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FertilAid for Men: Increase Sperm Count And Enhance Fertility


FertilAid for Men

Popular male fertility supplement since 2003 to support healthy sperm count, motility, and morphology.

A 2-in-1 powerful male fertility pill PLUS male prenatal vitamin.
Offers a wide spectrum of key fertility ingredients, including L-carnitine, zinc, CoQ10, and methyl folate to support sperm health.
Patented formula to support male reproductive health and fertility.*

FertilAid for Men

FertilAid for Men Fills Your Diet Gaps and Supports Sperm with a Potent Mix of Vitamins, and Specialty Nutrients as well as Herbs. Over time,  FertilAid for Men has been blazing the trail in the world of fertility supplements.

Additionally, this product is the first supplement to support male fertility on two fronts. Firstly, by combining key fertility herbs and antioxidants – including Maca, Zinc, CoQ10, and L-carnitine tartrate. Secondly, a comprehensive male prenatal multivitamin. Similarly, two decades after hitting the market, FertilAid for Men continues to set a high bar for natural support for male fertility and reproductive health.

Additionally, this product helps to support sperm health, try the Male Fertility Bundle, which includes FertilAid for Men, Count Boost, and Motility Boost. This male fertility stack offers comprehensive daily vitamin and mineral support, As a matter of fact, it contains the most popular herbs, antioxidants, specialty nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for male fertility and sperm health.

FertilAid for Men and its companion products Count Boost and Motility Boost was carefully designed to offer modular and customizable support for sperm health. The foundation of this male fertility stack is Fertilaid for Men – launched in 2003, as the first fully comprehensive fertility supplement that helps provide baseline nutritional support for fertility ingredients.

As a matter of fact, male fertility is in part a numbers game. The more sperm you have, the better the chances that one of those will be vital enough to fertilize the egg. Additionally, motility and morphology are also key factors. Similarly, sperm has to swim fast and be of the right shape in order to reach and penetrate the egg.


Health Benefit of FertilAid for Men


  1. Efficient and powerful male fertility pill plus daily preconception multivitamin.
  2. As a matter of fact, it offers more potent support than other male fertility pills.
  3. Contains methylfolate in place of synthetic folic acid.
  4. Contains the amino acid l-carnitine .
  5. Boosts levels of natural raw materials in your body.
  6. Your partner isn’t the only one who needs a prenatal vitamin.
  7. Additionally, it helps in producing optimal sperm in the right amounts requires that the body
  8. Undoubtedly, it offers comprehensive daily vitamin and mineral support
  9. Get the FertilAid Value Pack to help you reach your shared fertility and health goals.

Administration and Dosage

  • Use as a dietary supplement, take 3 capsules daily ( preferably morning, afternoon, and evenings).

Precaution/Side Effect

  • Don’t exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Store in a cool place at room temperature.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  •  No side effects.

Key Ingredients:

L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, CoQ10, Zinc, Vitamin B12, Maca, Ashwagandha, and Mucuna pruriens.


  • 90 capsules.

Recommended Bottles

  • We recommend that you use the supplement consistently for 3 months

Suitable for

  •  For men (Adult).


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