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Learn how to – Configure Chef Knife, Upload Cookbooks and Run a recipe on Chef Client Nodes

Learn how to – Configure Chef Knife, Upload Cookbooks and Run a recipe on Chef Client Nodes.

In our last article, we looked at how to install Chef Server on Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 8. I’ll try to make an installation guide of Chef Server on CentOS 7 as well. This blog post on How to configure Chef Knife, write a test cookbook and upload it to Chef Server, and finally run this cookbook on a Server(Node) is meant to be a continuation – Delivery as promised.

Setup Pre-requisites

For Arch Linux users, use: How to install Chef Development Kit on Arch Linux

By installing Chef Workstation, you’ll get knife command. Ensure you have installed Chef Server and Configured Chef Workstation before proceeding with this guide. Once all is set and ready, we can start exploring Knife setup and usage.

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Introduction to knife

Knife is a command-line tool that provides an interface between your workstation and the Chef server. The knife enables you to upload your cookbooks to the Chef server and interact with nodes, the servers that you manage.

In summary, knife enables you to manage:

  • Nodes – Servers managed by Chef
  • Cookbooks and recipes
  • Roles, Environments, and Data Bags
  • Resources within various cloud environments
  • The installation of the chef-client onto nodes
  • Searching for indexed data on the Chef server

knife requires two files to authenticate with the Chef server.

  1. An RSA private key:
  • Every request to the Chef server is authenticated through an RSA public key pair.
  • The Chef server holds the public part; you hold the private part.

2. A knife configuration file

  • The configuration file is typically named knife.rb.
  • This configuration file contains information such as the Chef server’s URL, the location of your RSA private key, and the default location of your cookbooks.
  • Both of these files are typically located in a directory named .chef
  • By default, every time knife runs, it looks in the current working directory for the .chef directory
  • If the .chef directory does not exist, knife searches up the directory tree for a .chef directory

Configure Knife environment ( On Workstation Machine)

In this section, we’ll configure Knife to be able to communicate with the Chef Server.

Step 1: Generate chef repository directory

Start by generating a Chef repository on your Workstation machine

chef generate repo chef-repo
cd chef-repo

The chef repo directory should have

$ ls -1

Step 2: Configure Git

The ChefDK adds the Git component to your workstation and initializes a Git repository in the directory used to generate the Chef repo.

The only work you have is to configure Git to add your username and email and to add and commit any new files generated.

git config --global user.name gitusername
git config --global user.email useremail@example.com

Step 3: Add the .chef directory to the .gitignore file

You need to tell Git to ignore tracking of all files in .chef directory

echo ".chef" > .gitignore

Add files and commit

git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"

Step 4: Configure Knife

Create a .chefdirectory inside the folderchef-repo.

cd chef-repo
mkdir .chef
cd .chef

The .chef directory should contain two files:

  • Your knife configuration file, knife.rb
  • Your RSA private key

Download your RSA Private key from the Chef Server – This was generated during the installation of Chef server, see How to install Chef Automation Server on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

$ scp chef-server:/home/chefadmin.pem .

Replace chef-server with your Chef Server address, and /home/chefadmin.pem with the location of your Private Key.

Create knife.rb file

$ vim knife.rb

Add the content similar to one below

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "chefadmin"
client_key "#{current_dir}/chefadmin.pem"
chef_server_url "https://chef-server/organizations/mycompany"
cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]
  • mycompany should match the name of your Organization as created on the Chef server
  • chef-server is the domain name of your Chef Server – resolvable on the Workstation machine
  • chefadmin should be the username that was created on the chef server

You can also use Organization Validator, but first download validator Private Key.

$ scp chef-server:/home/mycompany-validator.pem .

Then configure knife:

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'chefadmin'
client_key "#{current_dir}/chefadmin.pem"
validation_client_name 'mycompany-validator'
validation_key "#{current_dir}/mycompany-validator.pem"
chef_server_url "https://chef-server/organizations/mycompany"
cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../cookbooks"]

Fetch the SSL certificate from your Chef server.

