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Broiler chickens are growing in popularity because they are quick and easy to raise. Broiler chickens are uniquely bred for fast growth and finish. The most popular breeds are the Cornish Rock and Cornish Cross. These breeds are great at converting feed into muscle weight.

For successful broiler production, a chick requires good body weight, with excellent nutritional reserves at day old. It needs to be in excellent health with a fully functioning immune system.
Typically, they are raised to approximately 6 pounds and are processed between 6 and 8 weeks of age. Heritage breeds are also popular but take about 16 weeks to reach harvest.

Broilers require energy for the growth of tissue, maintenance, and activity. Make sure your chicken always has water. Without enough water, they will not grow well. For each 1 g of feed, your chicks need 2 g of water. For the first 3-5 days, add to the water:  liquid glucose for energy, 1 drop of liquid paraffin,  for digestion vitamins to help with stress.

Nutrition Requirements for Broiler Chickens

Use recommended digestible amino acid levels for optimum broiler performance. Use high-quality protein sources. Provide the correct levels of the major minerals in the appropriate balance. Vitamin and mineral supplementation depends on feed ingredients used, feed manufacturing practices, and local circumstances

With the exception of water, these nutrients are provided by the ingredients that make up the diet. Ingredients are classified as:

  • Cereal Grains
  • Animal Proteins
  • Vegetables Proteins
  • Vegetable Fats
  • Animal Fats
  • Micro Minerals
  • Macro Minerals
  • Vitamin Premixes

Feeding Tips for Broiler Chickens

Week 1 to 4

provide the nutrients they need through a complete chick starter feed. Provide broiler chicks with starter feed with at least 18 percent protein to help support the extra energy needed for early growth.

The objective of the starter/brooding period (0 to 10 days of age) is to establish good appetite and achieve maximum early growth. The target is to achieve a seven-day body weight of 170 g or above.

Weeks 4-processing

Move broilers to a heated coop to provide more space. Provide 6 to 10 inches of feeder space and at least 4 square feet of space per chicken. If free ranging birds, offer 5 to 10 square feet of outdoor space per bird. Raise meat birds separately from other backyard poultry to help reduce stress and the risk of disease transmission. 

Broiler Grower feed is generally fed for 14-16 days following the Starter. Starter to Grower transition will involve a change of texture from crumbs/mini-pellets
to pellets. During this time broiler growth continues to be dynamic. It therefore needs to be supported by adequate nutrient intake.

Broiler Finisher feeds account for the major volume and cost of feeding a broiler. Finisher feeds should be given from 25 days until processing It is therefore important that feeds are designed to maximize financial return for the type of products being produced

The Importance of Water

When raising a flock of broilers, it’s essential to ensure your birds have a sufficient amount of clean, freshwater, as a broiler chicken will not be able to digest feed without adequate hydration. Chickens may also start to eat more to compensate for their thirst and grow less.

By using a poultry waterer, you can provide your flock with a continual supply of freshwater. A well-designed waterer has a pan for the birds to drink from and a reservoir for refilling. As the chickens drink, more water fills the container from the tank!


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