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Make Money on Google in Nigeria ▷ Earn $295 Online Daily

In making money on the internet, Google is at the top of the list.

Google is almost everyone’s lifeline for making money online.

There are many ways to make money online with Google, and believe me, they can make you a millionaire.

You might wonder why Google is so significant and has the potential to make you wealthy.

Google is the world’s most popular search engine.

When people search the internet for anything, they usually go to Google.

I’m sure you use Google as well!

Other search engines exist, but Google is the default for 80% of internet users

Google is a great way to find remote gigs that pay well.

You don’t need any special skills or knowledge, and you can earn money from home without having to leave your couch.

13 Legit Ways to Make Money on Google in Nigeria

Here are the best ways to earn money online on Google in Nigeria:

1. Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is a great way to make money online.

You can write for blogs, websites and even companies.

If you’re interested in writing about your own experiences or how to use a product, freelancing is the way to go.

Freelancing sites like Upwork will help you connect with companies looking for content writers.

They charge by the word, but these sites also offer other payment options such as recurring payments (monthly) and one-time payments (once).

If this sounds like something that interests you, then read on!

You’ll need an account with Upwork before submitting any jobs.

2. Offer Search Engine Optimization Services

SEO is a way to get your website higher in search engine results.

This is important for any business, but especially so for those who want to start an ecommerce business or sell products online.

SEO targets unpaid traffic rather than direct traffic or paid traffic.

This is a great freelancing gig for those that are analytical.

If you’re a little savvy and analytical, you can make $75/hour or more.

SEO is a competitive field, so you need to know what you’re doing before getting started.

3. Build a Business Landing Page

A landing page is a website that you set up specifically to collect leads.

A sales funnel is building awareness, interest, and desire in your business or product, followed by conversion into paying customers.

The goal of the landing page is to get people interested in what you’re selling and convince them to buy it once they’re convinced they want it enough.

This can be done through content marketing, ads on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter (which can be more effective than paid advertising) or even just putting up an ad for your product on Craigslist or eBay!

You don’t need any fancy software tools; just use Google AdWords if needed!

4. Offer Affiliate Marketing Services

Affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting other people’s products and services.

You can earn money by referring people to purchase a product or service, and in exchange, you get a commission based on the sale at the end of your referral.

To find affiliate programs, simply search for “affiliate marketing” in Google or Yahoo! Search:

5. Build an Online Store

The first step in building an online store is choosing the right product.

There are many factors you’ll have to consider when choosing an excellent product, such as:

  • What do customers want?
  • How much does it cost to make?
  • Who will buy it (the type of person)?

You can get answers to these questions by using Google and searching for “best-selling products” on the web or through social media.

Once you’ve found your ideal product, consult with an expert who knows about manufacturing processes and prices so that they can help guide your decision-making process towards making sure that everyone wins!

6. Offer Virtual Assistance Services

If you want to make money online, the first thing to do is find a job.

There are plenty of websites that offer virtual assistance jobs, but how do you know which ones are legit?

First off, look at the reviews for each site.

The better their ratings and feedback, the more likely it is that they’re offering genuine opportunities for people who want to make money online with Google.

Look for sites with low prices and high-quality services—a good rule of thumb when trying out any service: if it seems too good to be true (or cheap), then it probably isn’t!

Once you’ve found a few potential employers who seem reliable enough, begin researching what kind of work they offer before contacting them directly so as not leave yourself vulnerable by showing up unannounced at their office doorsteps without having done any research beforehand about whether or not there is indeed someone actually working there right now who could help answer all those questions about how does one go about building up an audience base on Twitter etcetera ad infinitum ad nauseam until one day someone notices.

“Hey aren’t those two guys from Twitter?” And then boom–you’ve got yourself some new followers from nowhere just because somebody liked another tweet instead.”

7. Review Websites or Apps for Money

One of the best ways to make money online is by reviewing websites or apps for money.

This can be done from anywhere, and there are many websites that offer a way for you to do it without even having your own website or app.

You’ll need to understand the market in question, so if you know little about what’s happening in your niche area, then this might not be something for you.

But if it sounds interesting, then consider taking up freelance writing as an option!

The good news is that this type of work doesn’t require any special skills; all we need from our potential reviewers is some basic knowledge about how things work on their end.

8. Google AdSense

This is the most common way to make money with Google.

It is so popular and dependable that over 2 million people worldwide use it to make money online.

Every year, these people earn more than $10 billion.

Google AdSense accounted for up to 22% of Google’s revenue in 2014.

AdSense is a Google program that allows advertisers to display advertisements on your blog, videos, games, and apps.

These Advertisers pay you for each view, click, or engagement with their advertisements.

Google will make a monthly payment to your bank account or preferred payment method.

The most popular way is to create a blog and monetize it with Google AdSense.

You can also make money from Google AdSense with videos, apps and more.

9. Work remotely for Google

You can earn money working from home with Google. Google is constantly on the lookout for remote workers.

If you are a software engineer or developer, you will have a good chance.

However, it is also possible to work for Google remotely in administrative or other positions.

While Google is open to hiring freelancers, be cautious to avoid falling victim to scams.

Only apply for jobs at Google through its official website.

10. Google Opinion Rewards

How does it feel to be compensated for your thoughts?

Doesn’t it feel good? It’s like being paid to do nothing! Google will pay you to hear your thoughts.

This is significant for them because it allows them to improve their products and remain a major company.

It enables you to easily make extra money.

You must first download the app from the Google Play or Apple App stores.

11. Web Search Evaluator

As a Web Search Evaluator for Google, you can work from home and earn money.

It is very simple and convenient because you do not need to resume anywhere.

You do your work from home.

Your job as a Web Search Evaluator is to assist Google in reviewing search results and providing feedback.

You are paid per hour for the work you complete.

You can apply directly to Google to work as a Web Search Evaluator, or you can work with Google through third-party providers such as Lionbridge and Appen.

12. Start a Channel on YouTube

YouTube is a video sharing platform owned by Google.

To make money on YouTube, you do not need to have a website.

If you enjoy making videos on your phone or with a camera, you can earn money online with Google through YouTube.

Making money on YouTube is possible by monetizing your videos with Google AdSense.

You can also sell your own products or use affiliate marketing.

While everyone blogs these days, YouTube is a unique way to earn money online without having a website.

All you have to do is record videos and upload them.

13. Sell Apps on Google Playstore

This idea is especially useful if you are a technical student.

All you need to get started is some app development knowledge and a brilliant idea.

List the app as ‘paid’ from the start, and it will continue to generate a side income as the number of downloads grows.

Your app could be a game, a news app, or anything else.

Upload it to Google Play and charge people for downloads.

In-app purchases are another option.

If you cannot create an app, you can hire someone to do so for you or purchase an existing one.

However, you must first create a Google merchant.

This is the way to go if you want to know how to make money from Google Play.


In this article, we’ve covered some of the best ways to make money online using Google.

Some companies and sites will pay you a flat rate for every search result they get, while others offer more flexible contracts which allow you to earn money based on how much time you spend doing work for them and how well they perform in rankings.

Either way, it’s a great opportunity if you want some extra spending money or just have an entrepreneurial itch that needs scratching!

READ ⇒ 6 Legit High-Paying Online Jobs in Nigeria [Earn $375 Daily]


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