$ knife ssl fetch

Validate the downloaded SSL certificate

$ knife ssl check
Connecting to host chef-server:443
Successfully verified certificates from `chef-server'

$ file trusted_certs/chef-server.crt
trusted_certs/chef-server.crt: PEM certificate

Confirm that knife.rb is set up correctly by running the client list:

$ knife client list

This command should output the validator name.

Write a test Chef Cookbook

In this section, we will create a simple cookbook to install and configure the Apache web server with a Hello Chef World Web Page.

Step 1: Generate cookbook

Generate a cookbook using the command syntax:

chef generate cookbook COOKBOOK_PATH/COOKBOOK_NAME (options)

As an example, let’s name our cookbook iapache_server

$ cd chef-repo
$ chef generate cookbook  cookbooks/install_apache

Generating cookbook apache_server
- Ensuring correct cookbook file content
- Ensuring delivery configuration
- Ensuring correct delivery build cookbook content

Your cookbook is ready. Type `cd cookbooks/install_apache` to enter it.

There are several commands you can run to get started locally developing and testing your cookbook.
Type `delivery local --help` to see a full list.

Why not start by writing a test? Tests for the default recipe are stored at:


If you'd prefer to dive right in, the default recipe can be found at:


Step 2: Generate HTML index page template

A cookbook template is an Embedded Ruby (ERB) template that is used to dynamically generate static text files. Generate index.html template that will be copied over to Apache Server

$ cd cookbooks
$ chef generate template install_apache index.html
Recipe: code_generator::template
  * directory[./install_apache/templates] action create
    - create new directory ./install_apache/templates
  * template[./install_apache/templates/index.html.erb] action create
    - create new file ./install_apache/templates/index.html.erb
    - update content in file ./install_apache/templates/index.html.erb from none to e3b0c4
    (diff output suppressed by config)

Edit the file index.html.erb

$ vim install_apache/templates/index.html.erb

Here is a sample

    <h1>Hello Chef World from <%= node['fqdn'] %></h1>

The <%= %> syntax enables you to provide placeholders in your template file. Placeholders are replaced with their values when chef-client runs

The attribute node['fqdn'] a fully qualified domain name for a node. This is used as the name of a node unless otherwise set.

Step 3: Create a Recipe for Apache

Now create an Apache web server recipe which has resource definitions to:

  • Install basic system packages – vim, bash-completion, curl & wget
  • Install Apache web server package – httpd for CentOS/RHEL/Fedora and apache2 for Debian family
  • Start Apache service and set it to start on boot
  • Copy index.html.erb template to /var/www/html/index.html

Here is the complete recipe file install_apache/recipes/default.rb

# Cookbook:: install_apache
# Recipe:: default
# Copyright:: 2018, The Authors, All Rights Reserved.

# Install basic packages

package 'Install basic packages' do
  package_name %w(vim wget curl bash-completion)

# Install Apache web server
package 'Install Apache web server' do
  case node[:platform]
  when 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'
    package_name 'httpd'
  when 'ubuntu', 'debian'
    package_name 'apache2'

# Start and enable the service

service 'Start and enable apache service' do
  case node[:platform]
  when 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora'
    service_name 'httpd'
  when 'ubuntu', 'debian'
    service_name 'apache2'
  action [:enable, :start]

# Copy apache template

template '/var/www/html/index.html' do
  source 'index.html.erb'
  mode '0644'
  case node[:platform]
  when 'redhat', 'centos', 'fedora', 'scientific'
    owner 'apache'
    group 'apache'
  when node[:platform]
    owner 'www-data'
    group 'www-data'

Also, edit your metadata file to specify cookbook version and Git repository URL for the same.

vim install_apache/metadata.rb

Mine has the following contents:

name 'install_apache'
maintainer 'Josphat Mutai'
maintainer_email 'jmutai@ownyourlife.com.ng'
license 'All Rights Reserved'
description 'Installs/Configures install_apache'
long_description 'Installs/Configures Apache Web Server'
version '0.1.0'
chef_version '>= 13.0'

# The `issues_url` points to the location where issues for this cookbook are
# tracked.  A `View Issues` link will be displayed on this cookbook's page when
# uploaded to a Supermarket.
# issues_url 'https://github.com/<insert_org_here>/install_apache/issues'

# The `source_url` points to the development repository for this cookbook.  A
# `View Source` link will be displayed on this cookbook's page when uploaded to
# a Supermarket.
# source_url 'https://github.com/<insert_org_here>/install_apache'

Step 4: Upload Cookbook to Chef Server

We have our test cookbook ready to be uploaded to Chef Server.

