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Learn how to – Top 10 Courses for Learning Git / GitLab Version Control

Learn how to – Top 10 Courses for Learning Git / GitLab Version Control.

In IT or any other discipline where working with computers is familiar, you might come across several problems when working. Some of the issues might be a file getting corrupt, changes in a file getting lost due to technical defects or human errors, losing track of who created which version or changed a file, or any other challenge when collaborating with your work colleagues. Also, if a team works on a shared folder with many documents, it will become challenging to manage. When programmers are developing software, it would be cumbersome to continually contact their team members, asking to add their files or codes. Thus, it is clear that in these situations, there is a need for a system that protects the master documents which a team or a person is working on while offering maximum productivity. In this case, a Git/GitLab Version control is the best solution to these problems.

What is Version Control?

During a software development project, developers continually modify the codebase. Thus, Version control, also known as source control, is a software category for managing code or project modification. It is responsible for tracking the changes made to the software code over time and keeping the data in a particular database. If an error occurs, the developers can turn back to the stored data to compare the earlier versions of the code with the current one, point out the error, and quickly fix it. It creates a single source of truth on the history of software development regarding who changed which part, at what time, and the date, allowing the programmers to roll back to the previous versions if needed.

Advantages of Version Control

  • Keeping a long-term change history: Every change made on a file or code over the years is tracked, recorded, and kept with the help of version control. Some changes include deletion, creation, or edits in a file.
  • Collaborations: The version Control System keeps multiple work streams independently and provides a way to merge the work. Thus, a team of members can work concurrently on one source code without affecting each other’s work through the branching and merging features in version control systems.
  • Efficiency and Accuracy: Since you can use version control to create new product features and fix errors without affecting the main source code, you can test your code safely without worrying about putting the whole project in danger. Also, fixing bugs from the earlier versions makes it possible to develop accurate software.

Git / GitLab Version Control

Git is known as a version control system that tracks modifications or changes made in a computer file. It is a distributed tool commonly used for managing software development cycles. It enables a couple of developers to work together on a single source code without distracting each other. Git is widely known for supporting non-linear development using its thousands of parallel branches. Gitlab is a famous open-source git repository with problem tracking, code reviews, wikis, activity feeds, and secured branches. It allows developers to collaborate and develop better software since they can effectively handle software development stages from planning, management, monitoring, and security of the project.

Some of the benefits of Git/Gitlab version control include the following:

  • Enable developers to track history.
  • It is possible to create backups for your project.
  • Git is a free and open-source version control tool.
  • Supports collaborations to allow the software developers to work faster and more effectively.
  • It makes branching much easier.
  • Git offers distributed development.

Why Learn Git / GitLab Version Control

Git/GitLab version control is, without a doubt, the most vital software skill you should acquire today. Learning how this tool works will enable you to develop your code quickly. Also, it will make it possible to work with others without altering the original file by tracking the changes made by fellow team members. It is a crucial skill set for developers working on source code files or within DevOps to implement CI/CD, but it could also be applied to manage updates to documents of any type. To learn more about Git version control, join the following video courses.

Top 10 Courses for Learning Git / GitLab Version Control

In this article, let’s look at the best video courses you can use to gain more knowledge on Git / GitLab Version Control.

1. Git Complete: The definitive, step-by-step guide to Git

Today’s software development cycle consists of an iterative process to finish a project. In the life cycle, different versions of the same build ensure that the customers, clients, or the market receive the most updated product or software. In that case, there is a need to keep tracking and managing the files based on the creation date, updates made, and written content. Git is one of the best software to automate these tasks and reduce human effort in managing the code or the project. In this course, you will learn Git version control system, from introduction to digging deep into detailed content. All you require is basic computer skills such as knowledge of software installation. Note that no prior knowledge is necessary for starting the course since the instructor is dedicated to taking you from essential to advanced content. Also, at the end of the video course, the students will gain a solid understanding and hands-on experience with Git and other related source control concepts. You will get a chance to explore the foundation commands required to start a new project managed by Git, then understand more topics on commits, making comparisons with Git, branching and merging, rebasing, stashing, and more. Join this 6 hours video course, enjoy the content, and receive a certificate of completion at the end.

