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The use of amprolium hydrochloride in poultry farms is increasingly becoming inevitable even as the demand for livestock products, including poultry, is fast expanding in Nigeria and across Africa as a result of population growth and increased urbanization.

Poultry farming is one of the fastest growing segments in the Agricultural industry in Nigeria. According to ThisDay Newspaper, Nigeria’s poultry industry is worth over N1.2tn as of 2017. Poultry farming in Nigeria is already and established and profitable business idea. The economy of Nigeria is mostly dependent on farming or agriculture sector.

Poultry farming in Nigeria can play a important role in the total national income of the country and fulfill the annual nutrition demands.

         From a market size perspective, Nigeria’s egg production is the largest in Africa followed by South Africa. Chicken importation (with the exception of day-old-chicks) was banned by Nigeria in 2003, which spurred growth in domestic poultry production and thus the use of amprolium in most poultry farms. The Nigerian poultry sector is extremely fragmented with most of the chicken raised in ‘backyards’ or on poultry farms with less than 1,000 birds.

        Amongst all kinds of poultry farming (chickens, turkeys, geese, and ducks), chicken is the most common one as farmers get a great number of chickens regularly either the egg for food or the farming meat. The high consumption of the end product; chicken and egg are in constant demand in the marketplace and even at various homes in Nigeria today and this makes poultry farming very lucrative as it seems to be a potent source of animal protein outside fish, pork and beef.

        Many new businesses require a large capital outlay, which is not within reach of most business owners. A typical startup business also takes a long time to produce a return on your investment. By contrast, a small-scale poultry business has a relatively low start-up cost and rapid returns. In contrast an adequate disease prevention program is essential to a profitable commercial poultry operation. Chronic diseases can reduce efficiency and increase costs. Although a disease prevention program may not show immediate returns on the investment, it will be profitable in the long term.

        An adequate disease prevention program is essential to a profitable commercial poultry operation. Chronic diseases can reduce efficiency and increase costs. Although a disease prevention program may not show immediate returns on the investment, it will be profitable in the long term.Diseases have consistently been a major limiting factor to profitable production. Some diseases result from egg transmission or organisms through the use of infected breeder flocks.

          One of such disease is Poultry Coccidiosis.Coccidiosis is caused by protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa, family Eimeriidae. Coccidia are almost universally present in poultry-raising operations, but clinical disease occurs only after ingestion of relatively large numbers of sporulated oocysts by susceptible birds. Both clinically infected and recovered birds shed oocysts in their droppings, which contaminate feed, dust, water, litter, and soil. Oocysts may be transmitted by mechanical carriers (eg, equipment, clothing, insects, farm workers, and other animals). Fresh oocysts are not infective until they sporulate; under optimal conditions (70°–90°F [21°–32°C] with adequate moisture and oxygen), this requires 1–2 days. The prepatent period is 4–7 days. Sporulated oocysts may survive for long periods, depending on environmental factors. Oocysts are resistant to some disinfectants commonly used around livestock but are killed by freezing or high environmental temperatures.

            Signs of coccidiosis range from decreased growth rate to a high percentage of visibly sick birds, severe diarrhea, and high mortality. Feed and water consumption are depressed. Weight loss, development of culls, decreased egg production, and increased mortality may accompany outbreaks. Mild infections of intestinal species, which would otherwise be classed as subclinical, may cause depigmentation and potentially lead to secondary infection, particularly Clostridium spp infection. Survivors of severe infections recover in 10–14 days but may never recover lost performance.

            Practical methods of management cannot prevent coccidial infection. Poultry that are maintained at all times on wire floors to separate birds from droppings have fewer infections; clinical coccidiosis is seen only rarely under such circumstances. Other methods of control are vaccination or prevention with anticoccidial drugs. So at VetPlanet we strongly recommend this approach with Kepro’s Amprolium is a coccidiostat (antiprotozoal) used for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves, sheep, goats, chickens (broilers and breeders) and other fowl such as turkeys.

KEPRO Amprolium 250 wsp

          Amprolium HCl is an anti-protozoal drug and in chemical structure analogue to thiamine (vitamin B1). It inhibits the use of thiamine by the protozoal parasites.

          Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp is a concentrated powder of Amprolium HCl, water-soluble for use in drinking water of poultry, calves, lambs, young goats, cattle and sheep. It is used as a preventive or therapeutic agent against Eimeria infections in poultry, especially E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina and E. praecox.

          It is effective against other protozoal infections like Histomoniasis (Blackhead) in turkeys and poultry; against coccidiosis in calves, sheep and goats; against amaebiasis in various species.

Coccidiosis prevention and Treatment  with Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp

           In spite of our best efforts, cases of clinical coccidiosis may occur from time to time.Outbreaks of coccidiosis in breeder pullets may occur due to indirect causes, for example, birds immuno-compromised or with a deficient immune system (regardless of the cause) are more likely to suffer from outbreaks of coccidiosis, particularly when diseases like infectious bursal disease, Marek’s disease, infectious chicken anaemia or feed contaminated with mycotoxins have depressed the immune system.

          Kepro Amrolium 250 wsp are given in the feed to prevent disease and the economic loss often associated with subacute infection. Prophylactic use is preferred, because most of the damage occurs before signs become apparent and because drugs cannot completely stop an outbreak. Therapeutic treatments are usually given by water because of the logistical restraints of feed administration.

  The natural development of immunity to coccidiosis may proceed during the use of Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp in the feed. Natural immunity is important in replacement layer pullets, because they are likely to be exposed to coccidial infections for extended periods after termination of anticoccidial drugs. Anticoccidial programs for layer and breeder flocks are intended to allow immunizing infection while guarding against acute outbreaks.


For oral administration of Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp via feed or drinking water;

* Poultry : 100 – 150 g per 100 litres of drinking water during 5 – 7 days, followed by 25 g per 100 litres of drinking water during 1 or 2 weeks. During treatment medicated drinking water should be the only source of drinking water.

* Calves, lambs, kids : 3 g per 20 kg bodyweight as drench during 1 – 2 days, followed by 7.5 kg per 1,000 kg of feed during 3 weeks.

* Cattle, sheep : 3 g per 20 kg bodyweight during 5 days (via drinking water).

Mixed with feed, the product should be used immediately. Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours.

If no improvement is noted within 3 days, evaluate the symptoms to determine the presence of other diseases. Follow the instructions of Vetplanets veterinarians or poultry pathologist.


The Long-term use of amprolium in poultry and in very veryhigh doses may result in delayed growth or poly-neuritis (caused by reversible thiamine deficiency). The development of natural immunity may be delayed.

The use of amprolium in poultry should not be combined with other medicines like antibiotics and feed additives.


Do not use Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp in layers producing eggs for human consumption.


Store Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp  in a dry, dark place between 2 °C and 25 °C.

Store in closed packing.

Keep medicine away from children.


Each Kepro Amprolium 250 wsp Contains per g:

Amprolium HCl 250 mg


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