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Danshen Plus Tablet: 100% Perfect Treatment For Heart Disease


Greenlife Danshen Plus tablet is an excellent alternative to traditional Chinese medicine it is a natural medicine that is mainly used to promote blood circulation, relieve pain, and alleviate blood stasis.

  • It promotes the circulation of blood.

  • Helps remove blood stasis.

  • Alleviates the pain felt from a medical procedure or from injury.

  • For treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and oppressed feeling in the chest.

Quantity: 60 tablets per bottle.

Recommendation: We recommend using 2 to 3 bottles for a complete treatment.

Greenlife Danshen Plus Tablet

Greenlife Danshen Plus tablet is a natural medicine that is mainly used to promote blood circulation, relieve pain, and alleviate blood stasis. It is an excellent alternative to traditional Chinese medicine with the same purpose. The ingredients are organic herbal medicines that have no side effects and a long history of usage.

Danshen is an herb that grows in the hills of southern China. The root of the plant has been used for over 2,000 years as a medicine to treat a variety of conditions such as circulation problems, “brain attack” (stroke), chest pain (angina pectoris), and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Danshen is known for treating menstrual disorders, chronic liver disease, and trouble sleeping caused by complaints such as rapid heartbeat and tight chest. Some people use Danshen for skin conditions including acne, psoriasis, and eczema.

The use of Danshen appears to thin the blood by preventing platelet and blood clotting. Additionally, It helps widen blood vessels and help enhances blood circulation.

Dashen Plus Tablets

Health Benefits of Danshen Plus Tablet

  1. It promotes the circulation of blood.

  2. Helps remove blood stasis.

  3. Alleviates the pain felt from a medical procedure or from injury.

  4. For treatment of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, and oppressed feeling in the chest

  5. For symptoms like stabbing discomfort, sharp pain that’s constantly present, or if it worsens at night.

  6. Helps with heart palpitations.

  7. It helps treat dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) or amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), and bruises.

Dosage/How To Use Danshen Plus Tablet

  • Take 3 times a day and take 3 tablets each time.

Precaution and Side Effects

  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage.
  • Not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.
  • Keep in a cool, dark, and dry place, out of reach of children.

Key Ingredients

Savia miltiorrhiza, Panax Notoginseng (Burk.) F.H.Chen, Dry obalanopsaromatica Gwaertn.f.


  • 60 tablets per bottle.


  • We recommend using 2 to 3 bottles for a complete treatment.

Suitable For

  • Adults


Quantity 19.800,00