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Learn how to – How To Create an SSH tunnel on Linux using Mole

Learn how to – How To Create an SSH tunnel on Linux using Mole.

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to easily create an SSH tunnel to a remote Linux server using a nice tool called Mole. I have learned that one of the big knocks against SSH tunnels is the complexity of creating them, commands involved, and less documentation around this topic. For end users, it can be difficult to master SSH commands, but My SSH commands cheatsheet can help get you  get to speed with SSH.

Perception of Open Source

The Open Source community has been pretty helpful in changing people perception of Linux and its myriad of tools. On fair criticism, Linux is no longer viewed as “that thing” for Geeks, nowadays, users with little technical experience can use it and learn as they break things a little, lol!

Introduction to Mole

The tool we’ll use to create SSH tunnel on Linux is Mole. Mole is a cli application to create ssh tunnels, forwarding a local port to a remote endpoint through an ssh server.

Mole helps you access computers and services blocked by a firewall, as long as the user has ssh access to a computer with access to the target computer or service.

+----------+          +----------+          +----------+
|          |          |          |          |          |
|          |          | Firewall |          |          |
|          |          |          |          |          |
|  Local   |  tunnel  +----------+  tunnel  |   Jump   |
| Computer |--------------------------------|  Server  |
|          |          +----------+          |          |
|          |          |          |          |          |
|          |          | Firewall |          |          |
|          |          |          |          |          |
+----------+          +----------+          +----------+
                                                 | tunnel
                                            |          |
                                            |          |
                                            |          |
                                            |          |
                                            |  Remote  |
                                            | Computer |
                                            |          |
                                            |          |
                                            |          |

With Mole, you can also access a service that is listening only on a local address with the help of Port forwarding. Learn how to Create Port Forwarding on CentOS 7 with Firewalld.

Also, note that Server and Remote Computer could potentially be the same machine.

+-------------------+             +--------------------+
| Local Computer    |             | Remote / Server    |
|                   |             |                    |
|                   |             |                    |
| (     |    tunnel   |                    |
|        50001)     |-------------| (  |
|  tunnel client    |             |  tunnel server     |
|       |           |             |         |          |
|       | port      |             |         | port     |
|       | forward   |             |         | forward  |
|       |           |             |         |          |
| (  |             | (  |
|  local address    |             |         |          |
|                   |             |         | local    |
|                   |             |         | conn.    |
|                   |             |         |          |
|                   |             | (   |
|                   |             |  remote address    |
|                   |             |      +----+        |
|                   |             |      | DB |        |
|                   |             |      +----+        |
+-------------------+             +--------------------+

Highlighted Features of Mole

  • Auto local address selection: find a port available and start listening to it, so the flag-local doesn’t need to be given every time you run the app.
  • Aliases: save your tunnel settings under an alias, so it can be reused later.
  • Leverage the SSH Config File: Use some options (e.g. username, identity key, and port), specified in $HOME/.ssh/config whenever possible, so there is no need to have the same SSH server configuration in multiple places.

How to install Mole on Linux / macOS

Installing Mole on Linux is through an installation script that can be downloaded with curl

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davrodpin/mole/master/tools/install.sh

Once the script is downloaded, make it executable then install

chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh

This script will install mole under,/usr/local/bin but it needs administrator privileges in order to deploy the file. It may require you to type your sudo password.

You can confirm file location  and version using the commands:

$ which mole

$ mole version

To view help page, use the --help option

$ mole --help
ool to create ssh tunnels focused on resiliency and user experience.

  mole [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Adds an alias for a ssh tunneling configuration
  delete      Deletes an alias for a ssh tunneling configuration
  help        Help about any command
  misc        A set of miscelaneous commands
  show        Shows configuration details about ssh tunnel aliases
  start       Starts a ssh tunnel
  stop        Stops an instance of mole
  version     Prints the version for mole

  -h, --help   help for mole

Use "mole [command] --help" for more information about a command.

How to Use Mole to create SSH tunnel

Let’s look at few examples on how to use Mole to create SSH tunnel

#1: Provide all supported options

Create a tunnel with below details:

  • On localhost port 8080 
  • With alias tunnel1
  • To Web Server IP
  • Remote ssh user is jkmutai, SSH server used is 
  • The authentication method is Public/Private SSH keys
  • SSH Public key location ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
  • SSH Private Key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

You need to have copied your Public ssh key to the remote SSH server used to tunnel

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub jkmutai@

Import remote SSH server fingerprint by doing an ssh to the server through SSH Server, we’ll execute the following commands:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa jkmutai@

To create a tunnel to our Web Server on

mole start local 
    --server jkmutai@ 
    --key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

For available start command flags view with:

mole start local --help

Output command:

INFO[0000] instance identifier is cbd5bb88
DEBU[0000] generating an empty config struct
DEBU[0000] server: [name=, address=, user=jkmutai]
DEBU[0000] tunnel: [channels:[[source=, destination=]], server:]
DEBU[0000] known_hosts file used: /home/jkmutai/.ssh/known_hosts
DEBU[0000] connection to the ssh server is established   server="[name=, address=, user=jkmutai]"
INFO[0000] tunnel channel is waiting for connection      destination="" source=""
DEBU[0000] start sending keep alive packets

Another example:

mole start local 
    --server jkmutai@ 
    --key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Creating alias

Let’s consider example where we’re using alias to save configurations.

mole add alias local tunnel1 
    --server jkmutai@ 
    --key ~/.ssh/id_rsa

List created aliases:

$ mole show alias
    name = "tunnel1"
    type = "local"
    verbose = true
    insecure = false
    detach = false
    source = [""]
    destination = [""]
    server = "jkmutai@"
    key = "/home/jkmutai/.ssh/id_rsa"
    keep-alive-interval = "10s"
    connection-retries = 3
    wait-and-retry = "3s"
    ssh-agent = ""
    timeout = "3s"
    config = "$HOME/.ssh/config"
    rpc = false
    rpc-address = ""

To start the tunnel, use

$ mole start alias tunnel1
INFO[0000] instance identifier is tunnel1
DEBU[0000] generating an empty config struct
DEBU[0000] server: [name=, address=, user=jkmutai]
DEBU[0000] tunnel: [channels:[[source=, destination=]], server:]
DEBU[0000] known_hosts file used: /home/jkmutai/.ssh/known_hosts
DEBU[0000] connection to the ssh server is established   server="[name=, address=, user=jkmutai]"
INFO[0000] tunnel channel is waiting for connection      destination="" source=""
DEBU[0000] start sending keep alive packets

#2: Use the ssh config file to lookup a given server host

You can add ssh configuration for remote SSH server to ~/.ssh/config, then call its name while running mole.

$ vim ~/.ssh/config
Host myserver
  User mole
  Port 2022
  IdentityFile /path-to-ssh-priv-key

Then create a tunnel

 mole start local 
   --server myserver

#3: Let mole to randomly select the local endpoint

You should have noticed we specified the local port 8080 to use for tunneling traffic with option -local Mole can randomly choose unused TCP port for you.

For this, example will change to

mole start local 
    --server myserver

A local address to access from will be printed out

INFO[0000] tunnel channel is waiting for connection      destination="" source=""

Confirm that you can access a web server on a remote server using the tunnel.

#4: Bind the local address to by specifying only the source port

Consider example below:

mole start local 
    --source :8080 
    --server myserver

#5: Connect to a remote service that is running on by specifying only the destination port

See commands shared below:

mole start local 
    --destination :80 
    --server myserver

#6: Create an alias

With an alias there is no need to remember the tunnel settings afterwards. See below:

$ mole add alias local myalias 
    --source :8080 
    --server user@example.com:22

$ mole start alias myalias

#7: Start mole in background

See below example:

$ mole add alias local example 
    --source :8080 
    --server user@example.com:22

$ mole start alias example --detach

#8: Leveraging LocalForward from SSH configuration file

Refer to configurations shared below:

$ vim ~/.ssh/config
Host example
  User mole
  Port 22122
  LocalForward 21112
  IdentityFile test-env/ssh-server/keys/key

$ mole start local --server example 
INFO[0000] tunnel channel is waiting for connection      destination="" source=""

#9: Create multiple tunnels using a single ssh connection

Consider this example:

$ mole start local 
    --source :9090 
    --source :9091 
    --server example
INFO[0000] tunnel channel is waiting for connection      destination="" source=""
INFO[0000] tunnel channel is waiting for connection      destination="" source=""

#10: Show logs of any detached mole instance

Let’s consider an example:

$ mole start local 
    --source :9090 
    --source :9091 
    --server example
INFO[0000] instance identifier is afb046da
INFO[0000] execute "mole stop afb046da" if you like to stop it at any time

$ mole show logs --follow afb046da
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=info msg="instance identifier is 1879de9f"
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=debug msg="generating an empty config struct"
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=debug msg="server: [name=, address=, user=mole]"
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=debug msg="tunnel: [channels:[[source=, destination=]], server:]"
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=debug msg="connection to the ssh server is established" server="[name=, address=, user=mole]"
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=info msg="tunnel channel is waiting for connection" destination="" source=""
time="2021-09-17T13:57:10-07:00" level=debug msg="start sending keep alive packets"

#11: Show the running configuration of all/any mole instance

Use the commands:

mole show instances
mole show instances <ID>

I hope these few examples were helpful in helping you create an SSH tunnel to a remote server, which could be behind a firewall. You can contribute to this Project on Github.


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