Some of the topics covered in this fantastic course include:

  • Learning the fundamental concepts of the Git source control system
  • Get to step through the entire Git workflow
  • Creating branches and resolving merge conflicts 
  • Comparing the different states in Git and between branches and commits
  • Managing files with Git (move, rename, delete) and updating files contained outside Git
  • Creating and forking repositories on GitHub and pushing changes back after working on them locally

2. Git from Basics to Advanced: Practical Guide for Developers

Start with this course if you want to learn how to track changes in a file using Git. You will have an outstanding opportunity to learn Git from scratch to an advanced level with no specific requirements. Consider choosing this video course since it includes real-life cases and demonstrations in the available lessons. Remember that learning Git using video lessons is better than PowerPoint presentations since you will experience the exact function of the Git version control tool. Thus, after joining the course, the instructor will take you through the actual project from scratch while reviewing a variety of life scenarios on the video content. Note that this video course aims to help you tackle daily problems faced during software development and take you through Git as the solution to the issues. The instructor’s availability makes a training stand out, and this video course ensures the instructor is present to answer your questions through the Q&A section. From the 3.5 hours of the lessons, you will interact with a skilled teacher, relevant learning materials, and everything you need to know related to Git as a version control tool. You are guaranteed total concentration without boredom since each topic is separated from another, with each concept being explained in a straightforward approach. Start today and enjoy the Git learning process.

Learn the following from this top-rated course:

  • Introduction to Git version control tool.
  • Understand the critical concept of Git
  • Perform basic and advanced git operations
  • Managing branches and solving merge conflicts like a PRO
  • Working with GitHub
  • Managing Local and Remote repositories
  • Managing files with Git in your filesystem
  • Developing software in a team using git
  • Stepping through the entire Git workflow
  • Best practices for using Git
  • Processing of keeping Git history clean
  • Real-life cases of using git
  • Rebasing in Git

3. Git Learning Journey – Guide to Learn Git (Version Control)

Do you have the desire to understand Git version control? Start with this video course and achieve your goals. The Git learning process is made more accessible when you join a course that offers the exact skills you want. From this course, the creator has three important goals, including building a mental model of Git version control, providing simple explanations, and making how Git works tangible. In short, the author wants to ensure every student can get as much out of this course as possible. It is a perfect course for beginner developers without technical backgrounds, students in coding boot camps, experienced coders who want a Git refresher, university students, technical writers, product managers, and anyone who wants to know how Git works. To better understand the video course, you are taught Git version control from scratch in a visual and simple manner. Also, you will get a chance to learn some basics of Github. An added advantage is that you are introduced to one concept at a time, with the instructor gradually building the idea from the beginning to the end. From the 2 hours of the video, you will master Git, have access to 3 articles, and at the end of the video content, you will receive a certification of completion.

Enroll in this video course today and get a chance to cover these topics:

  • Learn version control
  • Master Git Version Control
  • Learn GitHub
  • understand distributed Version Control

4. Git & GitHub For Beginners – Master Git and GitHub (2021)

When you keep improving your skills or gaining new skillset, you will raise your chances of getting your dream job or becoming better when working on a project. This fantastic course can enhance your software development skills since you will learn the basics of Git, Git’s workflow, details on Github, and the connection between Git and GitHub. Keep in mind that you can start this video course anytime since no prior knowledge is needed. All you require is the determination and motivation to learn Git and Github. Consider having a computer with either Windows, Linux, or macOS operating system. It is the ultimate course with the most effective content for those who would like to quickly start using Git and acquire the skills that will make them confident when working on a project. Apart from Git and Github, the author has included more topics on Gitlab and SVN. It is the right course for computing students, computer science graduates, programmers, developers, or anyone who wants to learn the essentials of version control in Git and GitHub. Remember that you can always refer to the 9.5 video course since it has full lifetime access. More learning materials are provided from the available 2 articles and other additional resources. There is a certificate of completion for those who consistently follow the video content up to the end.

