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Learn how to – How To Install Go (Golang) On Fedora 37/36/35/34/33

Learn how to – How To Install Go (Golang) On Fedora 37/36/35/34/33.

This guide will walk you through the installation of Go (Golang) on Fedora 37/3635/34/33/32. Go is a programming language designed to ease the Development of reliable, simple, and efficient applications. It is an original product of Google Engineering.

In this guide, we will install Go on Fedora from official upstream repositories. To ensure the repositories are up-to-date, update the system.

sudo dnf -y update

Once you confirm it is up, install Go on Fedora using the commands below.

sudo dnf -y install go

Confirm the version of Go installed:

$ go version
go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64

Test Go installation on Fedora 37/36/35/34/33

Now that we have Go installed on Fedora, let’s test to ensure it is working.

Start by creating your workspace directory.

mkdir $HOME/go

Create a directory inside it to host a test Go application.

cd $HOME/go
mkdir -p src/helloworld && cd src/helloworld

Create a file named helloworld.go that looks like:

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
	fmt.Printf("hello, worldn")

Build the application with go tool:

cd $HOME/go/src/helloworld
go mod init
go build

This will generate a new file called helloworld .

$ ls
helloworld  helloworld.go

Execute the file by running.

$ ./helloworld 
hello, world

To install the binary into your workspace’s bin directory, use:

$ go install
$ ls ~/go/bin/

To remove it use:

go clean -i

You can add your Go binary directory to $PATH.

$ vim ~/.bashrc 
export PATH="$PATH:~/go/bin/"
export GOPATH="~/go"

$ source ~/.bashrc 

You have installed Go on Fedora Linux system. Enjoy developing Go applications on your Fedora Workstation.

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