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Learn how to – Responsive Web Design Tips For A Better Conversion Rate

Learn how to – Responsive Web Design Tips For A Better Conversion Rate.

As a business building a website, it is important to understand how responsive web design can help your conversion rate. Responsive web design determines just how well your website will render across devices. In an age where the majority of people visit websites on their mobile phones, this is crucial.

With different platforms providing important responsive tools such as CSS image resize while displaying how your website renders on different platforms, every business owner should be able to understand the basics of responsive web design and apply them to their website. And in order to optimize the way visitors interact with your site and ensure a better conversion rate on your CTAs, you need to pay attention to detail.

Keep the following responsive web design tips in mind when creating your website.

Consider Mobile First

As mentioned, most web users now visit websites on their mobile devices. With that context in mind, it no longer makes sense to design a website primarily for PC or laptop browsing. In fact, many web designers are now taking a mobile first approach.

Mobile-first does not mean that you ignore the needs of people using your desktop site. There are simply some functions that are still far easier to accomplish in a desktop browser. However, instead of designing a desktop web page and optimizing it for mobile, design a mobile web page and optimize it for your desktop.

The difference is palpable, as visitors find it easy to achieve everything they need to on their mobile, almost as if you are providing an app. Desktop optimization is easier than the other way around as well. Although you will need to do work to get your website to look as good on desktop as on mobile, you are unlikely to find it difficult to achieve complete functionality.

Pay Attention To Images

Anyone who has been around during the evolution of smartphones knows just how frustrating images can be when they don’t render well on mobile devices. Many great websites have failed to achieve responsive web design solely because of badly rendered images. Images can throw off the formatting of your page and get in the way of text, or even completely ruin the loading time of a page if they do not have the proper size or scale.

Pay careful attention to how your images render on various devices when completing your web design. If you are designing for desktop first, you need to make sure your images don’t hinder the mobile experience. If you are designing for mobile first, you need to make sure it still looks professional on a desktop.


Navigation is another aspect of responsive web design that is extremely important. As with images, navigation can render very differently on different devices. We have all used websites which are easy to navigate on a desktop, but become impossible to navigate on mobile.

Navigation does not just include scrolling past ads or prompts to get to the content on the page. It includes where your menu turns up. It includes where visitors are able to find the links to the different pages on your site. It includes the ability to find live chats and contact details.

If people are not able to get to the pages they are looking for, chances are that they will simply go look somewhere else. Unless they have a particular reason to remain on your website, they will simply click on the next result in a Google search.

Test on Different Browsers

In today’s world, we are increasingly getting caught up in our own echo chambers. That extends beyond politics to things like devices and browsers. People who use a particular smartphone assume that their experience should be given primacy. People who use a particular browser assume that everyone else should be using it too.

The reality is that while the majority of people use Google Chrome to browse, a significant minority (around 35%) use other browsers. When measuring browser use on tablets, Safari beats out Chrome.

In other words, just because your website renders well on the most popular browser does not mean it will render well on other browsers – and that matters. You do not know which browsers your visitors will be using and should never have to tell them which browser to use.

It may be tedious to test your website on different browsers on different devices, but it is important for ultimate responsive web design.

It can seem as if the world is getting a lot smaller these days, especially as we start to interact and work on the internet more than ever. However, our digital possibilities are only expanding, and you need to take this into account when designing your website. Responsive web design is crucial in 2022, and requires you to pay particular attention to detail.


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