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10 Best Guidelines to Create SEO-Friendly Content

DEAR, Blogger, welcome, in this tutorial I will be teaching you 10 Ultimate Killer guide on how to perfectly write and create SEO-Friendly content in 2023. It is very important to know how to write a blog post as a beginner blogger.  

What’s the Deal?

Writing a blog post requires some great skills. To get ranked or increase your ranking level on search engines, I have 10 steps tips for you on the complete guide on how you can create and write your article and make it SEO-friendly content.

These are the best tips on how to write a blog post and make it SEO optimized.  There are questions on how I use keywords, how I write SEO content, and where I place my keywords.

Here’s the Deal.

No need to panic with this article on how to create SEO-friendly content you be able to write a blog post and make it well-optimized on the search engines.

Before you start, you will have to do keyword research to find the perfect keyword, you will use in your article. I also have a tutorial guide on how to find the perfect keyword for your post and Rank high.

10 Guidelines for Writing Content That’s SEO-Friendly


1. Think positively before your write.

Yes, as a good blogger, you have to think positively before writing a blog post. What I mean is there are some questions; you must ask yourself before you write.

How is my article going to help others? Would my article solve my audience’s and readers’ problems? If you are able to resolve these questions, you will love writing when you start to create and write your article and make it a SEO-friendly blog post and content.

For you to Create SEO-Friendly Content you need to think of how your article will answer the numerous queries on Google and other Search engines. Because the engines would want to rank articles that will assist and answer their users queries.  

2. Use Headings, Sub-Headings, and Paragraphs.

Always use headings and subheadings when writing, to give your audience more detail, and for easy identification of information.

Bloggers, who are looking forward to getting Featured Snippet, must optimize the use of headings and subheadings in their articles.

For a paragraph, try to write a good-looking paragraph. Don’t write too plenty words in a paragraph, instead, try to summarize your point in short sentences.

Try to split them into like 4-5 lines. It would also increase your content’s readability.

3. Optimize the Volume of your Article     

This part is very important to create and write SEO-Friendly blog posts or content, when writing, give your all. I mean empty your tank.

Search engines would not rank your article higher than your competitor’s that has more to give than you.

You need to write a good and rich volume of content, write enough. Most bloggers recommend you to write at least 300 words per article.

Yes, but if can write up to even 1000 – 6000 or even 8000 you are just doing nothing bad, but increasing your advantage.

Good Works.

4. Select a Perfect keyword and Optimize it well

For SEO ranking of your post, you must have. Because you can’t just stuff plenty of keywords anyhow and expect Google to rank your article.

As I mentioned earlier, for you to Create SEO-Friendly Content you need to do keyword research. If you have read the Keyword research guide, and you already have a keyword, that’s the best way to create and write your article and make it SEO-friendly content.

What’s Next?

You need to optimize it well to rank top and higher.

Here’s the Deal;

You must distribute your keyword in a good orderly manner. Don’t stuff keyword, instead repeat them in a proper way. Distribute your keyword properly. Below are the areas where you can insert your keyword properly.

  • Title of the post
  • First Paragraph
  • Meta description
  • Slug or permalink
  • Body of post (not more than 5 and not less than 3)
  • Alt Text attribute of content images
  • Tags


You can use bullets, roman numerals, etc. for proper list indenting.

BONUS TIP: always update your articles at least every 2-3 months

5. Add Meta Descriptions to your Articles

Adding Meta description to your blog is a great bonus to creating SEO-Friendly content, and boosting your SEO ranking status. Meta descriptions are short descriptions or summarized texts of description to give brief information about what a particular article will be all about.

By doing this when a reader sees these texts below your post, in a simple way we do call snippet preview, he knows where to get what he actually wants.

Personally, if I go to search engines and search for something online, I don’t just enter the first on the list, I normally read the meta description first. By doing this I know which article would give me what I want, or solve my problem.

6. Add alt-text attributes to your Images

Adding alt-text to your content’s images in your blog post is another means of helping your article grow in search engines’ rank.

People don’t only do web searches, to inquire about things, they also use image searches also to locate the information they want.

If your images attribute would help to rank, you know it’s pretty much an advantage. So add it

IMPORTANT: Google also count alt-text attribute when ranking a particular keyword.

