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Mouth Freshener: Freshens Your Breath


Mouth Freshener
Boost yourself with a fresh breath

  1. A mixed of white tea, mint essence components that refresh you mind, gives you a fresh breath, protect oral health.

2.Fresh breath to refresh your spirit.

3.Functional features: With white tea, mint essence, refreshing, fresh breath, protecting oral health.

4.Main Ingredients: white tea extract, peppermint oil, moisturizers.

Longrich Mouth Freshener

Longrich Mouth Freshener is a type of mouth care product that is used to kill the bacteria in the oral cavity. Halitosis is a medical term for bad breath, Bad breath is an unpleasant condition that affects a person’s quality of life. Many people are not even aware that they have it.

Some of the most common causes of bad breath include food stuck in teeth, postnasal drip, small pieces of food caught in the back of throat, and bacteria on the tongue. Therefore,  can be used to relieve bad breath, whiten teeth and suppress halitosis.

The most common type of mouth fresheners are chewing gum and toothpaste. Choosing the right mouth freshener is very important in order to get the desired result. Longrich Mouth Freshener is a liquid which is used to cleanse your teeth and gums and eliminate bad breath.

The Longrich Concentrated Mouth freshener is a powerful, all-natural product that is able to neutralize bacteria growth in your mouth and offers relief from asthma. It has a fresh and fruity taste that’s perfect for use at anytime of the day. It can also be used as a gargle or as a rinse for your mouth when you have dry mouth or gum disease.

The Longrich mouth freshener can be an important element in maintaining a healthy mouth, providing relief for up to 4 to 6 hours. It is a great product for keeping your breath fresh, and your teeth clean. Your worst enemy is bad breath so, GET RID OF IT!

Benefits of Longrich Mouth Freshener

  • Kills germs at places that are hard to reach
  • Freshens your breath
  • Helps loosen the food that is caught between your teeth
  • Fights against cavities
  • Easy to use

Precautions For Longrich Mouth Freshener

  • Do not use it when smoking because it contains ethanol
  • do not spray into the eye
  • use with caution


white tea extract, peppermint oil, moisturizers.


  • Spray directly into the mouth.

Suitable for

  • Adults and Children.


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