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Learn how to – Ease Your Transition To Cloud With Best Clouding.io per hour rates

Learn how to – Ease Your Transition To Cloud With Best Clouding.io per hour rates.

The kind of approbation that Cloud Computing has attracted in the past decade or so has been tremendous. This can be owed to the myriads of benefits that its clients have gleaned and enjoyed from this robust and flexible paradigm. While there are many challenges to it that require constant innovation and hard work, Clouding.io has gone an extra mile to provide what has been missing. The cloud provider, offering  Cloud VPS Servers in Europe has done a fair share on their platform that deserves attention.

Clouding.io at a glance

Have you ever been in a tight situation where you needed to carry out a project in a VPS in the cloud that takes only a day or two or even a few hours and wished you could pay only for the time you used them? Maybe it was a simple presentation or a proof of your concept to willing clients or just a simple test and you really needed something that could fit in your budget seamlessly and painlessly.

Well, your dreams have just materialized with Clouding.io. Loaded with numerous benefits and features in its generous basket, Clouding.io is what one should be eyeing in to accomplish their tests, their full projects and everything they need in the cloud and get all the advantages it provides at unbelievably handsome pricing.

Who are Clouding.io?

Clouding.io is a Cloud Computing company based in Barcelona (Spain) and provides Cloud Servers that run with Windows and Linux OS, are flexible in RAM, CPU and SSD disc, have a client control panel of their own and work on a pay-per-use system. Whether you are a company thinking about migrating to the cloud or an individual in need of a platform to offer cloud-based services to your clients, Clouding.io has been well-tailored to take good care of their client’s needs all the way from reliability, stability, and affordability that you might be impressed to discover.

What makes Clouding.io unique

  1.1 Amazing Power

How much power would one probably need to run their workloads and have a peaceful time while their clients use them? This is a very important question that comes up while planning to deploy your services to the Cloud. Armed with the efficiency of very fast processors, wide bandwidth, SSD storage, and incredible performance.

Clouding.io understands that compromise on power is a huge mistake. Built from the top to the bottom with cutting-edge technologies and hardware, the safety, reliability, usability, and availability of their customer’s services purring in the best cloud platform is guaranteed. Let us break down where this proclaimed source of power comes from.

   â€“ Intel Xeon Cores

Clouding.io understands that not all the Cores are the same. For this important reason, Clouding.io offers faster and more efficient Cores for servers using the best available Intel Xeon Cores to show their client’s how much their performance is of paramount importance. 

   â€“ 80 Gbps Cisco Network

Network speed and reliability can be a bottleneck to your world-class services if you ignore them it. From rich experience, Clouding.io knows this very well and with this lightning-fast and wide bandwidth,  their server re always being well taken care of so that their clients are always happy. Clouding.io provides:

  • Private Network: 500 constant Mbps in each Cloud Server.
  • Public Network Local Access: 500 constant Mbps in each Cloud Server.
  • Public Network Internet access: 500 constant Mbps in each Cloud Server.

   â€“ Ceph Storage

Clouding.io has built a powerful Cloud Storage based on Ceph that guarantees performance and stability for its cloud Servers. 

   â€“ KVM OpenStack

The marriage between KVM and OpenStack is undeniably worth a billion dollars. In order for a client to have an easy and enjoyable time while they manage their servers,  these virtualization and orchestration systems guarantee the resources and stability that their customers are looking for.

   â€“ Smart cache

Clouding.io offers three tiers of cache in RAM, to make the servers of their customers literary fly!

   â€“ SSD Drives

Clouding.io threw traditional hard drives where they safely belong, and that is to the past. Welcome to the Cloud Hosting of the future that makes their clients thrive and succeed in these challenging times where performance is everything.

  1.2 Top notch stability

The key to the stability that Clouding.io is proud of stems from a Datacenter located in Barcelona (Spain), which has been ranked Tier IV, the highest category in the market.

  â€“ 3x Replica

Clouding.io keeps three copies of servers running in their cloud. This way, if one fails, another one can be started right away without the client even noticing about the issue.

  â€“ DNS Hosting

To reduce the movements you make between your servers and DNS hosting providers, Clouding.io got you fully sorted. The control panel not only includes the Hosting DNS service for the domains of their clients but attracts no additional cost at all.

– Anti-DDoS

Security concerns have grown in leaps and bounds and Clouding.io believes that every cloud user has them. In order to mitigate and deal with the valid concerns especially since clients’ services will be running in the Cloud, Clouding.io  applies security measures to detect untrustworthy IPs and prevent them from connecting to their Cloud Servers all day long. 

  1.3 Crazy flexibility

One of the mantras that Clouding.io prides itself in is affording its clients with the flexibility they need. Every client is different and being able to cater for the variety of needs that each of them has makes Clouding.io stand out in the Cloud Business. RAM, CPU and SSD disc can be redimensioned at any time. The resize restarts the cloud server and is done within seconds.

      â€“ Hourly Pricing

Clouding.io does something amazingly different by offering Cloud Servers that are billed per hour. This way, you can increase or reduce your server setup at any time and pay only for the time they are being used. 

   â€“ Clouding.io offers all the Operating Systems one may require

Which Linux distribution do you prefer for your server? Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, name it. Are you a Windows person? You have it. A lot of versions of Windows Server are available. Also, pre-built Applications can be chosen, such as Docker, LAMP, LEMP, WordPress, Ghost, PFSense, PrestaShop, Magento, and Odoo.

In addition to that, there are control panels including VestaCP and PLESK. Backups are also provided and hence one can never go wrong when they land on Clouding.io

  1.4 Best user-friendliness you can get

They say simplicity breeds the freedom to explore. Logging into Clouding.io platform welcomes you to a well-groomed, well-arranged and well-placed items to offer the simplicity of launching and managing their servers with ease.

One can easily select the versions of their cloud servers, effortlessly gliding to choose the disk sizes and a number of cores needed. There are no complications whatsoever because Clouding.io believes their clients deserve all the simplicity they need to manage their workloads. 

  1.5 Clouding.io cares about their clients´needs

   â€“ Quality Support

The Clouding.io has your back through their telephone service and e-mail systems. It´s 24/7 service where you are fully covered, no matter what. In addition, if you have no time or technical knowledge for some performances, you can hire the Cloud Pros to have it done for you.

– Services offered

These include pre-built Applications such as Docker, LAMP, LEMP, WordPress, Ghost, PFSense, PrestaShop, Magento, and Odoo. In addition to that, there are control panels including VestaCP and PLESK. Backups are also provided so you can keep all your data super safe and available for you.


If you sign in on clouding.io, you can enjoy a 5-€ free trial to see all of this for yourself. Are you ready to jump into the Cloud? Clouding.io is ready to welcome you and make you have a unique experience on the Cloud.


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