7. Use Internal and External Linking

As a good blogger, you need to practice inter-relationship between your own URL and other sites’ URLs.

What Do I mean?

I mean in terms of Internal linking; you share related links of articles to your reader. For example, I shared how to find the perfect keyword to rank your post-high. You know it’s interesting, and it also boosts traffic by 80%. So internal linking has to do with sharing your own URL in between your article or giving preference to another article in your blog.

And for external linking, has to do with sharing or referencing other site link URLs. For example, I wrote Google and Facebook are trying to build a good relationship. I linked Google and Facebook’s URLs to the text. Other examples are giving links to download files or registration links. To help readers navigate easily to other sites.

Linking also help to rank and also increase your traffic distinctively.

8. Use SEO tools and Plugins for effectiveness

This would help you to make your work easier and more effective. They help reduce stress and large work.  Bloggers who use WordPress platform will enjoy these tools more. There are many SEO tools and plugins that would help you rank in 2023. Because of WordPress all you need to do is just download a plugin, go to your WordPress dashboard and upload it and boom you are done.

Some of these tools are

  • Yoast    
  • Rank Mathe
  • Google Tool Kit
  • Hemingway Editor
  • Copyscape
  • Reverso
  • SEM rush
  • Read-able

many more.

9. Include Related Keywords

You can also add related keywords also your article on your quest to Create SEO-Friendly Content, but optimize them very well. Also, you can check for related keywords, through Google, Bing, keywords everywhere.

But you can just type in whatever your keyword is and you will find related ones. For those using the WordPress plugin Yoast, you can also you use it to find related keywords.

Related Keywords also help your content rank for other keywords.

10. Make your content shareable with Friends

Provide an article link, below the post so that it can be shared with your friends on other platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, LinkedIn, Quora, etc.

If you are using the blogger platform you can just register and set up either sharethis or addthis. I recommend sharethis for bloggers. Just go to the homepage and register for it. If you need help with that you check out my guide on how to add sticky share buttons to blogspot, using sharethis.

If you are using the blogger platform, just download the plugin using the link provided below. Download the .zip file and upload it to your plugin, in your WordPress dashboard.

Download links

  • Sharethis
  • Add this
  • SocialSnap
  • Shared Count

PRO BONUS: How to start your pro blog [complete guide from scratch]

FAQs: How to Create SEO-Friendly Content

How Do I Write SEO-Optimized Content?

To write SEO optimized article all you need to do is follow the easy steps on how to write a blog post I have listed above which are the following:

  • Prior to writing, be positive.
  • Make use of paragraphs, headings, and subheadings.
  • Make an effort to maximize the article’s volume.
  • Conduct thorough keyword research, pick the ideal one, and properly optimize it.
  • Include Meta descriptions in your posts.
  • You should give your images alt-text attributes.
  • Link both internally and externally.
  • For effectiveness, utilize SEO plugins and tools.
  • Utilize relevant keywords.
  • 10 allow friends to share your content

How do I use Keyword in Blog post when to write a blog post

You should conduct keyword research and select profitable keywords that will allow you to rank high. Remember to select those with a high impression rate and little competition.

Your keyword or group of keywords should appear in your blog posts. There are various areas of your blog post that you will be improving.   

Where do I use keywords in Blog pot?

There are numerous areas in your article to place your intended keyword to optimize your content for SEO, and also leverage your keyword.

Areas to Place your Keywords

  • Post title.
  • first paragraph.
  • meta description.
  • slug or permalink.
  • body of post (optimize the amount of volume to leverage your keyword).
  • Alt Text attribute of images.
  • Tags.

What is the best blog length for SEO?

According to the research done by the Naijatechinfo blog team, we have concluded that the best amount or volume of text in a blog post should be at least 1000 (one thousand) words is enough to get your article ready for SEO.

Conclusion: How to Create SEO-Friendly Content

Congratulations, with these few easy Blogging and SEO guides, steps on how to write a blog post, not just that also to Create SEO-Friendly Content.

You can now create, construct and write your article and make it well-optimized SEO-friendly content in 2023 and rank on top search engines.

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