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Learn how to – Install Linux Mint 21 – Step by Step With Screenshots

Learn how to – Install Linux Mint 21 – Step by Step With Screenshots.

Probably, Linux does not need much introduction. The Linux Kernel is at the heart of many individuals all over the world as it can be used on desktops, laptops, and servers, Android operating e.t.c. In other words, Linux is almost everywhere.

Although the ‘Year of the Linux desktop” has remained a delusion, many people happily use the Linux operating system on their desktop computers. Over the past years, many writers has ve shared their Linux experience and open-source tools to prove this.

Linux, a free and open-source operating system has given rise to several other distributions over time. The main reason for this, is to spread its wings to fence in a large community of users who have different preferences. These users range from desktop/home users to Enterprise users. The major Linux distributions are:

  • Debian: It is known to be the mother of several other distributions such as Ubuntu, Deepin, and Mint which have nourished as well. It uses APT as the default package manager
  • Ubuntu: This is a Linux distribution maintained by Canonical. It serves as a popular distribution for both intermediates and professionals. Since it was derived from Debian, It also uses APT as the package manager.
  • Gentoo: this Linux distribution is built for professionals and experts who highly consider the application they are working with. These people might be application developers, system and network admins e.t.c. It ships portage as the package manager.
  • OpenSUSE: It provides two SUSE branches i.e the SUSE Leap for desktop and enterprise use and the SUSE Tumbleweed, a rolling release with the latest software stacks and IDEs. It relies on Yast and the package manager.
  • Arch Linux: This is a lightweight Linux distro developed for experts. It gives users the freedom to customize the system as preferred. The default package manager is Pacman although AUR (Arch User Repository) can also be used.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: Commonly known as RHEL is a Linux distro for Enterprise and commercial use. It is preferred due to its stability and regular security patches that improve the security of the system.
  • Fedora: It holds a reputation for being the most user-friendly Linux distro with its simplicity. Fedora is based on RedHat and serves as a testing and development environment for Rhel-based applications.

This guide aims to demonstrate how to install Linux Mint 21 – Step by Step With Screenshots

What is Linux Mint?

Linux Mint is a well-known Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Although not that old, it has produced appealing and user-friendly releases well appreciated by both desktop users and professionals.

Linux Mint was started in 2006 by French developer Clement Lefebvre. With several pieces of research to add flavor, he developed Linux Mint 1.0 “Ada” which was released in August 2006.

In 2007, Linux Mint Linux Mint 2.1 and 2.2 were released, with a full set of multimedia codecs. This highly improved its reputation. In the same year, Linux Mint 3.0 “Cassandra” was also released as the first version displaying the Mint logo.

Over time, several versions were made, in the year 2010, Mint 8 “Helena”. was released. This version attracted several Windows users with the launch of Windows Vista a few years earlier. The development process continued, with other releases following such as Mint 12 “Lisa” in 2011, Mint 13 “Maya” in 2012, Mint 15 “Olivia” in 2013, Mint 16 “Petra” in 2013, Mint 17 “Quiana” in 2014, Mint 18 “Sarah” in 2017 e.t.c

The latest release version currently is Linux Mint 21“Vanessa” a Long Term Release that will be supported till 2027. This release version features a Linux kernel 5.15 and the Ubuntu 22.04 package base.

What’s new in Linux Mint 21?

There are several other amazing features and improvements that include:

  • Blueman Bluetooth Manager: The release has shipped the Blueberry Bluetooth manager for Blueman with the main aim to manage the Bluetooth settings. This includes sharing data across various devices. This tool works perfectly and can also be used from the command-line
  • Improved File Browser Thumbnails: The new release has focused on performance stability, and introducing the xapp-thumbnailers which aim to improve the users’ experience. This is due to the fact that most users fail to recognize a file instead of a thumbnail, all they see is a question mark.
  • Process Monitor: At times useful automated tasks might turn out unpleasing by affecting the system’s performance. In Linux Mint 21, you are able to detect the automated updates and system snapshots that run in the background.
  • Sticky Notes Options: Sticky notes are available with the ability to duplicate notes.
  • Cinnamon 5.4: Muffin now based on Mutter 3.36 is the default window manager for the Linux Mint Cinnamon 5.4 used on Linux Mint 21. It has updates on the display server, window manager e.t.c.
  • Printing and Scanning improvements: It uses IPP(Driverless Printing and Scanning protocol) which is able to communicate with printers and scanners without drivers

Now let’s dive in!. This guide works best with the following:

  • Memory – 2GB RAM although 4GB is recommended for a comfortable usage
  • Disk space – 20GB of disk space, 100GB recommended
  • Resolution – 1024×768 resolution, on lower resolutions, press ALT to drag windows with the mouse if they don’t fit on the screen
  • USB stick(Physical machine installation)

Having met the above requirements, proceed as shown below.

