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Tag: risks

Underwriting: meaning, types, risks and more

Underwriting is a critical process in the financial industry that helps businesses obtain funds for various purposes. It involves evaluating the risk associated with lending money to a borrower and determining the terms and conditions of the loan. Underwriting is used in various sectors of finance, including insurance, investment banking, and real estate.  This article …

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Debt security: meaning, types, benefits, risks and more

Debt securities are financial instruments that allow investors to lend money to an issuer for a specified period of time in exchange for interest payments. They are an important component of the global capital market, offering investors a means to earn a steady income while providing companies and governments with a reliable source of funding. …

Debt security: meaning, types, benefits, risks and moreRead More

Options: meaning, types, benefits, risks and more

Businesses across the world foster means to trade with ease while maintaining high-profit yields. One of such trading technique is options. In this article, we will explore the meaning and other important aspects of options, including types, pricing, and their potential benefits and drawbacks. What are options? Options are financial derivatives that provide the buyer …

Options: meaning, types, benefits, risks and moreRead More

Commodity: meaning, types, benefits, risks and more

Commodities are essential resources that are traded in the global market. They can be natural resources such as oil, gas, and metals or agricultural products like wheat, coffee, and sugar. The price of commodities fluctuates based on supply and demand, making them an attractive investment option for traders and investors. Understanding the concept of commodities …

Commodity: meaning, types, benefits, risks and moreRead More


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