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C++ : Get the list of all files in a given directory and its sub-directories using Boost & C++17

In this article we will discuss how to fetch the recursive list of all files in a given directory using Boost and C++17 FileSystem Library.

Suppose we have a directory i.e.



and I want list of all files in this directory and its sub directories, but also want to skip certain directory like .svn and log etc.

Let’s see how to do that,


Both Boost & c++17 Filesystem Library provides a recursive iterator for the recursive iteration over a directory i.e.

In C++17


In Boost Filesystem Library,


It’s an input iterator and using it we can recursively iterate over a directory and all its sub directories.

Create a recursive_directory_iterator object and points to start of directory i.e.

// Create a Recursive Directory Iterator object and points to the starting of directory
filesys::recursive_directory_iterator iter(dirPath);

Create a recursive_directory_iterator object and points to end.

// Create a Recursive Directory Iterator object pointing to end.
filesys::recursive_directory_iterator end;

Now Iterate over all the directories and sub directories by incrementing the iterator till end i.e.

// Iterate till end
while (iter != end)
        // .. DO Stuff
	error_code ec;
	// Increment the iterator to point to next entry in recursive iteration
	if (ec) {
		std::cerr << "Error While Accessing : " << iter->path().string() << " :: " << ec.message() << 'n';

In between, if we dont’t want the iterator over certain sub directories, then we need to call,

no_push() // In Boost Filesystem Library


disable_recursion_pending() // In c++17 Fileystsem Library

with iterator pointing to that directory. Calling this function will disable the recursive iteration of current function

Checkout the complete function as follows,

 * Get the list of all files in given directory and its sub directories.
 * Arguments
 * 	dirPath : Path of directory to be traversed
 * 	dirSkipList : List of folder names to be skipped
 * Returns:
 * 	vector containing paths of all the files in given directory and its sub directories
std::vector<std::string> getAllFilesInDir(const std::string &dirPath, 	const std::vector<std::string> dirSkipList = { })

	// Create a vector of string
	std::vector<std::string> listOfFiles;
	try {
		// Check if given path exists and points to a directory
		if (filesys::exists(dirPath) && filesys::is_directory(dirPath))
			// Create a Recursive Directory Iterator object and points to the starting of directory
			filesys::recursive_directory_iterator iter(dirPath);

			// Create a Recursive Directory Iterator object pointing to end.
			filesys::recursive_directory_iterator end;

			// Iterate till end
			while (iter != end)
				// Check if current entry is a directory and if exists in skip list
				if (filesys::is_directory(iter->path()) &&
						(std::find(dirSkipList.begin(), dirSkipList.end(), iter->path().filename()) != dirSkipList.end()))
					// Skip the iteration of current directory pointed by iterator
					// Boost Fileystsem  API to skip current directory iteration
					// c++17 Filesystem API to skip current directory iteration
					// Add the name in vector

				error_code ec;
				// Increment the iterator to point to next entry in recursive iteration
				if (ec) {
					std::cerr << "Error While Accessing : " << iter->path().string() << " :: " << ec.message() << 'n';
	catch (std::system_error & e)
		std::cerr << "Exception :: " << e.what();
	return listOfFiles;

For Boost FileSystem Library, we need to include following file and create following namespace i.e.

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

using namespace boost::system;
namespace filesys = boost::filesystem;

For C++17 FileSystem Library, we need to include following file and create following namespace i.e.

#include <experimental/filesystem>

using namespace std;
namespace filesys = std::experimental::filesystem;

Complete example with Boost header file is as follows,

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

using namespace boost::system;
namespace filesys = boost::filesystem;

 * Get the list of all files in given directory and its sub directories.
 * Arguments
 * 	dirPath : Path of directory to be traversed
 * 	dirSkipList : List of folder names to be skipped
 * Returns:
 * 	vector containing paths of all the files in given directory and its sub directories
std::vector<std::string> getAllFilesInDir(const std::string &dirPath, 	const std::vector<std::string> dirSkipList = { })

	// Create a vector of string
	std::vector<std::string> listOfFiles;
	try {
		// Check if given path exists and points to a directory
		if (filesys::exists(dirPath) && filesys::is_directory(dirPath))
			// Create a Recursive Directory Iterator object and points to the starting of directory
			filesys::recursive_directory_iterator iter(dirPath);

			// Create a Recursive Directory Iterator object pointing to end.
			filesys::recursive_directory_iterator end;

			// Iterate till end
			while (iter != end)
				// Check if current entry is a directory and if exists in skip list
				if (filesys::is_directory(iter->path()) &&
						(std::find(dirSkipList.begin(), dirSkipList.end(), iter->path().filename()) != dirSkipList.end()))
					// Skip the iteration of current directory pointed by iterator
					// Boost Fileystsem  API to skip current directory iteration
					// c++17 Filesystem API to skip current directory iteration
					// Add the name in vector

				error_code ec;
				// Increment the iterator to point to next entry in recursive iteration
				if (ec) {
					std::cerr << "Error While Accessing : " << iter->path().string() << " :: " << ec.message() << 'n';
	catch (std::system_error & e)
		std::cerr << "Exception :: " << e.what();
	return listOfFiles;
int main()
	std::string dirPath = "/home/user/study";

	// Get recursive list of files in given directory and its sub directories
	std::vector<std::string> listOfFiles = getAllFilesInDir(dirPath);

	// Iterate over the vector and print all files
	for (auto str : listOfFiles)
		std::cout << str << std::endl;

	std::cout << "**********************" << std::endl;

	// Get recursive list of files in given directory and skip given folders
	listOfFiles = getAllFilesInDir(dirPath, { ".svn", "logs" });

	for (auto str : listOfFiles)
		std::cout << str << std::endl;

To compile the above example use following command on linux,

g++ -std=c++11 example.cpp -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system

Sample example can be compiled with c++17 file system after replacing header file and namespace as mentioned above. To compile it in c++17, use following command,

g++-7 –std=c++17 example.cpp -lstdc++fs



Quantity 123.090,00