#1. Create the Linux Mint 21 ISO Bootable Media

To be able to install Linux Mint 21 ISO, you need to download the ISO file. This can be obtained from the Linux Mint downloads page.

Select the preferred Edition, Linux Mint provides:

  • Cinnamon: a modern, innovative, and full-featured desktop
  • MATE: more traditional, but faster desktop
  • Xfce: this is the most lightweight desktop

CLI download:

### Cinnamon ###
wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/linuxmint/stable/21.1/linuxmint-21.1-cinnamon-64bit.iso

### XFCE ###
wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/linuxmint/stable/21.1/linuxmint-21.1-xfce-64bit.iso

### Mate ###
wget https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/linuxmint/stable/21.1/linuxmint-21.1-mate-64bit.iso

Once you have the ISO file, create a bootable medium ot be used for installation on a Physical machine such as a Laptop/PC.

You can use several methods to create the bootable medium for installation. The most popular tools are:

Form the Linux command line, you can create a bootable USB disk by executing the commands:

# Identify USB device#
sudo lsblk

# Flash Linux Mint 21 to USB drive#
sudo dd bs=4M if=./linuxmint-21-*-64bit.iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync

Remember to replace linuxmint-21-*-64bit.iso with the correct path of the ISO file and /dev/sdX with the path of your USB disk.

#2. Create a Linux Mint 21 Virtual Machine

It is also possible to run Linux Mint 21 in a virtualized environment using Hypervisors such as VirtualBox, KVM, Xen, XCP-ng, or VMware. To achieve that, you need to create a virtual machine that meets the required specifications. This can be done as shown:

A. On VirtualBox

Begin by creating a new Virtual Machine.

Set the preferred memory size for the VM.

Create the hard disk for Linux Mint 21

Set the disk size.

Once the VM has been created, navigate to settings->storage and load the downloaded ISO file.

You will now have your Linux Mint 21 Vm ready for installation.

B. VMWare Workstation / Player

The process is also similar here, begin by creating a new VM.

Load the downloaded Linux Mint 21 ISO file.

Set the Type of Operating System.

Set the name of the VM

Proceed and create a hard disk for the Linux Mint VM.

After this, you are granted a preview of the made configurations. You can customize the hardware settings as preferred.

#3. Install Linux Mint 21 on PC | VMware|VirtualBox

After the above configurations have been made, you are set to begin the installation. On a physical system, insert the created disk into the machine and modify your boot options to boot from it. On VMWare/VirtualBox you are required to start the VM.

The installation will be launched with the below Linux Mint 21 splash screen.

Press enter to proceed with the first selected option. Linux Mint 21 will start in Live Mode with the installer on it

To install Linux Mint 21, click on Install Linux Mint and proceed as shown below:

A. Select Language and Keyboard

Select the preferred language.

Select the preferred keyboard.

B. Install multimedia codec

The next option requires you to agree to the multimedia codec installation. This is required to play some videos. If you aren’t connected to the internet, you will be required to choose the network.

C. Disk Partitioning

You will be required to choose the installation type. You can choose to Erase disk and install Linux Mint if this is a fresh installation or you probably want to wipe everything on the disk.

This option also offers Advanced features if you want to use LVM partitions

If you have another operating system on the disk, you can select Something else

Here you are able to specify the partitions you want to use.

You need to create a partition and mount it on root /directory.

Also, create the swap partition of the remaining space. This will be used for hibernation and as a safety buffer when your computer runs out of RAM.

Next, create an EFI system partition.

You also need to create a Reserved BIOS area of at least 1MB in size.

Once the desired configurations have been made, click on Install Now

Agree for the changes to be written to the disk.

D. Timezone

Select the location where you are.

E. User Creation

You need to create a system user and password and also set the name for the system.

F. Install the Base System

Once the required details have been provided, click continue and the installation will begin as shown.

Sit back and wait for the installation to complete. Once the installation is complete, you will be notified as shown.

G. Reboot the System

Click on Restart now, and eject the installation media to allow the system to boot from the hard disk now.

#4. Post-installation – Basic Linux Mint 21 Activities

When the system reboots, login using the created user.

Take a tour to familiarize yourself with the Linux Mint21 features and tools.

Once complete, you will be able to see the amazing Linux Mint 21 desktop.

To verify the installation, launch the terminal and install the neofetch tool

sudo apt install neofetch

Now verify the installation as shown:

Update the system and its available packages to the latest versions:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

Sample Output:

Install and preferred tool such as the Vim Text Editor;

sudo apt install vim

Recommended Learning Materials for Linux System Administration:


Linux Mint 21 being available in three distinct distillations: Flagship Cinnamon edition (Cinnamon desktop environment), Xfce edition (Xfce desktop environment), and MATE edition (with MATE desktop environment) makes it highly usable for large group of users. We hope this guide helped you in your installation and usage of Linux Mint 21 release.

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