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Learn how to – Install and Manage Applications on Linux using AppImage

Learn how to – Install and Manage Applications on Linux using AppImage.

In Linux, there are several methods you can use to install applications. The most popular and relevant method is by downloading a .deb or a .rpm file and installing it. Recently, if you are keen enough, you should have noticed that some packages can be downloaded with the .appimage extension.

What is AppImage?

By the end of this guide, you should have this question answered. AppImage initially known as klik and PortableLinuxApps can be defined as, the packaging provided as a native binary by upstream developers for Linux systems. This allows packaging applications for common Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Linux Mint e.t.c. These AppImages offer a convenient way of installing packages since they come with all the dependencies that cannot be assumed to be part of each target system, latest application versions that are able to run on most Linux distros without adjustments.

The advantages of using AppImage are:

  • No root permissions required to run packages.
  • No need of installing and compiling software: Just click and play
  • The same application package can be downloaded and run on any Linux distribution.
  • Easy uninstall since AppImage packages do not make any permanent changes to your system
  • Minimal risk as AppImage applications run in read-only mode
  • Applications packaged in AppImage are not sandboxed by default.

On the flip side, AppImage has its disadvantages:

  • No automatic updates unlike in traditional package managers.
  • Not all Linux apps are supported
  • User data is not portable, only the app is portable.
  • Inefficient use of shared files and libraries, Appimages run in a standalone method

By the end of this guide, you should be able to install and manage applications on Linux using AppImage.

Step 1 – Download the AppImage package

AppImage package formats are available on the AppImage Hub. Here, you have the ability to download whichever package you want to install for free. At times, the AppImage package format can be provided on the App page. For example, in this guide, I will download the OpenShot video Editor AppImage from the official OpenShot page. The AppImge file can also be downloaded using Wget as below.

OpenShot_VER=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/OpenShot/openshot-qt/releases/latest | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)
wget https://github.com/OpenShot/openshot-qt/releases/download/${OpenShot_VER}/OpenShot-${OpenShot_VER}-x86_64.AppImage

Step 2 – Make the File executable

Once the download is complete, make the AppImage file executable since they do not have that permission by default. Remember, you do not need root permission.

chmod +x OpenShot-${OpenShot_VER}-x86_64.AppImage

In the above command, the ${OpenShot_VER} contains the release tag of the latest OpenShot package.

Step 3 – Run the AppImage file

Now that the file has executable permissions, we will proceed and run it. For those using the GUI, you just need to double click on the file and you will have it running.

On the command line, run your application as below.


For example, in this case, the command will be:


The application will launch as below;

In case you encounter the FUSE error below, install FUSE using the aid in provided link below.

After creating a desktop file, the application will start.

Step 4 – Create an AppImage launcher

To make this convenient for you, you are required to create a shortcut for launching the AppImage package. This may vary depending on the desktop environment which you are using, but normally, search the application on the App Menu, right-click on the AppImage file and select Add to favorites.

You will have your application added.

Step 5 – Updating AppImage Applications.

The installed AppImage package can be updated using:

  • An external tool such as AppImageUpdate or appimageupdatetool CLI tool
  • The AppImage built-in Updater tool.
  • Using libappimageupdate functionality inside the payload application

The easiest way to update AppImages is by using the AppImageUpdate tool as below. Download the latest AppImageUpdate package

wget https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageUpdate/releases/download/continuous/AppImageUpdate-x86_64.AppImage

Make it executable.

chmod +x AppImageUpdate-x86_64.AppImage

Now run AppImageUpdater.


With AppImage Updater running, select the package to update.

The update will be done as below.

Step 6 – Uninstall/Delete an AppImage application.

Uninstalling an AppImage application is easy, all you have to do is delete the AppImage file and that is it! You will have the application completely removed from your system.

sudo rm -rf YourFile.AppImage


That marks the end of this guide on how to install and manage applications on Linux using AppImage. I hope this guide was helpful.

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