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Quantity 17.380,80
Quantity 140.100,00
Quantity 1.125,00
Quantity 58.729,05

Turbo Max Blue: Longer-lasting Erections And Sexual Enjoyment.


Turbo Max Blue Penis Elongation Patch

Turbo Max Blue patches are the safest testosterone-boosting product on the market. As a matter of fact, they are made from 100% natural ingredients and do not contain any side effects that can harm your health.

  • Increases penis size by 2 inches within the first few days of usage.
  • Gives strength and energy.
  • Increase muscle performance.
  • Increases blood circulation to the penis and enhances testosterone level.

Quantity: 30 blue patches and a user manual guide.

Recommendations: It is recommended you use this Penis Patch for at least 2-3 months to obtain a permanent lasting result.

Turbo Max Blue Penis Elongation Patch

Turbo Max Blue patches are the safest testosterone-boosting product on the market. As a matter of fact, they are made from 100% natural ingredients and do not contain any side effects that can harm your health.

Turbo Max Blue contains natural herbal ingredients which are quickly absorbed through the skin into the body. Additionally, their 100% natural system also has multiple benefits for overall health.
As a matter of fact, through long-term phytomedicine research, scientists have discovered natural substances that raise testosterone levels, as well as increase blood circulation in the penis and ensure better erections. The active substances of this Blue patchwork do not have any side effects.

With regular use of the Turbo Max Blue patch, you can expect improved erection, better libido, and controlled erections in just 3 weeks.

Turbo Max Blue is recommendble for anyone who wants to increase libido and improve erection. The patches deliver the ingredients directly into the bloodstream and start working immediately.

Turbo Max Blue

Health Benefit of Turbo Max Blue

  1. Increases penis size by 2 inches within the first few days of usage.
  2. Gives strength and energy.
  3. Increase muscle performance.
  4. Increases blood circulation to the penis and enhances testosterone level.
  5. It is a ruler of powerful erection with a lasting duration of firmness without stress.
  6. Carefully designed to be compatible with all skin types
  7. Efficiently allows the skin to absorb its content.
  8. It is easy to use and with no side effects.

Dosage: How To Use Turbo Max Blue

  • Stick one patch every day on a clean part of the skin without hair.
  • Use 1 patch daily.

Precaution/Side Effect

  • Don’t exceed the recommended dosage.
  •  Store in a cool place at room temperature.
  •  Keep out of reach of children.
  •  No side effects.

Key Ingredients:

Acrylates / VA Copolymer (Adhesive), Serenoa Serrulata (Saw Palmetto Berry), Panax (Korean) Ginseng Root, Turnera Difusa (Damiana) Leaf, Paullinia Cupana (Guarana), Fruit Extracts, Ptychopetalum Olacoides (Muira Puama) Bark, Ginkgo Biloba.



  • 30 blue patches and a user manual guide.



  •  It is recommended you use this Penis Patch for at least 2-3 months to obtain a permanent lasting result.


Suitable for

  •  Adult Men(18 Years And Above)


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Quantity 17.380,80
Quantity 140.100,00
Quantity 1.125,00
Quantity 58.729,05