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Best courses for Web Development in Python

Python is a fairly straightforward language to learn. It has a simple syntax, is easy to understand, has relatable keywords, no semi-colons, no compilation, and is very popular. Python is primarily famous for its functionalities and features in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. However, other than that still, it is used for many different applications. And one of the essential applications is in web development.

Best Web Development Courses in Python

Python offers several web frameworks that allow you to build backend servers that can be easily wired to HTML, CSS-based frontend websites. These web frameworks are nothing but bundles of code with built-in functionalities that reduces the hassle of creating things from scratch for your website. They handle all of the basic tasks that a backend server usually does, including parsing HTTP requests, returning responses, authorization, authentication, database management, etc. For example, frameworks like Django come with support for ORM, templating engine serializer, etc., for implementing various tasks in your website without having to build them on your own; import those libraries, and you’re good to go.

Another advantage offered by these libraries is that they aren’t hard to learn, like some new language you have to learn. It will be your same Python with some library-specific code on top of it, functions to implement the needed feature you must learn. And it does not limit to this alone. There are also other popular frameworks in Python, such as Flask, CherryPy, Pyramid, FastAPI, etc.

Python has a enormous community support and you’ve got people who can help you with almost anything in any framework; the learning curve is short, considering the simplicity and the easy-to-understand concepts. However, every time we start working with some new language or framework, it is always better to have the right guide. A clear visualization of the path we’ll follow to understand the details, allowing us to implement them and apply them to our use case. And that’s what we will recommend to you in this article.

Here, we will present you with several courses that can help you gain a good understanding of the fundamentals and finer details of the above-said frameworks and help you become a better backend python-dev for web apps.

Django 2.2 & Python | The Ultimate Web Development Bootcamp

Build three complete websites, learn back and front-end web development, and publish your site online with DigitalOcean

This first course is a Django based one, where you’ll get to create three complete websites by using Django framework along with HTML and Bootstrap and you’ll also get to learn the concepts as you create projects. You’ll get to do the following things:

  1. Create your own personal site to display your projects.
  2. Use DigitalOcean to deploy your website publicly.
  3. Learn to use Bootstrap for some beautiful designs.
  4. Understand how to connect databases like SQLite and Postgres to Django to store data.
  5. Understand Django basics like Function and Class Based Views, URL routing, Models, Gunicorn and much more!

This course has been rated 4.7 stars with 23,331 students working on the course. So, it’s definitely a great course to start with!

Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp

Learn to build websites with HTML , CSS , Bootstrap , Javascript , jQuery , Python 3 , and Django!

With 32 hours of content being offered to learn, this is quite a packed course that teaches end to end web development. The content is really great considering it covers everything from HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS, jQuery, and our hero, Django(in detail). The only concern is the course is from 2017 and uses outdated Django 1.xx; you’ll have to go through the course using Django higher versions with couple of google searches to figure out the changes for newer versions. It covers the above said topics along with the following concepts in Django:

  1. Django Basics, Templates, Forms, Admin Customization.
  2. ORM, Class Based Views.
  3. REST APIs.
  4. User Authentication.
  5. 2 projects of which one is a social media clone project.

This course has been rated 4.5 stars with 188,693 students working on the course. This large community of students definitely will help you in overcoming any obstacle during the course. So, give it a go!

Build a Backend REST API with Python & Django — Beginner

Finally create that App & fully-functioning user database in this crash course to building a REST API

This crash course helps you to kickstart your web development journey by covering some of the important Django concepts and helping you to understand creating app in Django, setting up db, setting up admin, understanding concepts like API views, viewsets, several APIs from backend

By the end of this course you will have built a fully functioning REST API that can handle:

  1. Creating and updating user profiles.
  2. Login and authentication.
  3. Posting status updates.
  4. Viewing status update feeds.

This crash course is rated 4.6 stars with 25,882 students working on the course. To learn Django and web development quickly, this will definitely be a good option.

Python and Flask Bootcamp: Create Websites using Flask

Create awesome websites using the powerful Flask framework for Python!

This is another great course by Jose Portilla on Flask with 20 hours of content covering all the HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python basics and covering all Flask concepts in detail. You will do the following:

  1. Create forms using WTForms to accept user inputs.
  2. Create SQL DBs with Flask and SQLAlchemy as an ORM.
  3. Create a fully functioning Social Network Site with Flask.
  4. Integrate User Authentication and Authorization with Flask.
  5. Learn OAuth with Flask Applications.
  6. Building REST APIs.

This course has been rated 4.6 stars with 41,544 students working on the course. The teachers and assistants always reply to question in just hours, so no worries on having any doubts during the course work.

Web Developer Bootcamp with Flask and Python in 2022

Become a Full Stack Web Developer using Flask, Python, HTML, CSS, and MongoDB! Fully updated for 2022 and beyond.

This 20 hour BootCamp Flask course is updated for 2022 and helps in becoming a Full Stack Web Developer using Flask, Python, HTML, CSS, and MongoDB! You’ll get to learn almost all the essentials including:

  1. Creating dynamic websites with HTML, CSS, Flask and Jinja2
  2. Store and retrieve data with MongoDB on the Cloud
  3. Deploying your web applications (using both free and paid solutions)
  4. Integrate user authentication in your websites

This course has been rated 4.7 stars with 39,826 students working on the course. Another great course to understand the fundamentals of Web Development with Flask.

REST APIs with Flask and Python in 2022

Build professional REST APIs with Python, Flask, Docker, Flask-Smorest, and Flask-SQLAlchemy

Once you’re done with the previous course, this will be a great course to continue on to empower yourself with the entire Web Development skills with Flask that includes building REST APIs, authentication, deploying your websites along with VCS and DB migrations. You’ll learn the following:

  1. Develop production-ready, resource-based REST APIs with Python, Flask, and other Flask extensions;
  2. Use Flask to handle secure user registration and
  3. Store resources to a database quickly and effectively with SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy.
  4. Highlight the intricate details of Flask REST API deployments.
  5. Run and deploy your REST APIs more easily by using Docker.

This course has been rated 4.6 stars with 104,909 students working on the course.

If you’re someone who wants to use server-side technologies to increase the functionality of mobile and web applications this course is definitely for you.

Hope you found this article helpful and resourceful. Thanks for reading this! Please share your thoughts/comments on this!

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