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Are you looking for the Airtel 5GB Free Data Number? This post gives answers to the major questions you may have about this.

If you are an existing Airtel sim card user or you want to get a new Airtel sim card, then you are lucky because an Airtel 5GB data plan can be obtained easily with just a code.

To claim the amazing bundle offer, you have to use the Airtel 5GB free data number.

So, read this article to the end if you want to know how to obtain and enjoy the 5 GB of free Airtel data.

What is the Airtel 5G Free Data Number?

The Airtel 5G free data number is a coupon code that helps an Airtel user get data without spending a dime. Different coupon codes come with different methods of using them. This offer of 5 GB of free data from Airtel is available to all new users.

If you are a 3G user of Airtel and you want to switch to 4G, then this offer is for you. All you have to do is install the Airtel Thank app on your mobile device.

How To Get Free Airtel 5G on Airtel Thanks App

It is so simple to claim the free 5G Airtel data. Follow the steps below to claim these exciting offers.

  • Step 1: Download the Airtel Thanks app and install it on your mobile device.
  • Step 2: Sign up with your new registered Airtel number that you just upgraded to 4G.
  • Step 3: After signing up, log in to the Airtel Thanks app.
  • Step 4: After doing this, 5 Airtel free data coupon codes of 1 GB will be credited to your account.
  • Step 5: Redeem the code to enjoy 5GB of free data from AIRTEL.

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Above are the simple steps you can follow to claim 5 GB of free AIRTEL data. So claim this offer and start browsing with India’s fastest network, all for free.

How Can I Add 5GB of Data Coupon to My Airtel Account?

As I said earlier, you will receive 5 AIRTEL coupon codes with 1GB each in your account. To get the 5 GB of data from Airtel, all you need to do is claim the coupon. You need to apply through the following steps to claim the coupon code.

  • Step 1: Launch the Airtel Thanks app, then sign in.
  • Step 2: Go to the coupon section in my Airtel Thanks app. There you will find coupons with an Airtel 5GB free data number.
  • Step 3: Click on the “Redeem” option.
  • Step 4: Once you click “Redeem,” you will be credited with 1GB in your account.
  • Step 5: Apply the same steps for the five different coupons to claim 5GB of free data on Airtel.

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Can I Claim 4GB of Free Data On Airtel?

Yes, you can simply dial *141*567# and you will get your 4GB of free data.

Is It Safe To Use The Airtel 5GB Free Data Coupon Code?

This is a legit way to claim your coupon code, so it is safe. The Airtel free 5G data number is officially powered by Airtel and helps you use the internet without any charges.

Though Airtel is offering 5 GB of free data, it is still important to understand that it can be used and enjoyed at night.

How Can I Check My 5GB Data Balance?

To check your Airtel 5GB data balance, you need to enter a USSD code on your mobile phone or download the My Airtel Thanks app.

How Can I Activate Airtel 5G?

You will have to change your mobile settings. Go to your settings tab and select 5G network mode. Sometimes you may need to update your mobile software.

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Amazingly, Airtel users who received 5G internet connectivity on their mobile devices will not be charged a dime. For 4G users, you do not need to change your 4G sim to enjoy the features.

Is Airtel giving away 10 GB of data for free?

To be guaranteed to get 10 GB of free data with Airtel, you will simply dial Airtel’s free day number, 5999555.

Finally, to claim this offer, you need to redeem your Airtel 5G free data number.


Airtel 5G free data is one of the greatest offers Airtel has given to its customers to date.

All you need to do is download the Airtel Thanks app, where you will find your coupons. It is when you successfully claim the coupons that you will get your Airtel 5GB free data number.

It’s a wrap on the article. I know I have been detailed enough in explaining and outlining the steps of the Airtel 5G data plan number, how to download the Airtel Thanks app, and how to redeem the coupons.

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Co-Written with: Tunde Martins


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