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Get Dictionary Keys as List in Python

In this article, we will dicsuss different ways to get the dictionary keys as List in Python.

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Suppose we have a dictionary like this,


# A Dictionary containing student details
student = { 'Name' : 'Ritika',
            'Age' : 27,
            'City' : 'Delhi',
            'Country' : 'India'}

It contains a student infromation like Name, Age, City, and Country. We want to create a list of all keys in this dictionary. Like this,

['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country']

There are different ways to do this. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Method 1: Using dict.keys()

In Python, the dict class provides a function keys(). It returns a view on dictionary keys. Then we can pass it to the list constructor, and it will return a list of dictionary keys. Let’s see an example,

# A Dictionary containing student details
student = { 'Name' : 'Ritika',
            'Age' : 27,
            'City' : 'Delhi',
            'Country' : 'India'}

# Get keys of dictionary as List
listOfkeys = list(student.keys())

# print the conetnts of list

# print the type


['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country']
<class 'list'>

The keys() method of dictionary returned all keys, and we created a list of all keys. We also printed the type of list object, just to make it confirm, that we have a list only.

Method 2: Using For Loop

Create a new empty list. Iterate over all keys of dictionary, and add them to new list, one by one. We can iterate over all keys of dictionary by applying a for loop on the dictionary object only. Let’s see an example,

# A Dictionary containing student details
student = { 'Name' : 'Ritika',
            'Age' : 27,
            'City' : 'Delhi',
            'Country' : 'India'}

# Create empty List
listOfkeys = []

# Get keys of dictionary as List
for key in student:

# print the conetnts of list

# print the type


['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country']
<class 'list'>

It gave us a list of all keys in the dictionary. We also printed the type of list object, just to make it confirm, that we have a list only.

Method 3: Using List Comprehension

This solution is similar to the previous one, but with one difference only. Instead of a direct for loop, we will use the List Comprehension, to iterate over all keys in dictionary, and appending them to a new list. Let’s see an example,

# A Dictionary containing student details
student = { 'Name' : 'Ritika',
            'Age' : 27,
            'City' : 'Delhi',
            'Country' : 'India'}

# Get keys of dictionary as List
listOfkeys = [key for key in student]

# print the conetnts of list

# print the type


['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country']
<class 'list'>

It gave us a list of all keys in the dictionary. We also printed the type of list object, just to make it confirm, that we have a list only.

Method 4: Using Unpacking

We can also unpack a dictionary object to a sequence of keys only, by applying the astrik to dictionary object. Then we can encapsulate this sequence of keys, into a list object. Let’s see an example,

# A Dictionary containing student details
student = { 'Name' : 'Ritika',
            'Age' : 27,
            'City' : 'Delhi',
            'Country' : 'India'}

# Get keys of dictionary as List
listOfkeys = [*student]

# print the conetnts of list

# print the type


['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country']
<class 'list'>

It gave us a list of all keys in the dictionary. We also printed the type of list object, just to make it confirm, that we have a list only.

Method 5: Using map() and itemgetter()

Get a sequence of all key-value pairs of dictionary. Then select the key from each pair, and append to a list.

To implement this, follow these steps,

  • Get a sequence of key-value pairs of dictionary using the items() function.
  • Pass the sequence of pairs, and itemgetter(0) function to the map() method.
  • The map() method will apply the argument itemgetter(0), on each pair in the sequence. Basically for each pair, it selects the key from pair.
  • Create a list from values returned by the map() function. It will be the list of keys.

Let’s see an example,

from operator import itemgetter

# A Dictionary containing student details
student = { 'Name' : 'Ritika',
            'Age' : 27,
            'City' : 'Delhi',
            'Country' : 'India'}

# Get keys of dictionary as List
listOfkeys = list(map(itemgetter(0), student.items()))

# print the conetnts of list

# print the type


['Name', 'Age', 'City', 'Country']
<class 'list'>

It gave us a list of all keys in the dictionary. We also printed the type of list object, just to make it confirm, that we have a list only.


We learned about different ways to get dictionary keys as list in Python. Thanks.
