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A blood clot, medically known as thrombus, may form when the blood flow of an artery or vein is restricted, when the lining of a blood vessel is damaged, or when another condition causes a dog to produce clots excessively. They can form in the heart or within blood vessels. It frequently causes obstruction to blood vessels at its site of origin.

This is a potentially life-threatening condition which can progress rapidly, and timely care greatly improves your dog’s chances of survival.

If your dog displays any signs or symptoms of a blood clot, seek immediate veterinary care.

Causes of Blood Clots in Dogs

Blood clots can form when platelets and plasma proteins thicken. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Aneurysm
  • Cancer
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Damaged vessels
  • Diabetes
  • Heartworm
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia
  • Inflamed pancreas
  • Injury
  • Kidney disease
  • Long term corticosteroid use
  • Parasite infection
  • Reduced blood flow
  • Underactive thyroid

Symptoms of Blood Clots in Dogs

A dog with a lung blood clot may experience difficulty breathing and may even spit up blood. He may be unable to get comfortable, and will cough and show signs of lethargy. His gums may become pale or blue, and he may have trouble moving. A heart blood clot will present many of the same symptoms as a lung blood clot, in which the dog has difficulty breathing and moving, and may have a faint or irregular pulse.

He may become disoriented and may pass out. A clot that travels to the heart could be fatal. Your dog can develop blood clots in his limbs if he remains in one position for too long. He may be unable to move the affected limb, and it may be cold to the touch.

Diagnosing Blood Clots

Blood clots can be diagnosed by performing an x-ray. The e-rays should reveal the presence of blood clots in the lung or heart area.

Also, the vet will perform a few blood tests, including the prothrombin time analysis, which will indicate if the clotting rate is normal.

Additional tests may be performed if the vet suspects an underlying condition causing blood clotting abnormalities.

Treatment of Blood Clots in Dogs

Treatment of pneumonia caused by a blood clot due to endocarditis includes longterm antibiotics, a treatment program lasting several weeks to months. Some cases require anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce fever or anti-clotting medications. The outlook for recovery is guarded at best.

Your veterinarian will use medications to treat blood clots in the arteries of the body or embolisms in the vessels of the lungs. In addition, dogs with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia are often prescribed medication to prevent the formation of clots.


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