Get ready to cover the following topics:

  • Understand what is Version Control System (VCS )
  • Downloading & Installing Git Source Control System
  • Creating “First Git Project” (Initialize a Git Repository)
  • Learning the key concepts of Git Basic Workflow.
  • Understanding the difference between Git Untracked and Git Tracked files
  • Master the 3 stages: Working Directory, Git Staging Area, and Git Repository
  • Learning Git Common Commands – git status, git add, git commit, git log.
  • Reviewing Changes using git diff.
  • Removing a file from a Git Repository
  • Introduction to GitHub [*Remote* Version Control System]
  • Creating a GitHub account
  • Configuring Remote GitHub repository with Local Git
  • Learn Git Premium Content Visualization

5. Git Intuition – Beginning Source Control Management

Learning the most popular source control, Git, is one of the best decisions you can make in this digital era. Thus, this video course will teach you the foundations of Git and show you the advantages of working with the Git version control tool in real life. From the knowledge you will acquire in this course, you will gather enough confidence to use Git for hobby projects or when you get a job. Note that Git is an excellent tool that makes you work smart despite the level you are in your career. Also, learning Git will ensure your programming projects are more iterative. It is a great course that will take you through the fundamentals of Git commands and let you acquire skills to use the repositories hosted remotely. Prepare to learn how to set up Git in your respective operating system and how to resolve some of the problems you might face when using Git. Your instructor in this course will walk you through all the concepts smoothly and gently while explaining all the topics in detail. Thus, you have a golden chance to master version control and confidently use Git when working. To reinforce your learning journey, you will learn and then practice the knowledge you have gained through the provided exercises. Note that the author of the 2.5 hours video has over 10 years of experience as a professor, has worked with prominent companies and startups, and is willing to assist by ensuring you get great value from the lessons.

Here are some of the content you will cover in this video course:

  • Learn what source control management is and why it is used.
  • Understand the most common features of git to be productive for their first internship, hobby project, startup, or regular work.
  • Learn arguably the most popular source control system–‘git’ on the terminal
  • Know more about the internals of how it works (not typically talked about in tutorials)
  • Get hands-on experience, and learn how to become an advanced git user by understanding and developing a workflow with git.

6. Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub

When starting your learning journey on Git, taking a course that will guide you from scratch before advancing to complex concepts is crucial. Therefore, this video course first covers the core concepts in version control and then proceeds on Git and Github. You will become familiar with the overall theory and practice of using Git as the version control tool. Join this top-grade course and jump into basic and advanced concepts such as creating local and remote repositories, pulling, pushing, and adding features. No prior Git version control knowledge is required to enroll; all you need is basic computer skills and probably some command-line knowledge. It is the perfect course for anyone passionate about source control (especially Git and Github), programmers, developers, software engineers, IT managers, freelancers, or creative professionals. At the end of the video course, you will have a solid knowledge of Git and GitHub concepts and hands-on skills in version control. In the 2.5 hours video, you will acquire the skills you have always wanted, refer to the 2 articles and get a certificate of completion.

You will cover the following topics from this course:

  • Get a complete understanding of a version control system, including Git and GitHub theory.
  • Access theoretical and Practical concepts that cover the differences between Git & GitHub and their purposes.
  • Gain a practical hands-on guide to GitHub core concepts.
  • Understand what a repository is and the differences between local and remote storage.
  • Create GitHub repositories and push the local storage to the Remote repository.
  • Learning the basic and advanced Git commands, such as add, remove, commit, and checkout.
  • Understand how to create Branches, add, remove and merge branch concepts with practical implementations.
  • Learn the Git ‘staging area’ and how to interact with it.

7. Git & GitHub Masterclass

Git is a widely used and popular version control system in the world. Thus, most people, especially developers of all levels, should master how it works, its features, and its benefits. Due to the high application of new technologies, developers with Git knowledge are exposed to more opportunities compared to those who don’t know what it entails. Don’t worry since this course is a rescue for those with no previous Git experience and programmers at any level. Note that the dedicated instructor is determined to take you through everything from what a repository is to how you add your code. Also, you will appreciate this course since the author has included real-life development situations rather than focusing on theory content only. It is a well-structured course that allows students to follow and understand Git version control concepts easily. You only require an internet connection, motivation, and a Windows, Linux, or macOS computer. Gain knowledge on Git version control and GitHub from the 11.5 hours video with 2 additional articles. Remember that after completing the course, you will acquire a certificate of completion, which you can present to your current or future employer.

Here are the topics you will cover in this top-grade video course:

  • Using Git and GitHub in the way that modern development teams use them.
  • Understanding the ideal structure of a repository.
  • Learning how GitHub will enable great collaboration in a development team.
  • Mastering the git commands that will help you explore any repository.
  • Leveraging Markdown in your GitHub repositories.
  • Publishing your repositories on public websites through GitHub Pages.
  • Feeling comfortable contributing to a repository, whether open source or as part of your job.
  • Understanding how GitHub is the foundation for more advanced development practices such as CI/CD and DevOps.

