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The onset of fear or phobia issues in dogs can be prompted by a variety of things, from puppy socialization issues and age-related health conditions like dementia to traumatic experiences or genetics.

Though phobias are common, it can sometimes be a challenge to work out exactly what is causing your dog’s distress. Fortunately, once the fear has been established there’s plenty of ways to help your dog overcome their turmoil.

If your dog has a phobia to anything – including fear of certain sounds in the environment such as street noises, sirens, babies crying, children playing, fireworks, or thunderstorms – he is feeling a very real emotion and care must be taken when creating a treatment plan. Be very patient, go slowly, and never force your dog into situations that overwhelm him.

Understanding some of the well-known dog phobias us key to guiding them and to relieve them of it.

Most Common Dog Fears and Phobias

1. Thunderstorms

Fear of thunder, also know as Astraphobia, is very common in dogs. The degree of this fear can differ from dog to dog. Some may just have a mild fear of thunder. In this case, a dog may tremble slightly or you may notice flattened ears, wide eyes, and a tucked tail during a thunderstorm. Other dogs may have a more severe phobia which leads them to hide, become destructive, or even lose control of their bowels or bladder

2. Fireworks

A fear of fireworks in dogs, is quite common especially around bonfire night and new year when they’re very loud and unpredictable!

While we know fireworks are nothing to worry about, their effects can be devastating for some dogs. If not treated promptly, mild worry can escalate into a serious phobia of loud noises, and, in the worst cases, anything your dog has come to associate with fireworks, such as the approach of dusk.

3. Car Rides

Aside from the fact that cars are big, loud, and move way too fast, they can also cause motion sickness in canine passengers. No wonder riding in cars is high on the list of common phobias in dogs!

It can be difficult to tell the difference between car sickness and true vehicle anxiety so most experts recommend addressing both. Desensitization training and anti-anxiety medications are helpful for fearful pups, but motion sickness is a bit more complicated.

4. Using Stairs

It might not be initially evident that your dog is scared of stairs, until they put on the breaks as they approach a set of steps. This phobia is most often due to a lack of early socialisation and exposure.

A dog who isn’t exposed to steps as a young puppy may develop a fear of going up and down them when they encounter a stairway later in life.

If a dog has experienced a fall or accident on stairs, this also could be a cause of the fear. Older dogs may become reluctant to use stairs if they have arthritis or other mobility issues.

Make sure to rule out any medical issues before positive reinforcement trainings a put in place.

5. Veterinary Visits

Like us, dogs have a good memory. They often remember things associated with certain experiences, such as visits to the vet. Dogs associate these visits with negative moments because, in the vet office, they are confronted with unusual smells, sensations, and noises. In addition to all this, dogs may also experience the discomfort of other dogs through their sense of smell. Thus, when he/she returns, the same sensations are repeated and consequently put him/her in a state of stress.

6. Strangers

Dogs can fear strangers for a few reasons, including not enough social time as a puppy or the memory of a traumatic event. The key is to handle this anxiety carefully and to never force your dog to interact with a stranger.

A good technique is to have visitors toss treats to your dog while they ignore them. The lack of eye contact will help calm your dog and the treats help them form a positive association.


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