disease:

  1. Coenzyme Q10

    CoQ10 Capsule: Healthy Heart Muscles and Cellular Energy is one of the most important supplement everyone should have.

  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that help reduce inflammation caused by atherosclerosis. They also lower levels of triglycerides, fatty blood components that block your arteries. High triglyceride levels are linked to atherosclerosis and diabetes.

  3. Green Tea

    For centuries, people around the world have consumed green tea for its health benefits. The study shows significant benefits with the consumption of five to six cups of green tea per day. Green tea extract is also available as a supplement in capsule form.

  4. Calcuium, Magnessium and ZInc

    Magnesium & Zinc provides in one tablet, three of the most essential minerals that your body needs to gain and maintain good health.


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