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Plant-Based Protein: Complete Plant-Based Protein dietary supplement



LiveGood Complete Plant-Based Protein is more than just a dietary supplement – it’s a convenient and downright delicious solution to boost your protein intake and support your body’s needs.

  • Strengthens and rejuvenates muscles, fostering their growth and repair.
  • Facilitates healthy weight loss, aiding in achieving and maintaining optimal body composition.
  • Bolsters cardiovascular well-being, providing support and nourishment to the heart.
  • Enhances digestion, optimizes nutrient absorption, and promotes a healthy gut.

Quantity: 20g per container/Net weight 16.5oz
Recommendations: Use up to 2-3 containers for good results


LiveGood Complete Plant-Based Protein is more than just a dietary supplement – it’s a convenient and downright delicious solution to boost your protein intake and support your body’s needs.

Crafted from a meticulous blend of top-notch plant-based protein sources like pea protein, brown rice protein, and nutrient-rich chia seeds, this exceptional combination delivers all the essential amino acids required to build and repair muscles. Whether you’re an athlete, a vegan, or a vegetarian, this protein powerhouse is the perfect choice to fuel your active lifestyle.

Notably, this supplement sets itself apart by being completely free of soy, gluten, and artificial sweeteners. It’s a breath of fresh air for individuals with food sensitivities or those following specific dietary restrictions. With LiveGood Complete Plant-Based Protein, you can finally enjoy a protein supplement that aligns with your unique needs.

In conclusion, LiveGood Complete Plant-Based Protein stands tall as an outstanding option for individuals seeking a top-quality, plant-based protein source. It boasts remarkable digestibility, incredible versatility, and the absence of common allergens and artificial sweeteners. Plus, it satisfies your taste buds with its delightful flavors and comes in convenient packaging. So, whether you’re striving for better health, enhanced fitness, or both, this supplement is your steadfast companion on the journey to achieving your goals.

Plant-Based Protein

Health Benefits Of Complete Plant-Based Protein

  1. Strengthens and rejuvenates muscles, fostering their growth and repair.
  2. Facilitates healthy weight loss, aiding in achieving and maintaining an optimal body composition.
  3. Bolsters cardiovascular well-being, providing support and nourishment to the heart.
  4. Enhances digestion, optimizing nutrient absorption, and promoting a healthy gut.
  5. Actively combats inflammation throughout the body, reducing discomfort and promoting overall vitality.
  6. Fortifies the immune system, empowering the body’s natural defenses.
  7. Supports robust bone health, contributing to the strong and resilient skeletal structure.
  8. Offers potential protection against certain types of cancer, reducing associated risks.
  9. Diminishes the likelihood of experiencing depression and other mental health issues, nurturing emotional well-being.

Key Ingredients 


Plant-Based Protein


  • 20g per container
  • Net weight 16.5oz

Dosage/How To Use Plant-Based Protein

  • Mix 1 scoop in water or your favorite smoothie AT LEAST once daily.
  • When to take it: Most studies support consuming protein within 30 minutes of exercise, however, some literature supports taking protein before a workout.
  • Our recommendation is to do what makes you and your body feel the best.
  • We love mixing the protein into a delicious smoothie with the LiveGood Super Greens right after a workout or just as an afternoon snack.
  • Pro Tip: Use the LiveGood Shaker Bottle to store the powder in the bottom for easy dosing when on the go!


  • Use up to 2-3 containers for good results


  • Adults

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