$ knife cookbook upload install_apache
Uploading install_apache [0.1.0]
Uploaded 1 cookbook.

Confirm by listing cookbooks on the Chef Server

$ knife cookbook list
chef-client      11.0.1
cron             6.2.1
install_apache   0.1.0
logrotate        2.2.0

Bootstrapping a Node

The knife bootstrap is the command you use to bootstrap a node. When using this command, you specify arguments depending on how you would normally connect to your node over SSH.

You can connect to the Node via:

  • Key-based authentication
  • Password authentication

Key-based authentication is typically recommended over password authentication because it is more secure, but you can bootstrap your node using either method. In either method, the --node-name argument uniquely identifies the node with the Chef server and its value can be whatever you want.

General options used with knife bootstrap command


Options specific to key-based authentication


Options specific to password authentication


Bootstrap a Node using Password authentication

The command syntax is:

$ knife bootstrap ADDRESS --ssh-user USER --sudo --node-name nodename --run-list 'recipe[recipe-name]'

Separate multiple recipes with a comma


For our example case, we’ll use:

$ knife bootstrap -x vagrant --sudo -P 'vagrant' -N  centos-01 -r 'recipe[install_apache]'


  • ADDRESS with your remote node’s external address,
  • USER with your username
  • centos-01 with your Node name
  • install_apache with cookbook name

To use the root user

$ knife bootstrap -x root  -P 'password' -N  centos-01 
-r 'recipe[install_apache]'

If you get an error message like ERROR: Net::SSH::HostKeyMismatch: fingerprint ..does not match for "IP", you may need to remove the offending key from your ~/.ssh/configusing:

$ ssh-keygen -R IPADDRESS

Or bootstrap with the --no-host-key-verify option (not recommended since less secure)

$ knife bootstrap IPADDRESS --no-host-key-verify <OPTIONS>

To Bootstrap using Key authentication

$ knife bootstrap -x vagrant --sudo  --identity-file ~/.ssh/private_key 
-N  centos-01 -r 'recipe[install_apache]'

Knife Node Bootstrap will:

  • Login to node
  • Install chef-client
  • Configure chef-client
  • Run chef-client

Sample output:

To confirm the result, check if your node was associated with your Chef server.

$ knife node list

You can use the commandknife node show to view data about your node.

$ knife node show centos-01
Node Name:   centos-01
Environment: _default
FQDN:        cent-01
Run List:    recipe[install_apache]
Recipes:     install_apache, install_apache::default
Platform:    centos 7.5.1804

Open the Node IP address on your Browser to see if our web page is working

Update your node’s configuration

The command knife ssh enables you to update your node’s configuration when your cookbook changes. To update your node using password authentication with attributes

knife ssh 'name:nodename' 'sudo chef-client' --ssh-user USER --ssh-password 'PASSWORD' --attribute ipaddress

Delete Node data

Chef makes a distinction between the nodes that are being managed and the clients that are authorized to make API calls to the Chef server. Delete Node data by running:

knife node delete nodename --yes
knife client delete nodename --yes

The knife node delete removes the node’s metadata from the Chef server and knife client delete  deletes the entry (including the public part of the RSA key pair) from the Chef server’s API client list.

Delete Chef Cookbook/roles and RSA private key

To delete your cookbook from the Chef server

knife cookbook delete cookbookname --all --yes

If you omit the --all argument, you’ll be prompted to select which version to delete

To delete the role from the Chef server

$ knife role delete myrole --yes

Delete the RSA private key from your node

During the bootstrap process, an RSA private key is generated on your node to enable your node to make API calls to the Chef server. This key is saved to /etc/chef/client.pem on Linux systems

If you plan to bootstrap your node a second time, for example, to practice the process, you’ll need to log in to your node and delete the RSA private key file, like this

$ sudo rm /etc/chef/client.pem

Hope this article was helpful for guys new to Knife and Chef Automation Engine. Stay tuned for more Chef Articles.

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