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UNEC 3rd Year Course Outline for Medical Laboratory Science

This post contains the departmental course outline for third (3rd) year students in Medical Laboratory Science.

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You can find the topics for both the first and second semesters.
You can check out the College of Medicine course outline for topics in Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology.

Medical Laboratory Course Outline

SN Course Code Course Title Unit
1. MLS 311 Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry 3
2. MLS 321 Fundamental of Haematology 3
3. MLS 341 Fundamental of Medical Microbiology 3
4. MLS 351 Introductory Medical Immunology 3
5. MLS 331 Basic Histopathology 3

First Semester Course Outline

Here is the list of courses and topics for Medical Laboratory Science third-year first semester;

Fundamental of Haematology (MLS 321)

  1. Origin, Development and Functions of Blood Cells
  2. Structure and Functions of Red Blood Cells
  3. Synthesis and Breakdown of Hemoglobin
  4. Methods of Hemoglobin Estimations
  5. Method of Cell Counting
  6. Absolute Values
  7. Introduction to Haemostasis
  8. Principle and Mode of Action of Common Anticoagulants
  9. Principle of Hematological Stains
  10. Simple Test Use in Blood Coagulation
  11. Blood Flow – Normal and Abnormal Value

Basic Histopathology (MLS 331)

Introduction to Histopathology

  1. Fixation
  2. Autolysis
  3. Bacteria Decomposition
  4. Effects of Fixation
  5. Common Fixative Agents and Their Uses
  6. Secondary Fixation
  7. Post Fixation
  8. Post Chroming
  9. Post Mordant
  10. Fixation Pigments
  11. Decalcification
  12. Dehydration
  13. Clearing
  14. Infiltration/Embedding
  15. Frozen and Celliodin Sections
  16. Embedding Media
  17. Basic Histology of Organs
  18. Principles and Application of Exfoliative Cytology
  19. Collection and Fixation of Specimen for Cytological Examinations

Basic Pathology

  1. Tissue and Cellular Adaptation
  2. Cell Injury
  3. Inflammation
  4. Healing and Repairs
  5. Infectious Granulomas (Tb, Syphilis and Leprosy)

Introductory Medical Immunology (MLS 351)

  1. Historical Background of Histology
  2. Common Definitions/Terms in Histology
  3. Classification of Immunity: Adaptive & Innate Immunity
  4. Immunological Theories
  5. Development and Structures of Cells/Lymphoid Organs in The Immune System
  6. Cellular Interaction in Innate and Adaptive Immune System Expression
  7. Inflammation
  8. Regulation of Immune Defense Mechanism (Adaptive Immunity)
  9. Application of Immunology

Fundamental of Medical Microbiology (MLS 341)

  1. Introduction to Microbiology
  2. Anatomy of Bacteria Cell
  3. Bacteria Reproduction
  4. System of Identification of Bacteria
  5. Sterilization in Microbiology
  6. Disinfectants
  7. Antibiotics and Chemotherapy
  8. Antimicrobial Agents
  9. Bactericidal and Bacteriostatic Antibiotics
  10. Antibiotic Resistance
  11. Reasons for Bacteria Resistance
  12. Antibiotics Classification
  13. Bacteria Metabolism
  14. Definition and Scope of Microbiology
  15. Classification of Bacteria
  16. Classification and Nomenclature of Microbiology
  17. Growth Requirement for Microbiology
  18. Phylogenetic Tree of Three Domains
  19. Bacteria Cell Curve
  20. Culture of Viruses
  21. Nature of Viruses
  22. Serological Test in Chemical Virology
  23. Diagnosis of Viral Antigen

Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry (MLS 311)

  1. Traditional and S.I. units in Clinical Chemistry; Reference values
  2. Gastric function test; Agents for Gastric stimulation; Ward procedures and Laboratory investigation of Gastric secretions.
  3. Intestinal funtion test; Digestion and absorption; Causes of Melabsorption, laboratory investigation of melabsorption.
  4. Renal function tests; functions of the kidney; Measurement of Renal plasma flow; Glomerular fltration rate; Creatinine Clearance; Insulin Clearance; Concentration and Dilution Tests, Urinary Acidification Tests, Urine specific gravity/osmolality dye excretion test.
  5. Water and Electrolyte metabolism.
  6. Acid base balance; Definition and causes of accidosis and alkalosis
  7. Blood buffers – Transport of blood gases; assessment of acid/base states
  8. Lipids; definiton and types of lipids
  9. Formation of free fatty acids, ketone bodies and lactate
  10. Measurement of plasma lipids and lipoproteins
  11. Plasma proteins and physiologic functions; factors affecting synthesis and catabolism
  12. Methods for the determination of total protein in serum
  13. Carbohydrate metabolism
  14. Blood glucose homeostasis; hyperglycaemia diabetes mellitus its causes and investigation; Hypoglycaemia – types, causes and investigation.

See also:



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