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Learn how to – Top 5 Books For Novice IT-specialists

Learn how to – Top 5 Books For Novice IT-specialists.

In the modern world, the profession of an IT specialist is becoming more and more popular, and the demand for it is unlikely to ever decrease. Therefore, there are a large number of training courses, retraining courses for specialists and even special academies. Where to start? How to get acquainted with the world of IT technologies? Of course, with the help of books!

Thanks to the speed of the modern world, a huge number of people can change their profession in less than a year. Just think, yesterday you worked in a prestige car repairing service center, but today you decided that it is time to change something. Of course working in the field of car repairing service is also extremely effective and profitable today, especially if we speak about such services as Ecareauto, but once there some moment appears when you have to change car scanning and diagnostics to diagnostics of computers and operating systems and change your life! Your life is in your hands! Well, we will tell you where to start, according to the opinion of experienced specialists.

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“Design Patterns” by Eric Freeman, Elizabeth Freeman

Let’s start our list with the book “Design Patterns”. This book will be useful not only for beginners, but also for those who already have some experience in the field of programming. This book provides a wide range of exhaustive and very understandable explanations and examples, for beginners, a bright explanatory picture is drawn, while experienced ones. Before purchasing, it is important to know that the book focuses on Java, but almost all users on the web note that this is not a big problem for PHP programmers.

“Clean Code” by Robert Martin

This book, as it can be understood from its title, teaches you to write code cleanly, without unnecessary details. Write so that the code is clear and easy to read. This book will teach you the system and structure in the coding process, make your work better or teach you how to start correctly. Here you will find a huge amount of professional advice – from the length and expressiveness of names to the contents of functions. You can meet criticism of this edition by experienced specialists, however, if you are a beginner and need the basics, this book will be very useful.

“Algorithms: Construction and Analysis” by Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson

This is exactly what every future professional should read. By buying this book, you get a well-structured and very large reference book on all the basic algorithms with detailed and understandable examples. It will be useful both for understanding the work of algorithms built into programming languages, and for designing your own. You can find as many as three editions of this book. In the latest edition, the chapters on sorting networks and binomial heaps were removed and changes were made to the syntax of the pseudocode. Due to the relevance, it is recommended to choose the latest editions.

“The Art of Programming” by Donald Knuth

This is a theoretical publication that has been created for many decades! From here you will gain a lot of knowledge about mathematics, aspects of various algorithms and data structures. This edition is far from easy to perceive, because if it seems easy to you, then you are definitely a cool specialist with a serious level! Well, beginners will plunge into the world of programming right off the bat.

“Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman

Of course, in addition to purely professional literature, programmers should pay attention to working with social communication. The work of any programmer, of course, is somehow connected with communicating with people. Emotional intelligence is important in such communication. This book tells in detail about what it is and how it happens.


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