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Tag: Tuples

Get every Nth element from a list of tuples in python

This tutorial will discuss about unique ways to get every nth element from a list of tuples in Python. Table Of Contents Method 1: Using map() and itemgetter() Method 2: Using List Comprehension Method 3: Using zip() function Summary Method 1: Using map() and itemgetter() Using the map() function, apply the function operator.itemgetter(n) on every …

Get every Nth element from a list of tuples in pythonRead More

Tuples in Python

A Tuple in Python, is a heterogeneous sequential data structure that can store elements of different types. We have curated a list of tutorials to explain all about tuples in Python. S.NO Python Tuples Tutorials 8.1 What is a Tuple in Python and how to create it? 8.2 How to find an element in Tuple …

Tuples in PythonRead More


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