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Learn how to – Methods To Protect Your Macbook

Learn how to – Methods To Protect Your Macbook.

Image source: Pixabay.com

There are a lot of potential threats nowadays. Cybersecurity measures are something that even a lot of governments are focusing on. And while being an individual with a Macbook does not make you a big target, you should still take all the necessary measures.

Taking risks should not be a thing in the first place. Especially when it is not that hard to create a solid plan to protect your Macbook. So what are the best methods that can provide you with peace of mind? Continue reading, and you will find out.

Method #1 – Get a Solid Antivirus

You should start with a reliable antivirus that will detect and eliminate any potential threats on the computer. Having it run in the background all the time will mean that the resources of the system are consumed, but it far outweighs putting yourself at the potential risk of getting a virus or malware.

There are a lot of different threats that could end up slowing down the computer and exposing personal information. Thankfully, there are articles that separately discuss various malware, such as the one by MacPaw on how to get rid of safefinder. But it would still be better to take a step in getting the best possible antivirus you can find.

Method #2 – Be Smart About Passwords

Image source: Pixabay.com

There are a lot of passwords that you use. Smartphones, bank accounts, various profiles on websites, like social media or forums.

Not everyone is willing to memorize or write their passwords down. Instead, they pick a simple combination that consists of an easy-to-remember word and a few numbers.

If you are not careful with your password management, even a good antivirus is not going to protect you. 

Get yourself an application that manages passwords if you are not that keen on writing them down or committing to memorization. After all, imagine what would happen if you are using the same password for everything, and someone finds out about it. Your whole data would get exposed.

Method #3 – Install Proper Browser Extensions

Browser extensions might slow down the loading speed, but the difference should not be noticeable if you do not go overboard. Instead of adding random extensions, focus on ones that offer actual value.

For instance, an ad blocker is a great way to prevent pop-ups or banners that might lead you to a landing page riddled with viruses. You can also find extensions to block certain URLs in case someone else is using the Macbook. 

Method #4 – Use Virtual Private Networks

Virtual private networks encrypt your information and allow you to access blocked content as well as browsing privately. Leaving no traces in the browsing history means that you are not prone to potential attacks. VPNs are especially helpful when you have to use public Wi-Fi. 

Nowadays, finding a reliable VPN should not be a problem, and they do not cost that much when you consider all the advantages that a virtual private network provides.

Method #5 – Enable Firewall

Image source: Pixabay.com

A firewall is disabled by default when it comes to Macbooks. You will need to activate it and set some preferences on how to manage applications and other aspects of the system. The firewall is not the be-all and end-all solution to potential issues, but it is another layer of protection.

Method #6 – Use Auto-Login Feature

Some people will have the auto-login feature enabled because they are tired of typing in the password every time they boot the computer. However, if you are concerned about privacy, it would be in your best interest to disable auto-login.

There is always a possibility that someone will swipe the Macbook and will not have any problem accessing data on it because there is no password protection. On the other hand, people who keep the computer inside the home all the time might not need to bother with this feature.

Method #7 – Avoid Shady Websites and Files

If someone sends you a questionable link or file, do not click on it. Even if you have slight suspicions that something is wrong, it is better not to risk it. There are instances when your friends share stuff on social media or group chats. But be wary of what you click, as even an innocently looking link could lead you to a world of problems. 

Method #8 – Back up Your Data

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Image source: Pixabay.com

Backing up your data is not a method that proactively protects you from potential hackers. However, it is still a good measure to take in case something does happen to your data.

You can transfer some of your files to Dropbox, iCloud, or even external storage devices. At the same time, there are applications like Time Machine that back up and store the files in case you need to access them later.


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