8. Get Git Smart Course: Learn Git in Unity, SourceTree, GitHub

If you are willing and eager to learn Git version control, here is the right course. It is an engaging video course where the instructor shows you how to use Git step-by-step. You will work with an example, such as a game development project, to make learning easy and fun. At the end of this comprehensive lesson, you will learn how to protect your valuable work with Git version control. Also, the skilled instructor will walk you through common version control workflows, which you will require in day-to-day work life. Remember that no previous experience in version control, Git, or programming is required. An added advantage is that you will get plugged into a community of developers and a student chat group where you can connect with others with the same interests. Dive into learning the concept behind the Git version control system and how effective it is for developers, hobbyists, or anyone interested in the workings of the tool. Get your desired skills from the 4 hours of the video course and ultimately obtain a certificate after completing all the lessons.

Get ready to learn the following from this fantastic video course:

  • Understand the key concepts of the Git source control system
  • Installing git on Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Installing the slick visual tool SourceTree on Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Become aware of other visual tools, including GitKracken and GitHub Desktop
  • Using .gitignore files intelligently to track what matters
  • Creating “feature branches” to allow you to explore new ideas safely
  • How to “Push” your work to GitHub or BitBucket for backup & sharing
  • Understanding how to use the command line when necessary
  • Learn more about how the tool you use works by watching file changes
  • Get prepared to collaborate on your project with others professionally

9. Git & Github Master Course(2022)

Have you ever wondered how tech companies handle multiple versions of their projects? Well, this course will teach more about version control and how this concept is applied in these organizations and other fields. It has content designed for beginners who don’t have prior knowledge of Git version control. It also accommodates developers who are already working on projects and would like to improve their work using Git and Github. The instructor in this video course is a skilled data scientist with experience in programming; hence, he aims to help students and developers create solid foundations and become confident when working with version control systems. Enjoy the 11 hours of on-demand video with 90 quality videos divided into 15 sections to cover topics on Git and Git hub thoroughly. There is a practical hands-on experience to ensure the student understands all the content and quizzes that will test and enhance the acquired skills. Whether you are a web developer, data scientist, student, hobbyist, or programmer, you should consider having Git and Github toolkits on your computer. From this video course, you will learn everything you have desired in Git version control and have access to 6 articles for reference. Don’t forget that there is a certificate of completion at the end of the course.

Prepare to learn the following from this course:

  • Master Version Control Systems
  • Learn Git, the most popular VCS
  • Understand Git Workflow – Staging area, git commits, git diff
  • Branching – Creating and Merging Branches
  • Deploy a Git Repository on GitHub
  • Use GitHub Pages to deploy websites
  • Learn how to collaborate as a team
  • Move back and forth in the git timeline
  • Advanced Git Features – Rebasing, Stashing, Branching, Merge Conflicts
  • Project Work – Create a Web Portfolio

10. Learn Git by Doing: A step-by-step guide to version control

Experimental learning is the best method to learn the Git version control system. By the end of this course, it is guaranteed that you will acquire hands experience and be able to use version control on your project. The creator of this course believes in learning by doing and has designed the videos so that you follow the content and practices to reinforce the learned concepts. You will observe how Git works, code along and finally use the tool without assistance. Note that the course is divided into two major sections, including core competencies for students with no experience and advanced topics, which you will go through after acquiring a solid foundation from the first section. Sign up for this 1.5 hours video to learn Git today. Remember that there are 6 articles for reference and a certificate at the end as evidence that you have completed and learned from the course.

Topics covered in Learn Git by Doing course include:

  • Tracking and Modify projects using Git
  • Revert or Reset their project to a previous version
  • Creating multiple versions of a project and merging them
  • Collaborating and sharing projects using Github
  • Understanding when and why to use Git or GitHub for version control on a project
  • Recognizing when to use what Git command in the terminal
  • How to use advanced git commands for more complex tracking and editing scenarios

Final Thought

Git version control is an exciting tool that you should use when tracking changes made on a file or a source code. Hence, consider enrolling in one of the above video courses to learn more about Git and how you can apply it when working on a project alone or in a team. These excellent courses favor beginners, advanced users, and anyone interested in learning Git version control. Note that highly qualified instructors teach you, and you will have a great chance to earn a certificate after completing any video courses.

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