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Learn how to – “My Favorite Chaperone” By Jean Davies Okimoto Book Review

Learn how to – “My Favorite Chaperone” By Jean Davies Okimoto Book Review.


“My Favorite Chaperone” by Jean Davies is a short story. The plot deals with the problems of immigrants in the USA. But it’s only what we see on the surface. The book also touches on more in-depth issues such as growing up, relationships in a family, cultural differences, etc. Even though the events and feelings described are not all sunny and happy, the book’s overall mood is cheerful.

What You Need To Know About The Background

Jean Davies Okimoto is not only a talented writer, but she is also a therapist. That is what you need to know about the story of creation. It is a secret to her deep and detailed characters’ personalities. She sees the souls and can reveal emotions and inner conflicts hidden deep inside people. Okimoto often writes about the mundane struggles of modern adolescents like Maya (the protagonist of “My Favorite Chaperone”).

However, the book’s main idea is how a teenager deals with the challenges of being an immigrant in the USA. To explain and uncover the problem, the author

gives readers detailed dialogues of interactions between the main heroine and her family and friends. For more details, read our book review.

Summary: Basics To Consider

Now it’s time for the plot review. The plot focuses on a Kazakh family that moved to the United States after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The daughter of Maya plays the role of the narrator. From her, we learn about the reasons and ways of moving. Aunt Madina met an American through a dating magazine and soon married him. Maya’s parents, who were teachers, lost their jobs due to a government budget deficit. 

When the house was empty, and the family had no means of subsistence, they decided to move. In the new country, every family member faced new challenges. To know what were the new problems, you might read my favorite chaperone summary and take a deeper look into foreigners’ lives in the USA. To kill two birds with one stone, you can also find a paper sample and learn how to structure your college assignments properly. Modern writing services can be students’ best friends on the way to higher education.

Important Quotes

Haven’t you read the book, but would you like to get closer to understanding its meaning? Or are you going to write an essay? Start with reading quotes.

They can give you some thought and help you draw your conclusions:

  • Here are a few that describe the plot and characters’ feelings brightly.
  • In America, things can change for people, and many people always seem to have hope.
  • It felt like our family huddled together on a tiny island in the middle of a great American sea.
  • I couldn’t fault him for fighting with Ossie Nishizono. Such a mean boy – he’d been teasing Nurzhan without mercy for not speaking well and mispronouncing things.
  • Nurzhan was sitting on a chair in the corner. He looked like a rabbit caught in a trap.

Main Concepts

So, what is the main idea of the book? It’s hard to pick the main one because the characters face many problems. As the plot develops, the reader understands that the parents of the main heroine are suppressed. Back home, they were teachers and respected people. In the United States, they became service personnel.

Brother Maya faces bullying at school. He is teased for poor language skills and pronunciation errors. He also stands out because of his nationality.

Cultural differences also play evil tricks. Children’s leisure after school causes confusion among Maya’s parents. Even Maya is surprised that men in the US can help their wives around the house. Characters take time to adapt to new conditions.

Plot Development

Anxiety arises because the narrator wants to go to the Spring Fling, but she knows that her parents will not let her do it. The narrator’s parents are new to American culture and conservative.

The story’s high point occurs when Nurzhan, in exchange for chaperoning Maya, is given written permission to take her to a dance. The climax of the narrative is when Maya’s mother gives her a bracelet she wore to dance when she was sixteen.

Main And Secondary Characters

Maya is the protagonist of the story. She is a young but smart, thoughtful, and kind girl who is always ready to help her family.

Papa and mama – Maya’s parents – are described as conservative individuals having a hard time in a new country. Nurzhan is Maya’s brother, who has trouble at school.

Several secondary characters are used to make the story deeper and more detailed. We talk about the girls’ teachers. For example, Ms. Coe – is Maya’s language arts teacher and gymnastics coach. Mr. Zabornik, the custodian, a Hungarian immigrant, also falls into this category. He explains to Maya that similar problems always exist for immigrants, and she must overcome them.


Have you ever wondered how foreign-born people see the United States? Think about how much time and work it took for them to get here. The United States would not be the same without its immigrant population. They go here searching for a better life, whether it be a flourishing new company, a loving spouse, or a prestigious academic institution. They have difficulties on their way to a dream life. The struggles of language, culture, and work are only a few topics in Jean Davis Okimoto’s book.



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