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Bee Pollen: Essential Dietary Supplement For Whole Body Wellness


Forever Bee Pollen

Forever Bee Pollen is the fertilizing dust of flowers. Bees gather and bring it back to their hives for food. Without pollen, plants, trees, and flowers could not exist; even we depend on it. This product contains a wide spectrum of nutrients to help maintain good health. These include all vitamins of the B-complex and vitamin C. Since these are water-soluble, they can be taken daily.

Forever Bee Pollen

Forever Bee Pollen is the fertilizing dust of flowers. Bees gather and bring it back to their hives for food. Without pollen, plants, trees, and flowers could not exist; even we depend on it. This product contains a wide spectrum of nutrients to help maintain good health. These include all vitamins of the B-complex and vitamin C. Since these are water-soluble, they can be taken daily.

Bee pollen also contains vitamins D, E, K, and Beta Carotene (vitamin A), plus numerous minerals, enzymes and coenzymes, plant-source fatty acids, carbohydrates, proteins, and 22 amino acids – including all eight “essential” amino acids that the body cannot manufacture for itself.

This is one of the most complete foods available. Bee pollen also contains Lecithin, which exists naturally in all cells and aids in the metabolism of fats. The nutrients in bee pollen are readily digestible and easily absorbed by the human body.

Forever Bee Pollen may assist in maintaining a healthy circulatory, digestive, immune, and nervous system. This Essential supplement Contains many vitamins and minerals, Contains all essential amino acids, Beneficial to the skin.

Health Benefits of Forever Bee Pollen

1. Impressive Nutritional Profile With More Than 250 Active Substances
2. High Antioxidant Content Protects From Free Radicals and Chronic Diseases.
3. Lower Heart Disease Risk Factors Like High Blood Lipids and Cholesterol
4. Boost Liver Function and Protect Your Liver From Toxic Substances
5. Packs Several Compounds With Anti-Inflammatory Properties
6. Help Avoid Illness by Boosting Immunity and Killing Bacteria.
7. Aid Wound Healing and Prevent Infections
8. It contains Anticancer Properties
9. Ease Menopausal Symptoms Like Hot Flashes
10. Improves Nutrient Utilization, Metabolism, and Longevity
11. Safe for Most People and Easy to Add to Your Diet.

Dosage and Administration

  • Use as instructed in the pack

Precaution/Side Effects

  • Keep away from children
  • No side effects

Suitable For

  • Adults

Key Ingredients

  • Natural herbs